3,504 research outputs found

    Dose of colistin. a work in progress?

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    We thank Rashid and colleagues [1] and Honoré and colleagues [2] for their comments regarding our article on risk factors for acute kidney injury in pa- tients receiving colistin or other nephrotoxic antimi- crobials [3]. It is correct that we did not specifically report urine output in the text, but it was obviously included in the RIFLE (Risk, Injury, Failure, Loss of kidney function, and End-stage kidney disease) criteria reported in Table two [3]

    Evolutionary neurocontrol: A novel method for low-thrust gravity-assist trajectory optimization

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    This article discusses evolutionary neurocontrol, a novel method for low-thrust gravity-assist trajectory optimization

    Comparison of stroke volume measurement between non-invasive bioreactance and esophageal Doppler in patients undergoing major abdominal-pelvic surgery

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    PURPOSE: Bioreactance is a non-invasive technology for measuring stroke volume (SV) in the operating room and critical care setting. We evaluated how the NICOM¼ bioreactance device performed against the CardioQ¼ esophageal Doppler monitor in patients undergoing major abdominal–pelvic surgery, focusing on the effect of different hemodynamic interventions. METHODS: SVNICOM and SVODM were simultaneously measured intraoperatively, including before and after interventions including fluid challenge, vasopressor boluses, peritoneal gas insufflation/removal, and Trendelenburg/reverse Trendelenburg patient positioning. RESULTS: A total of 768 values were collected from 21 patients. Pre- and post-intervention measures were recorded on 155 occasions. Bland–Altman analysis revealed a bias of 8.6 ml and poor precision with wide limits of agreement (54 and −37 ml) and a percentage error of 50.6%. No improvement in precision was detected after taking into account repeated measurements for each patient (bias: 8 ml; limits of agreement: 74 and −59 ml). Concordance between changes in SVNICOM and SVODM before and after interventions was also poor: 78.7% (all measures), 82.4% (after vasopressor administration), and 74.3% (after fluid challenge). Using Doppler SV as the reference technique, the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve assessing the ability of the NICOM device to predict fluid responsiveness was 0.81 (0.7–0.9). CONCLUSIONS: In patients undergoing major abdomino-pelvic surgery, SV values obtained by NICOM showed neither clinically or statistically acceptable agreement with those obtained by esophageal Doppler. Although, in the setting of this study, bioreactance technology cannot reliably replace esophageal Doppler monitoring, its accuracy for predicting fluid responsiveness was higher, up to approximately 80%

    Minimal Measures, one dimensional currents and the Monge-Kantorovich Problem

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    Multimarginal Optimal Transport Maps for 1-Dimensional Repulsive Costs

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    Multimarginal Optimal Transport Maps for one dimensional Repulsive Costs

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    We study a multimarginal optimal transportation problem in one dimension. For a symmetric, repulsive cost function, we show that given a minimizing transport plan, its symmetrization is induced by a cyclical map, and that the symmetric optimal plan is unique. The class of costs that we consider includes, in particular, the Coulomb cost, whose optimal transport problem is strictly related to the strong interaction limit of Density Functional Theory. In this last setting, our result justifies some qualitative properties of the potentials observed in numerical experiments

    YODA++: A proposal for a semi-automatic space mission control

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    YODA++ is a proposal for a semi-automated data handling and analysis system for the PAMELA space experiment. The core of the routines have been developed to process a stream of raw data downlinked from the Resurs DK1 satellite (housing PAMELA) to the ground station in Moscow. Raw data consist of scientific data and are complemented by housekeeping information. Housekeeping information will be analyzed within a short time from download (1 h) in order to monitor the status of the experiment and to foreseen the mission acquisition planning. A prototype for the data visualization will run on an APACHE TOMCAT web application server, providing an off-line analysis tool using a browser and part of code for the system maintenance. Data retrieving development is in production phase, while a GUI interface for human friendly monitoring is on preliminary phase as well as a JavaServerPages/JavaServerFaces (JSP/JSF) web application facility. On a longer timescale (1–3 h from download) scientific data are analyzed. The data storage core will be a mix of CERNs ROOT files structure and MySQL as a relational database. YODA++ is currently being used in the integration and testing on ground of PAMELA data. 2005 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of COSPAR

