293 research outputs found

    Technical and economic analysis of the reconversion of an existing biogas plant to biomethane production: a case study.

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    The paper deals with the technical and economic analysis of a project aimed at transforming an existing plant, used for the anaerobic digestion of zoo-technical and agroforest biomass and including a CHP system of about 1 MW of electric capacity, into a facility producing bio-methane for automotive and/or stationary power applications. A comparison of different biogas upgrading technologies is performed, aimed at selecting the technology most appropriate to the size and typology of application under evaluation. Similarly, an analysis is performed to evaluate the opportunity of installing a bio-methane liquefaction facility, to simplify the management and transportation of the fuel, to be used in vehicles. The economic analysis is performed by considering the incentives presently available in Italy for bio-methane producers. Different scenarios are analyzed and discussed, and it was concluded that the conversion of the existing plant into a facility to produce bio-methane to be liquified and sold as fuel for vehicles represents at this moment a very attractive and profitable option

    Metabolic Effects of the Intracellular Regulation of Thyroid Hormone: Old Players, New Concepts

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    Thyroid hormones (THs) are key determinants of cellular metabolism and regulate a variety of pathways that are involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins in several target tissues. Notably, hyperthyroidism induces a hyper-metabolic state characterized by increased resting energy expenditure, reduced cholesterol levels, increased lipolysis and gluconeogenesis followed by weight loss, whereas hypothyroidism induces a hypo-metabolic state characterized by reduced energy expenditure, increased cholesterol levels, reduced lipolysis and gluconeogenesis followed by weight gain. Thyroid hormone is also a key regulator of mitochondria respiration and biogenesis. Besides mirroring systemic TH concentrations, the intracellular availability of TH is potently regulated in target cells by a mechanism of activation/inactivation catalyzed by three seleno-proteins: type 1 and type 2 iodothyronine deiodinase (D1 and D2) that convert the biologically inactive precursor thyroxine T4 into T3, and type 3 iodothyronine deiodinase (D3) that inactivates TH action. Thus, the pleiotropic effects of TH can fluctuate among tissues and strictly depend on the cell-autonomous action of the deiodinases. Here we review the mechanisms of TH action that mediate metabolic regulation. This review traces the critical impact of peripheral regulation of TH by the deiodinases on the pathways that regulate energy metabolism and the balance among energy intake, expenditure and storage in specific target tissues

    Selective inhibition of genomic and non-genomic effects of thyroid hormone regulates muscle cell differentiation and metabolic behavior

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    Thyroid hormones (THs) are key regulators of different biological processes. Their action involves genomic and non-genomic mechanisms, which together mediate the final effects of TH in target tissues. However, the proportion of the two processes and their contribution to the TH-mediated effects are still poorly understood. Skeletal muscle is a classical target tissue for TH, which regulates muscle strength and contraction, as well as energetic metabolism of myofibers. Here we address the different contribution of genomic and non-genomic action of TH in skeletal muscle cells by specifically silencing the deiodinase Dio2 or the β3-Integrin expression via CRISPR/Cas9 technology. We found that myoblast proliferation is inversely regulated by integrin signal and the D2-dependent TH activation. Similarly, inhibition of the nuclear receptor action reduced myoblast proliferation, confirming that genomic action of TH attenuates proliferative rates. Contrarily, genomic and non-genomic signals promote muscle differentiation and the regulation of the redox state. Taken together, our data reveal that integration of genomic and non-genomic signal pathways finely regulates skeletal muscle physiology. These findings not only contribute to the understanding of the mechanisms involved in TH modulation of muscle physiology but also add insight into the interplay between different mechanisms of action of TH in muscle cells

    Thyroid hormone enhances angiogenesis and the warburg effect in squamous cell carcinomas

