226 research outputs found

    El régimen de los servicios al ciudadano en el Anteproyecto de Ley de Racionalización y Sostenibilidad de la Administración Local.

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    El presente artículo pretende ofrecer una visión general a los profesionales del derecho de la regulación que contiene el Anteproyecto de Ley de Racionalización y Sostenibilidad de la Administración Local de 24 de mayo de 2013 sobre los servicios públicos locales, especialmente en lo concerniente a su evaluación conforme al denominado coste estándar y al traspaso de servicios mínimos, así como de las consideraciones que al efecto ha realizado el Consejo de Estado y teniendo como punto de partida el hecho de que la reforma de la Ley 7/1985, de 2 de abril, se lleva a cabo desde un punto de vista economicista que deja a un lado aspectos tan importantes como la calidad de los servicios o el principio de autonomía local. - This article seeks to provide an overview of the legal profession of the regulation that contains the draft of the Bill of rationalization and sustainability of the Local Administration of May 24 of 2013 on the local public services, especially in terms of their evaluation in accordance with the so-called standard cost and the transfer of minimum services, as well as the considerations that, in effect has made the Council of State and taking as its starting point the fact that the reform of the Law 7/1985, of April 2, is carried out from a purely economic point of view that leaves a side aspects as important as the quality of the services or the principle of local autonomy

    Phyllochron and Growth Dynamic of \u3cem\u3eLolium perenne\u3c/em\u3e L. and \u3cem\u3eBromus valdivianus\u3c/em\u3e Phil. as Affected by Soil pH, Phosphorus and Nitrogen Restriction

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    Permanent grasslands are the main food for livestock production systems in Southern Chile. Therefore, it is essential to develop management tools that optimize the use of pastures. Among these tools, the phyllochron could be a better method to control grazing frequency. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of three levels of soil pH, phosphorus (P) and nitrogen (N) on the phyllochron and growth dynamic of Lolium perenne and Bromus valdivianus. Nine monophytic mini-swards of each species were established in 125 L containers for three different pH, P and N levels. For one year we measured: phyllochron, total leaf length, leaf expansion rate, sheath length, leaf lifespan, number of leaves per tiller, leaf area, radiation interception, biomass production and nutritive value. For each factor, a complete randomized block design with three blocks and a factorial arrangement of two pasture species and three levels was used. Results showed that soil pH, P and N level did not affect the phyllochron on both species, but significantly modified the growth dynamic and nutritive value of them. The non-limited treatment had the highest leaf elongation rate and size, sheath length, leaf area and biomass production. The radiation intercepted was positively correlated to the leaf area, being the highest at the non-limited treatment. The number of leaves per tiller and the leaf lifespan were not modified, since these characteristics are specific to each species

    Effect of Soil Nitrogen and Water Content on the Establishment of a \u3cem\u3eLolium perenne\u3c/em\u3e L. and \u3cem\u3eTrifolium repens\u3c/em\u3e L. Pasture

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    Climate change has decreased rainfall in Southern Chile affecting the productivity of the grasslands that sustain the dairy and beef cattle industries. These grasslands are mainly mixtures of Lolium perenne L. and Trifolium repens L. Thus, we study the response on the establishment of a mixture of these two species to three levels of soil water content and two levels of nitrogen (N) fertilization. The trial was carried out in containers sowed in a complete randomized block´s design. Soil moisture measurements were taken daily. N fertilizations was applied at the establishment and every 60 days. Leaf appearance rate was measured every 3 days. Intercepted radiation, plant water potential, botanical composition, dry matter content and nutritional forage quality were measured at each harvest. Soil samples were taken at the beginning, peak and end of the establishment period to study the microbial communities. Results showed that the rate of leaf appearance of L. perenne and T. repens were not influenced by soil water content, nor by nitrogen fertilization level. L. perenne yield was influenced by soil water content and N fertilization level. T. repens yield was affected only by the soil water content. All the variables measured were affected by the harvest date. Soil water content and abundance of T. repens had a significant effect on the nutritional quality of the pasture. Soil water content and nitrogen fertilization level modified the microbial communities in the soil

