348 research outputs found

    Two-Cooper-pair problem and the Pauli exclusion principle

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    While the one-Cooper pair problem is now a textbook exercise, the energy of two pairs of electrons with opposite spins and zero total momentum has not been derived yet, the exact handling of Pauli blocking between bound pairs being not that easy for N=2 already. The two-Cooper pair problem however is quite enlightening to understand the very peculiar role played by the Pauli exclusion principle in superconductivity. Pauli blocking is known to drive the change from 1 to NN pairs, but no precise description of this continuous change has been given so far. Using Richardson procedure, we here show that Pauli blocking increases the free part of the two-pair ground state energy, but decreases the binding part when compared to two isolated pairs - the excitation gap to break a pair however increasing from one to two pairs. When extrapolated to the dense BCS regime, the decrease of the pair binding while the gap increases strongly indicates that, at odd with common belief, the average pair binding energy cannot be of the order of the gap.Comment: 9 pages, no figures, final versio

    Targeted Excited State Algorithms

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    To overcome the limitations of the traditional state-averaging approaches in excited state calculations, where one solves for and represents all states between the ground state and excited state of interest, we have investigated a number of new excited state algorithms. Building on the work of van der Vorst and Sleijpen (SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl., 17, 401 (1996)), we have implemented Harmonic Davidson and State-Averaged Harmonic Davidson algorithms within the context of the Density Matrix Renormalization Group (DMRG). We have assessed their accuracy and stability of convergence in complete active space DMRG calculations on the low-lying excited states in the acenes ranging from naphthalene to pentacene. We find that both algorithms offer increased accuracy over the traditional State-Averaged Davidson approach, and in particular, the State-Averaged Harmonic Davidson algorithm offers an optimal combination of accuracy and stability in convergence

    Optimizing the Evaluation of Finite Element Matrices

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    Assembling stiffness matrices represents a significant cost in many finite element computations. We address the question of optimizing the evaluation of these matrices. By finding redundant computations, we are able to significantly reduce the cost of building local stiffness matrices for the Laplace operator and for the trilinear form for Navier-Stokes. For the Laplace operator in two space dimensions, we have developed a heuristic graph algorithm that searches for such redundancies and generates code for computing the local stiffness matrices. Up to cubics, we are able to build the stiffness matrix on any triangle in less than one multiply-add pair per entry. Up to sixth degree, we can do it in less than about two. Preliminary low-degree results for Poisson and Navier-Stokes operators in three dimensions are also promising

    Implicit-explicit timestepping with finite element approximation of reaction-diffusion systems on evolving domains

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    We present and analyse an implicit-explicit timestepping procedure with finite element spatial approximation for a semilinear reaction-diffusion systems on evolving domains arising from biological models, such as Schnakenberg's (1979). We employ a Lagrangian formulation of the model equations which permits the error analysis for parabolic equations on a fixed domain but introduces technical difficulties, foremost the space-time dependent conductivity and diffusion. We prove optimal-order error estimates in the \Lp{\infty}(0,T;\Lp{2}(\W)) and \Lp{2}(0,T;\Hil{1}(\W)) norms, and a pointwise stability result. We remark that these apply to Eulerian solutions. Details on the implementation of the Lagrangian and the Eulerian scheme are provided. We also report on a numerical experiment for an application to pattern formation on an evolving domain

    BCS ansatz, Bogoliubov approach to superconductivity and Richardson-Gaudin exact wave function

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    The Bogoliubov approach to superconductivity provides a strong mathematical support to the wave function ansatz proposed by Bardeen, Cooper and Schrieffer (BCS). Indeed, this ansatz --- with all pairs condensed into the same state --- corresponds to the ground state of the Bogoliubov Hamiltonian. Yet, this Hamiltonian only is part of the BCS Hamiltonian. As a result, the BCS ansatz definitely differs from the BCS Hamiltonian ground state. This can be directly shown either through a perturbative approach starting from the Bogoliubov Hamiltonian, or better by analytically solving the BCS Schr\"{o}dinger equation along Richardson-Gaudin exact procedure. Still, the BCS ansatz leads not only to the correct extensive part of the ground state energy for an arbitrary number of pairs in the energy layer where the potential acts --- as recently obtained by solving Richardson-Gaudin equations analytically --- but also to a few other physical quantities such as the electron distribution, as here shown. The present work also considers arbitrary filling of the potential layer and evidences the existence of a super dilute and a super dense regime of pairs, with a gap \emph{different} from the usual gap. These regimes constitute the lower and upper limits of density-induced BEC-BCS cross-over in Cooper pair systems.Comment: 15 pages, no figure

    A variational approach to strongly damped wave equations

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    We discuss a Hilbert space method that allows to prove analytical well-posedness of a class of linear strongly damped wave equations. The main technical tool is a perturbation lemma for sesquilinear forms, which seems to be new. In most common linear cases we can furthermore apply a recent result due to Crouzeix--Haase, thus extending several known results and obtaining optimal analyticity angle.Comment: This is an extended version of an article appeared in \emph{Functional Analysis and Evolution Equations -- The G\"unter Lumer Volume}, edited by H. Amann et al., Birkh\"auser, Basel, 2008. In the latest submission to arXiv only some typos have been fixe

    Algebraic Multigrid for Stokes Equations

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