4,803 research outputs found

    Foot-and-mouth disease in Tanzania from 2001 to 2006.

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    Foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) is endemic in Tanzania, with outbreaks occurring almost each year in different parts of the country. There is now a strong political desire to control animal diseases as part of national poverty alleviation strategies. However, FMD control requires improving the current knowledge on the disease dynamics and factors related to FMD occurrence so control measures can be implemented more efficiently. The objectives of this study were to describe the FMD dynamics in Tanzania from 2001 to 2006 and investigate the spatiotemporal patterns of transmission. Extraction maps, the space-time K-function and space-time permutation models based on scan statistics were calculated for each year to evaluate the spatial distribution, the spatiotemporal interaction and the spatiotemporal clustering of FMD-affected villages. From 2001 to 2006, 878 FMD outbreaks were reported in 605 different villages of 5815 populated places included in the database. The spatial distribution of FMD outbreaks was concentrated along the Tanzania-Kenya, Tanzania-Zambia borders, and the Kagera basin bordering Uganda, Rwanda and Tanzania. The spatiotemporal interaction among FMD-affected villages was statistically significant (P≤0.01) and 12 local spatiotemporal clusters were detected; however, the extent and intensity varied across the study period. Dividing the country in zones according to their epidemiological status will allow improving the control of FMD and delimiting potential FMD-free areas

    IFMIF suitability for evaluation of fusion functional materials

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    The International FusionMaterials Irradiation Facility (IFMIF) is a future neutron source based on the D-Li stripping reaction, planned to test candidate fusionmaterials at relevant fusion irradiation conditions. During the design of IFMIF special attention was paid to the structural materials for the blanket and first wall, because they will be exposed to the most severe irradiation conditions in a fusion reactor. Also the irradiation of candidate materials for solid breeder blankets is planned in the IFMIF reference design. This paper focuses on the assessment of the suitability of IFMIF irradiation conditions for testing functionalmaterials to be used in liquid blankets and diagnostics systems, since they are been also considered within IFMIF objectives. The study has been based on the analysis and comparison of the main expected irradiation parameters in IFMIF and DEMO reactor

    Distributing the burdens of climate change

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    Global climate change raises many questions for environmental political theorists. This article focuses on the question of identifying the agents that should bear the financial burden of preventing dangerous climate change. Identifying in a fair way the agents that should take the lead in climate mitigation and adaptation, as well as the precise burdens that these parties must bear, will be a key aspect of the next generation of global climate policies. After a critical review of a number of rival approaches to burden sharing, the paper argues that only a principled and philosophically robust reconciliation of three approaches to burden sharing (‘contribution to problem’, ‘ability to pay’ and ‘beneficiary pays’) can generate a satisfactory mix of theoretical coherence and practical application

    Epidemiology of salmonellosis in sow units of Catalonia (Spain)

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    A bacteriological study aimed to the detection of sows excreting Salmonella was carried out in 74 sow units. Individual faecal samples were collected and a detailed questionnaire was filled in each farm and the data gathered were used in a bivariate logistic regression analysis to determine risk factors for Salmonella positivity. In 18 farms (24.32 %) Salmonella carriers were detected. Of the total 1480 samples analysed, 50 were positive (3.38 %), accounting for 11 different serotypes. Within positive farms, 13.8 % of sows were positive. Epidemiologic analysis of the results showed three main risk factors: to have open-flushed drainage of slurry, rodent control, and the number of sows in the unit. Our results showed that, in infected farms, the proportion of sows actively excreting Salmonella was considerably high (3.38 %). This fact, and the risk factors detected should be taken into account when designing effective plans for the control of salmonellosis in sows

    Comparison of two commercial ELISA for the diagnosis of salmonellosis in swine

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    Three hundred and sixty-one pig sera collected in farms of Catalonia were randomly selected from a serum bank. Samples were examined by using two commercial ELISA kits. Results were compared with the kappa value using WinEpiscope. Besides, sample/positive ratios (S/P) were calculated. Comparison of results of both ELISA yielded a poor agreement (kappa 0.191), indicating that both ELISA did not measure the same. In addition, when raw optical densities were compared by means of a regression analysis, the results indicated a low correlation (r = 0.54 ). The results of this study clearly indicate that results of both kits are not interchangeable and that normalization of results by using S/P ratios did not serve to improve the agreement between tests. From our results, it is tempting to suggest that Salmotype detects a greater number of IgM positive pigs. The nature of these IgMs (salmonella-specific or not) is not known to us at this moment

    Avaliação Retrospetiva da Reconstrução Oncológica da Cabeça e Pescoço com 114 Retalhos Livres num Centro Oncológico Terciário Português