    Los volcanes de Colombia y su representación en diversos contextos

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    There are an important number of volcanoes in Colombia, which, for centuries, have been viewed as symbols but not as hazards, and this has demonstrated to be troublesome in times of crisis. Observations of different ways of representation of the concept of volcano in Colombia are reported. More than 228 observations were compiled during field outings and by means of systematic queries using search engines and electronic mail during the period 2010-2017, keeping graphic evidence of all cases. It was found that 19 volcanoes (both active and inactive) have been represented in 28 contexts in 71 localities mainly surrounding the influence areas of volcanism. Representations may have variable spatial character: local, regional or national; or may exhibit varying temporal nature: ephemeral, such as the cases of murals, commercial signs and logos, or last for centuries because they are included in the symbols of administrative units as in the case of coats of arms of municipalities and provinces. Representations are important because they reflect sense of belonging of the communities towards their environment, imprint the concept of volcano in the collective imagination, and might influence the perception of volcanic hazards and the decision-making process during times of volcanic crisis. En Colombia existe un número importante de volcanes que por siglos han sido vistos como símbolos, pero no como amenazas, lo cual infortunadamente ha demostrado ser una problemática en tiempos de crisis. Se reportan observaciones de diferentes formas de representación del concepto de volcán en Colombia. Más de 228 observaciones fueron recopiladas durante recorridos de campo y por medio de consultas sistemáticas usando motores de búsqueda y correo electrónico durante el período 2010-2017, conservando evidencia gráfica de todos los casos. Se encuentra que al menos 19 volcanes (tanto activos como inactivos) han sido representados en 28 contextos en 71, localidades principalmente alrededor de las zonas de influencia volcánica. Las representaciones pueden ser de diferente cobertura espacial: local, regional, nacional; pueden ser directas o indirectas; o pueden tener carácter temporal variable: efímero, como en los casos de murales, anuncios y logotipos, o pueden durar por siglos, porque en muchos casos están plasmadas en símbolos de unidades administrativas, como en el caso de los escudos de municipios y departamentos. Las representaciones son importantes porque reflejan sentido de pertenencia de las comunidades hacia su entorno, imprimen el concepto de volcán en el imaginario colectivo, y pueden influenciar la percepción del concepto de amenaza y el proceso de toma de decisiones durante tiempos de crisis volcánica

    Nuevos retos en el estudio de los acuíferos costeros desde la modelación numérica. El caso del acuífero Motril-Salobreña

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    Coastal aquifers are frequently complex systems with highly heterogeneous geological charac teristics, specific flow patterns, presence of fluids with different densities, high risk of contamina tion both by salinization and by other pollutants, and highly modified by anthropic activity. Given this situation, numerical modeling becomes the most appropriate tool to determine the potential impact of global change on marine intrusion in this kind of aquifers. The mathematical models traditionally used in coastal aquifers have been those of flow and mass transport with variable density, which allow obtaining a distribution of salinities in the aquifer and reproducing the flow pattern in the area of discharge to the sea. In addition to these models, another type of numerical modeling can be applied that could also provide information on specific aspects of this type of aquifers. The study of the Motril-Salobreña coastal aquifer shows, for example, how heat trans port models allow quantifying the recharge that occurs from rivers that frequently interact with coastal aquifers; as well as the age transport models provide data on the preferential groundwa ter circulation paths and its residence time, very relevant information in these frequently hetero geneous and anisotropic aquifers. Future challenges are directed towards determining the ef fects of sea level rise on marine intrusion and establishing the degree of equilibrium of the freshwater-saltwater contact with the current situationProyecto CGL2016-77503-R financiado por el Ministerio de Ciencia e InnovaciónGrupo de investigación de la Junta de Andalucía RNM-36

    Groundwater-Surface Water Interactions in “La Charca de Suárez” Wetlands, Spain

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    La Charca de Suárez (LCS) is a Protected Nature Reserve encompassing 4 lagoons located 300 m from the Mediterranean coast in southern Spain. LCS is a highly anthropized area, and its conservation is closely linked to the human use of water resources in its surroundings and within the reserve. Different methodologies were applied to determine the hydrodynamics of the lagoons and their connection to the Motril-Salobreña aquifer. Fieldwork was carried out to estimate the water balance of the lagoon complex, the groundwater flow directions, the lagoons-aquifer exchange flow and the hydrochemical characteristics of the water. The study focussed on the changes that take place during dry-wet periods that were detected in a 7-month period when measurements were collected. The lagoons were connected to the aquifer with a flow-through functioning under normal conditions. However, the predominant inlet to the system was the anthropic supply of surface water which fed one of the lagoons and produced changes in its flow pattern. Sea wave storms also altered the hydrodynamic of the lagoon complex and manifested a future threat to the conservation status of the wetland according to predicted climate change scenarios. This research presents the first study on this wetland and reveals the complex hydrological functioning of the system with high spatially and temporally variability controlled by climate conditions and human activity, setting a corner stone for future studies.This study was supported by grant CGL2016-77503-R from the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO), cofounded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) of the European Union (EU), and the RNM-369 research group of the regional government of Andalusia

    Telemedicine ultrasound assessment for placenta accreta spectrum: utility and interobserver reliability of asynchronous remote imaging review

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    Objective: Management of patients with placenta accreta spectrum (PAS) by trained multidisciplinary teams is associated with improved outcomes. Ultrasound can predict intraoperative risks, but expert ultrasound imaging of PAS is often limited. Telemedicine is used increasingly in obstetrics, permitting expert consultation when essential resources are not available locally. Our objective was to evaluate the feasibility of teleconsultation using standardized ultrasound image acquisition and reporting, and to correlate prognosis with intraoperative findings in patients at risk for PAS. Methods: A total of 12 PAS imaging experts (teleconsultants) were selected to asynchronously review deidentified standardized grayscale and color Doppler ultrasound images for five patients who had completed treatment for PAS, resulting in 60 individual teleconsultations. All patients were managed at a center using standardized imaging acquisition and intraoperative topographic classification to individualize surgical management. Teleconsultants reported the predicted topographic classification and recommended a surgical approach based on the topographic classification algorithm. Prognoses were compared with that reported by the local sonologist and with intraoperative findings. Results: In all five patients, local sonologist prognosis and antenatal topographic classification was confirmed during surgery and the final surgical approach matched that which was recommended preoperatively. Teleconsultant antenatal evaluation and management plans matched those of the local team in 71.7% of the cases. When reports differed, PAS severity was overestimated in nine reviews (16.9%) and was underestimated in six reviews (11.3%). Conclusion: Remote imaging teleconsultation provides accurate prenatal staging in most patients at risk for PAS. Teleconsultation is a feasible strategy to improve prenatal imaging, management planning, and guidance for local teams in settings with limited healthcare resources

