1,234 research outputs found

    Resonant plasma excitation by single-cycle THz pulses

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    In this paper, an alternative perspective for the generation of millimetric high-gradient resonant plasma waves is discussed. This method is based on the plasma-wave excitation by energetic single-cycle THz pulses whose temporal length is comparable to the plasma wavelength. The excitation regime discussed in this paper is the quasi-nonlinear regime that can be achieved when the normalized vector potential of the driving THz pulse is on the order of unity. To investigate this regime and determine the strength of the excited electric elds, a Particle-In-Cell (PIC) code has been used. It has been found that by exploiting THz pulses with characteristics currently available in laboratory, longitudinal electron plasma waves with electric gradients up to hundreds MV/m can be obtained. The mm-size nature of the resonant plasma wave can be of great utility for an acceleration scheme in which high-brightness electron bunches are injected into the wave to undergo a strong acceleration. The long-size nature of the acceleration bucket with respect to the short length of the electron bunches can be handled in a more robust manner in comparison with the case when micrometric waves are employed

    Prevalence and distribution of endodontic treatments and apical periodontitis in an Italian population sample

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    This study was undertaken to investigate for the first time the distribution and prevalence of apical periodontitis and its determinants in an Italian population. A total of 312 participants (191 women, 121 men) received free clinical examination and full-mouth digital X-ray. Data regarding the oral health status of the patients were collected such as the reason for the visit and the incidence of lesions. We examined 8101 teeth, 6.59% of which had been submitted to endodontic treatment and 15.02% of which were lower molars. Lower molars were reported missing more frequently, in detail 16.24%. Moreover 3.89% of the lower molars had developed an apical lesion, whereas only 0.08% of the lower incisors. Periapical lesions were present in 0.29% of not endodontically treated teeth, while in endodontically treated teeth lesions were present in 17.04%. Additionally, 15.65% of the endodontically treated teeth showed incongruous (long or short) seals. A prevalence of women (61.21%) over men (38.78%) was reported indicating that women attend to their oral health more. Endodontic treatment success and failure in over- or under-filled teeth was evaluated with success being verified in 97% of appropriately treated teeth; the success rate decreases in inappropriately treated teeth (by 72.73% in over-filled and 77.71% under-filled teeth). The prevalence of teeth with periapical lesions amounted to 1.35%. Finally, endodontically treated teeth with periapical lesions amounted to 17.04%. Successful treatment can be achieved when disease is intercepted at an early stage while prevention still remains better than cur

    Acoustic Reconstruction of Eszterh\ue1za Opera House Following New Archival Research

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    The Eszterh\ue1za Opera House was a theatre built by the will of the Hungarian Prince Nikolaus Esterh\ue1zy in the second half of the 18th century that had to compete in greatness and grandeur against Austrian Empire. The composer that inextricably linked his name to this theatre was Haydn that served the prince and composed pieces for him for many years. The Opera House disappeared from the palace complex maps around 1865 and was destroyed permanently during the Second World War. This study aims to reconstruct the original shape and materials of the theatre, thanks to the documents founded by researchers in the library of the Esterh\ue1zy family at Forchtenstein, the Hungarian National Library, and analyze its acoustic behavior. With the 3D model of the theatre, acoustic simulations were performed using the architectural acoustic software Ramsete to understand its acoustical characteristics and if the architecture of the Eszterh\ue1za Opera House could favor the Prince\u2019s listening. The obtained results show that the union between the large volume of the theatre and the reflective materials makes the Opera House a reverberant space. The acoustic parameters are considered acoustically favorable both for the music and for the speech transmission too. Moreover, the results confirm that the geometry and the shape of the Eszterh\ue1za Opera House favored the Prince\u2019s view and listening, amplifying onstage voices and focusing the sound into his bo

    The biology and treatment of acute long-bones diaphyseal fractures: Overview of the current options for bone healing enhancement

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    Diaphyseal fractures represent a complex biological entity that could often end into impaired bone-healing, with delayed union and non-union occurring up to 10% of cases. The role of the modern orthopaedic surgeon is to optimize the fracture healing environment, recognize and eliminate possible interfering factors, and choose the best suited surgical fixation technique. The impaired reparative process after surgical intervention can be modulated with different surgical techniques, such as dynamization or exchange nailing after failed intramedullary nailing. Moreover, the mechanical stability of a nail can be improved through augmentation plating, bone grafting or external fixation techniques with satisfactory results. According to the “diamond concept”, local therapies, such as osteoconductive scaffolds, bone growth factors, and osteogenic cells can be successfully applied in “polytherapy” for the enhancement of delayed union and non-union of long bones diaphyseal fractures. Moreover, systemic anti-osteoporosis anabolic drugs, such as teriparatide, have been proposed as off-label treatment for bone healing enhancement both in fresh complex shaft fractures and impaired unions, especially for fragility fractures. The article aims to review the biological and mechanical principles of failed reparative osteogenesis of diaphyseal fractures after surgical treatment. Moreover, the evidence about the modern non-surgical and pharmacological options for bone healing enhancement will discussed

