1,821 research outputs found

    Near-Infrared Polarimetric Adaptive Optics Observations of NGC 1068: A torus created by a hydromagnetic outflow wind

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    We present J' and K' imaging linear polarimetric adaptive optics observations of NGC 1068 using MMT-Pol on the 6.5-m MMT. These observations allow us to study the torus from a magnetohydrodynamical (MHD) framework. In a 0.5" (30 pc) aperture at K', we find that polarisation arising from the passage of radiation from the inner edge of the torus through magnetically aligned dust grains in the clumps is the dominant polarisation mechanism, with an intrinsic polarisation of 7.0%±\pm2.2%. This result yields a torus magnetic field strength in the range of 4-82 mG through paramagnetic alignment, and 13920+11^{+11}_{-20} mG through the Chandrasekhar-Fermi method. The measured position angle (P.A.) of polarisation at K' is found to be similar to the P.A. of the obscuring dusty component at few parsec scales using infrared interferometric techniques. We show that the constant component of the magnetic field is responsible for the alignment of the dust grains, and aligned with the torus axis onto the plane of the sky. Adopting this magnetic field configuration and the physical conditions of the clumps in the MHD outflow wind model, we estimate a mass outflow rate \le0.17 M_{\odot} yr1^{-1} at 0.4 pc from the central engine for those clumps showing near-infrared dichroism. The models used were able to create the torus in a timescale of \geq105^{5} yr with a rotational velocity of \leq1228 km s1^{-1} at 0.4 pc. We conclude that the evolution, morphology and kinematics of the torus in NGC 1068 can be explained within a MHD framework.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures, Accepted by MNRA

    The Lick AGN Monitoring Project 2011: Reverberation Mapping of Markarian 50

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    The Lick AGN Monitoring Project 2011 observing campaign was carried out over the course of 11 weeks in Spring 2011. Here we present the first results from this program, a measurement of the broad-line reverberation lag in the Seyfert 1 galaxy Mrk 50. Combining our data with supplemental observations obtained prior to the start of the main observing campaign, our dataset covers a total duration of 4.5 months. During this time, Mrk 50 was highly variable, exhibiting a maximum variability amplitude of a factor of 4 in the U-band continuum and a factor of 2 in the H-beta line. Using standard cross-correlation techniques, we find that H-beta and H-gamma lag the V-band continuum by tau_cen = 10.64(-0.93,+0.82) and 8.43(-1.28,+1.30) days, respectively, while the lag of He II 4686 is unresolved. The H-beta line exhibits a symmetric velocity-resolved reverberation signature with shorter lags in the high-velocity wings than in the line core, consistent with an origin in a broad-line region dominated by orbital motion rather than infall or outflow. Assuming a virial normalization factor of f=5.25, the virial estimate of the black hole mass is (3.2+-0.5)*10^7 solar masses. These observations demonstrate that Mrk 50 is among the most promising nearby active galaxies for detailed investigations of broad-line region structure and dynamics.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ Letters. 6 pages, 4 figure

    Variability of the extreme z=4.72 blazar, GB 1428+4217

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    We report X-ray and radio variability of GB 1428+4217 which confirm its blazar nature. IR observations reveal a powerful optical-UV component, not obscured by dust, which is suggestive of the presence of a billion solar mass black hole, already formed by z ~ 5. A detailed comparison of the broad band spectral properties of GB 1428+4217 with those of nearby blazars shows it to be extreme, but nevertheless consistent with the trend found for nearby sources.Comment: MNRAS, in press - 5 pages, 5 figure

    Comparative Performance of Three Length-Based Mortality Estimators

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    Length‐based methods provide alternatives for estimating the instantaneous total mortality rate (Z) in exploited marine populations when data are not available for age‐based methods. We compared the performance of three equilibrium length‐based methods: the length‐converted catch curve (LCCC), the Beverton–Holt equation (BHE), and the length‐based spawning potential ratio (LB‐SPR) method. The LCCC and BHE are two historically common procedures that use length as a proxy for age. From a truncated length‐frequency distribution of fully selected animals, the LCCC estimates Z with a regression of the logarithm of catch at length by the midpoint of the length‐bins, while the BHE estimates Z as a function of the mean length. The LB‐SPR method is a likelihood‐based population dynamics model, which—unlike the LCCC and BHE—does not require data truncation. Using Monte Carlo simulations across a range of scenarios with varying mortality and life history characteristics, our study showed that neither the LCCC nor the BHE was uniformly superior in terms of bias or root mean square error across simulations, but these estimators performed better than LB‐SPR, which had the largest bias in most cases. Generally, if the ratio of natural mortality (M) to the von Bertalanffy growth rate parameter (K) is low, then the BHE is most preferred, although there is likely to be high bias and low precision. If M/K is high, then the LCCC and BHE performed better and similarly to each other. Differences in performance among commonly used truncation methods for the LCCC and BHE were small. The LB‐SPR method did not perform as well as the classical methods but may still be of interest because it provides estimates of a logistic selectivity curve. The M/K ratio provided the most contrast in the performance of the three methods, suggesting that it should be considered for predicting the likely performance of length‐based mortality estimators

    The Lick AGN Monitoring Project 2011: Spectroscopic Campaign and Emission-Line Light Curves