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    Cancer angiogenesis is required to support energetic demand and metabolic stress, particu-larly during conditions of hypoxia. Coupled to neo-vasculogenesis, cancer cells rewire metabolic programs to sustain growth, survival and long-term maintenance. Thyroid hormone (TH) signaling regulates growth and differentiation in a variety of cell types and tissues, thus modulating hyper proliferative processes such as cancer. Herein, we report that TH coordinates a global program of metabolic reprogramming and induces angiogenesis through up-regulation of the VEGF-A gene, which results in the enhanced proliferation of tumor endothelial cells. In vivo conditional depletion of the TH activating enzyme in a mouse model of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) reduces the concentration of TH in the tumoral cells and results in impaired VEGF-A production and atten-uated angiogenesis. In addition, we found that TH induces the expression of the glycolytic genes and fosters lactate production, which are key traits of the Warburg effect. Taken together, our results reveal a TH–VEGF-A–HIF1α regulatory axis leading to enhanced angiogenesis and glycolytic flux, which may represent a target for SCC therapy

    Germ Line Mutations in the Thyroid Hormone Receptor Alpha Gene Predispose to Cutaneous Tags and Melanocytic Nevi

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    Background: Many physiological effects of thyroid hormone (TH) are mediated by its canonical action via nuclear receptors (TH receptor α and β [TRα and TRβ]) to regulate transcription of target genes. Heterozygous dominant negative mutations in human TRα mediate resistance to thyroid hormone alpha (RTHα), characterized by features of hypothyroidism (e.g., skeletal dysplasia, neurodevelopmental retardation, constipation) in specific tissues, but near-normal circulating TH concentrations. Hitherto, 41 RTHα cases have been recorded worldwide. Methods: RTHα cases (n = 10) attending a single center underwent cutaneous assessment, recording skin lesions. Lesions excised from different RTHα patients were analyzed histologically and profiled for cellular markers of proliferation and oncogenic potential. Proliferative characteristics of dermal fibroblasts and inducible pluripotent stem cell (iPSC)-derived keratinocytes from patients and control subjects were analyzed. Results: Multiple skin tags and nevi were recorded in all cases, mainly in the head and neck area with a predilection for flexures. The affected patients had highly deleterious mutations (p.E403X, p.E403K, p.F397fs406X, p.A382PfsX7) involving TRα1 alone or mild/moderate loss-of-function mutations (p.A263V, p.L274P) common to TRα1 and TRα2 isoforms. In four patients, although lesions excised for cosmetic reasons were benign intradermal melanocytic nevi histologically, they significantly overexpressed markers of cell proliferation (K17, cyclin D1) and type 3 deiodinase. In addition, oncogenic markers typical of basal cell carcinoma (Gli-1, Gli-2, Ptch-1, n = 2 cases) and melanoma (c-kit, MAGE, CDK4, n = 1) were markedly upregulated in skin lesions. Cell cycle progression and proliferation of TRα mutation-containing dermal fibroblasts and iPSC-derived keratinocytes from patients were markedly increased. Conclusions: Our observations highlight frequent occurrence of skin tags and benign melanocytic nevi in RTHα, with cutaneous cells from patients being in a hyperproliferative state. Such excess of skin lesions, including nevi expressing oncogenic markers, indicates that dermatologic surveillance of RTHα patients, monitoring lesions for features that are suspicious for neoplastic change, is warranted

    The NANOG transcription factor induces type 2 deiodinase expression and regulates the intracellular activation of thyroid hormone in keratinocyte carcinomas

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    Type 2 deiodinase (D2), the principal activator of thyroid hormone (TH) signaling in target tissues, is expressed in cutaneous squamous cell carcinomas (SCCs) during late tumorigenesis, and its repression attenuates the invasiveness and metastatic spread of SCC. Although D2 plays multiple roles in cancer progression, nothing is known about the mechanisms regulating D2 in cancer. To address this issue, we investigated putative upstream regulators of D2 in keratinocyte carcinomas. We found that the expression of D2 in SCC cells is positively regulated by the NANOG transcription factor, whose expression, besides being causally linked to embryonic stemness, is associated with many human cancers. We also found that NANOG binds to the D2 promoter and enhances D2 transcription. Notably, blockage of D2 activity reduced NANOG-induced cell migration as well as the expression of key genes involved in epithelial–mesenchymal transition in SCC cells. In conclusion, our study reveals a link among endogenous endocrine regulators of cancer, thyroid hormone and its activating enzyme, and the NANOG regulator of cancer biology. These findings could provide the basis for the development of TH inhibitors as context-dependent anti-tumor agents