    Complications and Intraoperative Fractures in Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty: A Systematic Review

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    Introduction: The reverse shoulder arthroplasty is nowadays a treatment option for a variety of shoulder problems. As its incidence rose, also the number of complications increased, including intraoperative fractures. Significance: We performed a systematic review and critical analysis of the current literature following the PRISMA guidelines. Our purpose was to: 1) determine incidence, causes, and characteristics of intraoperative fractures; 2) evaluate their current treatment options, possible related complications, reoperation rates, and the patients’ outcome; and 3) determine the overall incidence of each complication related to reverse shoulder arthroplasty. The articles were selected from PubMed medical database in April 2020 using a comprehensive search strategy. Rayyan software was used to support the selection process of the records. A descriptive and critical analysis of the results was performed. Results: The study group included a total of 13,513 reverse shoulder arthroplasty procedures. The total number of complications was 1647 (rate 12.1%). The most common complication was dislocation (340 cases, rate 2.5%). Forty-six studies reported a total of 188 intraoperative fractures among the complications (rate 1.4%). The intraoperative fracture rate was 2.9% and 13.6% in primary and revision settings, respectively. There were 136 humeral fractures, 60% of them occurred in revision RSAs, during the removal of the previous implant, and involved the shaft in the majority of cases (39%). Glenoid fractures were 51 and occurred mostly during the reaming of the glenoid. We observed 7 further related complications (rate of 4%) and 3 reoperations (rate of 1.5%). The outcome was satisfactory in the majority of cases. Conclusions: A comprehensive review on intraoperative fractures in reverse shoulder arthroplasties is presented. Results suggest favorable outcomes for all treatment methods, with a modest further complication rate. This investigation may aid in the treatment decision-making for these complications

    Impact of total automation consolidating first-line laboratory tests on diagnostic blood loss

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    Background: Blood loss for laboratory testing may contribute to hospital-acquired anemia. When implementing the core laboratory (core-lab) section, we consolidated first-line tests decreasing the number of tubes previously dispatched to different sites. Here, hypothesized benefits of the amount of blood volume drawn were explored. Methods: We retrieved, using a laboratory information system (LIS), the number of tubes received by laboratories interested in the change from all clinical wards in a year-based period, i.e. 2013 for pre-core-lab and 2015 for core-lab system, respectively. Data were expressed as the overall number of tubes sent to laboratories, the corresponding blood volume, and the number of laboratory tests performed, normalized for the number of inpatients. Results: After consolidation, the average number of blood tubes per inpatient significantly decreased (12.6 vs. 10.7, p\u2009<\u20090.001). However, intensive care units (ICUs) did not reduce the number of tubes per patient, according to the needs of daily monitoring of their clinical status. The average blood volume sent to laboratories did not vary significantly because serum tubes for core-lab required higher volumes for testing up to 55 analytes in the same transaction. Finally, the number of requested tests per patient during the new osystem slightly decreased ( 122.6%). Conclusions: Total laboratory automation does not automatically mean reducing iatrogenic blood loss. The new system affected the procedure of blood drawing in clinical wards by significantly reducing the number of handled tubes, producing a benefit in terms of costs, labor and time consumption. Except in ICUs, this also slightly promoted some blood saving. ICUs which engage in phlebotomizing patients daily, did not take advantage from the test consolidation

    Developmental expression of BMP4/ALK3/SMAD5 signaling pathway in the mouse testis: a potential role of BMP4 in spermatogonia differentiation

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    It is well established that the c-kit gene plays an essential role in the proliferation of differentiating spermatogonia in prepuberal mice. However, the mechanisms that regulate the onset of spermatogenesis, i.e. differentiation of spermatogonial stem cells and c-kit expression, are poorly understood. Here we identify a novel signal transduction system in mouse prepuberal testis regulating this developmental event, involving bone morphogenetic protein 4 (BMP4) and its transduction machinery. BMP4 is produced by Sertoli cells very early in the postnatal life and is successively down regulated in peri-puberal Sertoli cells. Its receptor Alk3 and the R-Smad Smad5 are specifically expressed both in proliferating primordial germ cells and in postnatal spermatogonia. BMP4 stimulation of cultured spermatogonia induces Smad4/5 nuclear translocation and the formation of a DNA-binding complex with the transcriptional coactivator p300/CBP. In vitro exposure of undifferentiated spermatogonia to BMP4 exerts both mitogenic and differentiative effects, inducing [3H]thymidine incorporation and Kit expression. As a result of the latter event, Kit-negative spermatogonia acquire sensitivity to Stem Cell Factor
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