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    In the Spring of 2011 we carried out a 2.5 month reverberation mapping campaign using the 3 m Shane telescope at Lick Observatory, monitoring 15 low-redshift Seyfert 1 galaxies. This paper describes the observations, reductions and measurements, and data products from the spectroscopic campaign. The reduced spectra were fitted with a multicomponent model in order to isolate the contributions of various continuum and emission-line components. We present light curves of broad emission lines and the AGN continuum, and measurements of the broad H-beta line widths in mean and root-mean square (rms) spectra. For the most highly variable AGNs we also measured broad H-beta line widths and velocity centroids from the nightly spectra. In four AGNs exhibiting the highest variability amplitudes, we detect anticorrelations between broad H-beta width and luminosity, demonstrating that the broad-line region "breathes" on short timescales of days to weeks in response to continuum variations. We also find that broad H-beta velocity centroids can undergo substantial changes in response to continuum variations; in NGC 4593 the broad H-beta velocity shifted by ~250 km/s over a one-month duration. This reverberation-induced velocity shift effect is likely to contribute a significant source of confusion noise to binary black hole searches that use multi-epoch quasar spectroscopy to detect binary orbital motion. We also present results from simulations that examine biases that can occur in measurement of broad-line widths from rms spectra due to the contributions of continuum variations and photon-counting noise.Comment: 33 pages, 28 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ Supplement Serie

    Resolving the gap and AU-scale asymmetries in pre-transitional disks of V1247 ORIONIS

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    adsurl: http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2013prpl.conf2B051K adsnote: Provided by the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data SystemPre-transitional disks are protoplanetary disks with a gapped disk structure, potentially indicating the presence of young planets in these systems. In order to explore the structure of these objects and their gap-opening mechanism, we observed the pre-transitional disk V1247 Orionis using the Very Large Telescope Interferometer, the Keck Interferometer, Keck-II, Gemini South, and IRTF. This allows us to spatially resolve the AU-scale disk structure from near- to mid-infrared wavelengths (1.5–13µm), tracing material at different temperatures and over a wide range of stellocentric radii. Our observations reveal a narrow, optically thick inner-disk component (located at 0.18 AU from the star) that is separated from the optically thick outer disk (radii !46 AU), providing unambiguous evidence for the existence of a gap in this pre-transitional disk. Surprisingly, we find that the gap region is filled with significant amounts of optically thin material with a carbon-dominated dust mineralogy. The presence of this optically thin gap material cannot be deduced solely from the spectral energy distribution, yet it is the dominant contributor at mid-infrared wavelengths. Furthermore, using Keck/NIRC2 aperture masking observations in the H, K′ , and L′ bands, we detect asymmetries in the brightness distribution on scales of ∼15–40 AU, i.e., within the gap region. The detected asymmetries are highly significant, yet their amplitude and direction changes with wavelength, which is not consistent with a companion interpretation but indicates an inhomogeneous distribution of the gap material. We interpret this as strong evidence for the presence of complex density structures, possibly reflecting the dynamical interaction of the disk material with sub-stellar mass bodies that are responsible for the gap clearing.NASA through the Sagan Fellowship ProgramW. M. Keck FoundationAerospace Corporation’s Independent Research and Development (IR&D) programNASA AD

    Immunoglobulin expression in the endoplasmic reticulum shapes the metabolic fitness of B lymphocytes

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    The major function of B lymphocytes is to sense antigens and to produce protective antibodies after activation. This function requires the expression of a B-cell antigen receptor (BCR), and evolutionary conserved mechanisms seem to exist that ensure that B cells without a BCR do not develop nor survive in the periphery. Here, we show that the loss of BCR expression on Burkitt lymphoma cells leads to decreased mitochondrial function and impaired metabolic flexibility. Strikingly, this phenotype does not result from the absence of a classical Syk-dependent BCR signal but rather from compromised ER expansion. We show that the reexpression of immunoglobulins (Ig) in the absence of the BCR signaling subunits Igα and Igβ rescues the observed metabolic defects. We demonstrate that immunoglobulin expression is needed to maintain ER homeostasis not only in lymphoma cells but also in resting B cells. Our study provides evidence that the expression of BCR components, which is sensed in the ER and shapes mitochondrial function, represents a novel mechanism of metabolic control in B cells

    Correction of both immunodeficiency and hypoparathyroidism by thymus transplantation in complete DiGeorge Syndrome

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    Combined immune deficiency due to athymia in patients with complete DiGeorge syndrome can be corrected by allogeneic thymus transplantation. Hypoparathyroidism is a frequent concomitant clinical problem in these patients, which persists after thymus transplantation. Cotransplantation of allogeneic thymus and parental parathyroid tissue has been attempted but does not achieve durable correction of the patients' hypoparathyroidism due to parathyroid graft rejection. Surprisingly, we observed correction of hypoparathyroidism in one patient after thymus transplantation. Immunohistochemical analysis and fluorescence in situ hybridization confirmed the presence of allogeneic parathyroid tissue in the patient's thymus transplant biopsy. Despite a lack of HLA‐matching between thymus donor and recipient, the reconstituted immune system displays tolerance toward the thymus donor. Therefore we expect this patient's hypoparathyroidism to be permanently cured. It is recognised that ectopic parathyroid tissue is not infrequently found in the thymus. If such thymuses could be identified, we propose that their use would offer a compelling approach to achieving lasting correction of both immunodeficiency and hypoparathyroidism

    CIRSI: the Cambridge infrared survey instrument for wide-field astronomy

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    The search for galaxies at redshifts > becomes increasingly difficult in the visible since most of the light emitted by these objects is redshifted into the near IR. The recent development of high-performance near IR arrays has made it practical to built a wide field survey instrument for operation in the near IR part of the spectrum. CIRSI, the Cambridge IR Survey Instrument, uses four of the Hawaii-1 MCT arrays each of which has 1024 by 1024 pixels. This paper describes a number of the novel feature of CIRSI and summarizes the present performance achieved by CIRSI and the scientific programs it is principally engaged in