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    Introduction: The Portuguese experience in microsurgical reconstruction of the head and neck after oncological surgery is scantly described. The primary aim of this study was to characterize the use of microvascular reconstruction after head and neck tumor resection in a Portuguese tertiary oncological centerMaterial and Methods: The authors retrospectively evaluated 114 microvascular free flap procedures performed for head and neck reconstruction after oncological resection in a department of Head and Neck Surgery of a Portuguese tertiary oncological center. Patients were operated on from January 2012 to May 2018. Data on patient demographic features, tumour characteristics, perioperative complications, postoperative aesthetic and functional results, survival time and time to recurrence were extracted. Results: Most tumours mandating microsurgical reconstruction were mucosal squamous cell carcinomas (85%) and were located in the oral region (95.6%). Around 45% of the patients had a T4a tumour and 30% a T2 tumour. Cervical metastases were present in 45.6% of the cases. The radial forearm flap and the fibular flap were the most commonly used microsurgical reconstructive options (58% and 41%, respectively). More than 80% of patients had no post-operative complications. Partial necrosis of the flap occurred in 6.1% of patients, while total flap necrosis occurred in 3.5% of cases. Aesthetic and functional results were considered at least satisfactory in all patients in which the flaps survived. Discussion: This study is by far the largest series of microsurgical head and neck reconstruction after oncological surgery reported by a single tertiary centre in Portugal. Survival and functional benefits are similar to those reported in other large oncological centres in the world. Conclusion: Microvascular reconstruction seems like a reliable treatment option in head and neck oncological surgery at our institution.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Mutations at the asp locus of Drosophila lead to multiple free centrosomes in syncytial embryos, but restrict centrosome duplication in larval neuroblasts

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    Mutations at abnormal spindle result in abnormally long and wavy microtubules in the meiotic spindles of males. Some of these spindles have a single pole and take the form of unopposed hemi-spindles. Unfertilised eggs produced by homozygous asp females may have either no nuclei, or a small number of large nuclei, consistent with there also being an effect upon female meiosis. Such eggs also display free centrosomes and independent arrays of microtubules. Embryos that have this phenotype are also present among the progeny of fertilised homozygous asp females, together with embryos that undergo varying degrees of aberrant morphogenesis, developing a variety of abnormal cuticle patterns. This latter category shows asynchronous mitoses prior to cellularisation, and has abnormal arrays of spindle microtubules. Such embryos can develop large areas that are either devoid of or have a reduced number of nuclei, in which there are centrosomes that have dissociated from the mitotic spindles. Neuroblasts in the brains of homozygous asp larvae display a high mitotic index, and have condensed chromosomes aligned as if blocked at metaphase. Immunostaining reveals that many cells contain a single centrosome connected to the metaphase chromosomes by microtubules in a hemi-spindle-like structure

    A novel reputation system for mobile app stores using blockchain

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    With thousands of mobile applications submitted to online application stores, the mobile application market has experienced significant growth. This growth is accompanied by an increase in malware presence. A possible solution would be to leverage those reports across all mobile ecosystems, creating a shared reputation system.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    A 63-Year-Old Woman Presenting with a Synovial Sarcoma of the Hand: a Case Report

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    INTRODUCTION: Synovial sarcoma is a high-grade, soft-tissue sarcoma that most frequently is located in the vicinity of joints, tendons or bursae, although it can also be found in extra-articular locations. Most patients with synovial sarcoma of the hand are young and have a poor prognosis, as these tumors are locally aggressive and are associated with a relatively high metastasis rate. According to the literature, local recurrence and/or metastatic disease is found in nearly 80% of patients. Current therapy comprises surgery, systemic and limb perfusion chemotherapy, and radiotherapy. However, the 5-year survival rate is estimated to be only around 27% to 55%. Moreover, most authors agree that synovial sarcoma is one of the most commonly misdiagnosed malignancies of soft tissues because of their slow growing pattern, benign radiographic appearance, ability to change size, and the fact that they may elicit pain similar to that caused by common trauma. CASE PRESENTATION: We describe an unusual case of a large synovial sarcoma of the hand in a 63-year-old Caucasian woman followed for 12 years by a multidisciplinary team. In addition, a literature review of the most pertinent aspects of the epidemiology, diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of these patients is presented. CONCLUSION: Awareness of this rare tumor by anyone dealing with hand pathology can hasten diagnosis, and this, in turn, can potentially increase survival. Therefore, a high index of suspicion for this disease should be kept in mind, particularly when evaluating young people, as they are the most commonly affected group

    Risk Factors for Foot-and-Mouth Disease in Tanzania, 2001-2006

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    We developed a model to quantify the effect of factors influencing the spatio-temporal distribution of foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) in Tanzania. The land area of Tanzania was divided into a regular grid of 20 km x 20 km cells and separate grids constructed for each of the 12-month periods between 2001 and 2006. For each year, a cell was classified as either FMD positive or negative dependent on an outbreak being recorded in any settlement within the cell boundaries. A Bayesian mixed-effects spatial model was developed to assess the association between the risk of FMD occurrence and distance to main roads, railway lines, wildlife parks, international borders and cattle density. Increases in the distance to main roads decreased the risk of FMD every year from 2001 to 2006 (ORs ranged from 0.43 to 0.97). Increases in the distance to railway lines and international borders were, in general, associated with a decreased risk of FMD (ORs ranged from 0.85 to 0.99). Increases in the distance from a national park decreased the risk of FMD in 2001 (OR 0.80; 95% CI 0.68-0.93) but had the opposite effect in 2004 (OR 1.06; 95% CI 1.01-1.12). Cattle population density was, in general, positively associated with the risk of FMD (ORs ranged from 1.01 to 1.30). The spatial distribution of high-risk areas was variable and corresponded to endemic (2001, 2002 and 2005) and epidemic (2003, 2004 and 2006) phases. Roads played a dominant role in both epidemiological situations; we hypothesize that roads are the main driver of FMD expansion in Tanzania. Our results suggest that FMD occurrence in Tanzania is more related to animal movement and human activity via communication networks than transboundary movements or contact with wildlife
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