    Storage Solutions for Renewable Production in Household Sector

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    Abstract The penetration of renewable sources, particularly wind and solar, into the grid has been increasing in recent years. As a consequence, there have been serious concerns over reliable and safety operation of power systems. One possible solution, to improve grid stability, is to integrate energy storage devices into power system network: storing energy produced in periods of low demand to later use, ensuring full exploitation of intermittent available sources. Focusing on stand-alone photovoltaic (PV) energy system, energy storage is needed with the purpose of ensuring continuous power flow, to minimize or, if anything, to neglect electrical grid supply. A comprehensive study on a hybrid stand-alone photovoltaic power system using two different energy storage technologies has been performed. This study examines the feasibility of replacing electricity provided by the grid with hybrid system to meet household demand. This paper is a part of an experimental and a theoretical study which is currently under development at University of Bologna. A test facility is under construction, at the University of Bologna, for the experimental characterization of the cogenerative performance of small scale hybrid power systems, composed of micro-CHP systems of different technologies : a Micro Rankine Cycles (MRC), a Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells (PEM-FC), a battery, an electrolyzer and a heat recovery subsystem. The test set-up is also integrated with an external load simulator, in order to generate variable load profiles. This paper presents the theoretical results of the performance simulations developed considering an hybrid system consisting on a photovoltaic array (PV), electrochemical batteries (B) and electrolyzer (HY) with a H2 tank and a Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell (PEM-FC) stack, in case of a household electrical demand. The performance of this system have been evaluated by the use of a calculation code, in-house developed by University of Bologna; future activities will be the tuning of the software with the experimental results, in order to realize a code able to define the correct size of each sub-system, ones the load profile of the utility is known or estimated

    Experimental Analysis of Partial Evaporation Micro-ORC for low -temperature Heat Recovery

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    In this paper, we present an experimental assessment of the performance of a partial evaporating organic Rankine cycle (PE-ORC) power system. The system converts low temperature heat into electrical energy, with a power size around 1 kW, thus suitable for micro generation in the residential sector. Although the test bench was designed for operating with superheated vapour at the expander inlet, it has demonstrated to be able to work with the expansion occurring entirely in two-phase condition. Since the direct measurement of the vapour quality is not possible using the sensors installed in the test rig, the state of the fluid in the two-phase condition is estimated by means of the thermal balance at the heat exchangers, so the thermodynamic cycle can be evaluated. Temperatures of the heat source in the range between 40 C and 75 C have been tested, and for each temperature value the vapour quality at the expander inlet has been varied by regulating the feed -pump rotating speed. Experimental data are provided regarding the performance of the overall cycle, of the heat exchangers, of the expander and of the feed -pump. It was observed that the effectiveness of the evaporator and the efficiency of the pump are improved with respect to the operation with superheated vapour at the expander inlet. However, the overall performance is lower, especially due to the high ratio of the pump consumption over the expander produced power, commonly called back work ratio (BWR). The latter, under some boundary conditions, has resulted higher than the unit, meaning that the system is not able to produce net electrical power. The aim of the paper is to identify the design characteristics required by a micro -ORC energy system in order to enhance its performance in the PE operating mode

    Performance Increase of a Small-scale Liquefied Natural Gas Production Process by Means of Turbo-expander☆

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    Abstract In the last years, the growing demand of the energy market has led to the increasing penetration of renewable energy sources in order to achieve the primary energy supply. However, in the next years fossil fuels are expected to remain the dominant energy source, due to the forecasted increase of global energy consumption. In particular, the natural gas is predicted to still play a key role in the energy market, on account of its lower environmental impact than other fossil fuels. Natural gas is currently employed mainly as gaseous fuel for stationary energy generation, but also as liquefied fuel, as an alternative to the diesel fuel, in vehicular applications. Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) is currently produced in large plants directly located at the extraction sites. The aim of the study is the definition of an optimal small-scale production process for LNG, to be realized – in opposition to the current habit – directly at filling stations. With this purpose, two different LNG production layouts have been proposed and investigated within a thermodynamic analysis: starting from a Joule-Thompson LNG expansion process, a new layout with a turbo-expander has been proposed for the natural gas liquefaction. The carried-out simulations show that the new proposed solution allow to optimize the LNG production process and to minimize the process' energy consumption