    Review of the evidence on the impact of school closures throught the evolution of the COVID19 pandemic

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    Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2; COVID-19; 2019-nCoV; Centres educatius; ImpacteCoronavirus SARS-CoV-2; COVID-19; 2019-nCoV; Centros educativos; ImpactoCoronavirus SARS-CoV-2; COVID-19; 2019-nCoV; Schools; ImpactL'efecte concret del tancament d'escoles no s'ha pogut determinar a la primera onada a causa de la implementació solapada d'altres intervencions no farmacològiques, de l'important risc de biaix de la majoria dels estudis publicats i dels resultats contradictoris. Els estudis realitzats a regions/localitzacions amb baixa incidència de casos on es va realitzar una obertura controlada dels centres educatius, es va observar que no implicava un augment en el nombre de casos a la comunitat. Tenint en compte que el tancament dels centres educatius ha suposat un impacte negatiu a la salut mental d'una població vulnerable com és la infància i l'adolescència i que la reobertura dels centres educatius durant la pandèmia (de forma controlada) no s'ha considerat el responsable principal de l'augment de casos a la comunitat, i d'acord amb les recomanacions d'ECDC i OMS-UNESCO, el tancament d'escoles s'hauria de considerar com la darrera mesura a implementar per controlar la pandèmia per COVID-19 i tenir en compte factors com la situació epidemiològica i l’impacte d’altres INF abans de posar en marxa el tancament d’escoles.El efecto concreto del cierre de escuelas no ha podido determinarse en la primera ola debido a la implementación solapada de otras intervenciones no farmacológicas, del importante riesgo de sesgo de la mayoría de los estudios publicados y de los resultados contradictorios. Los estudios realizados en regiones/localizaciones con baja incidencia de casos donde se realizó una apertura controlada de los centros educativos, se observó que no implicaba un aumento en el número de casos en la comunidad. Teniendo en cuenta que el cierre de los centros educativos ha supuesto un impacto negativo en la salud mental de una población vulnerable como es la infancia y la adolescencia y que la reapertura de los centros educativos durante la pandemia (de forma controlada) no se ha considerado el responsable principal del aumento de casos en la comunidad, y de acuerdo con las recomendaciones de ECDC y OMS-UNESCO, el cierre de escuelas debería considerarse como la última medida a implementar para controlar la pandemia por COVID-19 y tener en cuenta factores como la situación epidemiológica y el impacto de otras INF antes de poner en marcha el cierre de escuelas.The concrete effect of school closure could not be determined in the first wave due to the overlapping implementation of other non-pharmacological interventions, the significant risk of bias in most of the published studies and the contradictory results. In the studies conducted in regions/locations with low incidence of cases, where a controlled opening of educational centers was carried out, it was observed that it did not imply an increase in the number of cases in the community. Considering that the closure of schools has had a negative impact on the mental health of a vulnerable population, such as children and teenagers, and that the reopening of schools during the pandemic (in a controlled manner) has not been considered to be the main responsible for the increase of cases in the community, and in accordance with ECDC and WHO-UNESCO recommendations, school closures should be considered as the last measure to be implemented to control the COVID-19 pandemic. Other factors, such as the epidemiological situation and the impact of other NPIs, have to be taken into account before implementing school closures

    Completeness of reporting of case reports in high-impact medical journals

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    Introduction: Case reports represent a relevant, timely and important study design in advancing medical scientific knowledge. They allow integration between clinical practice and clinical epidemiology. We aimed to assess the completeness of reporting (COR) of case reports published in high-impact journals. We assessed the COR of case reports using the CARE guidelines. Materials and methods: We selected three high-impact journals and one journal specialized in publishing case reports, in which we included all published case reports from July to December 2017. Median COR score was calculated per study, and CORs were compared between journals with and without endorsement of CARE guidelines. Results: One hundred and fourteen case reports were included. Overall median COR was 81%, IQR [63%-96%]. Sections with the highest COR (84%-100%) were patient information, clinical findings, therapeutic intervention, follow-up and outcomes, discussion and informed consent. Sections with the lowest COR were title, keywords, timeline and patient perspective (2%-34%). COR was higher in journals endorsing in comparison to those not endorsing CARE guidelines (77% vs 65%), respectively, median difference = −12% 95% CI [−16% to −7%]. Discussion: Overall completeness of case reports in included journals is high especially for CARE endorsing and dedicated journals but reporting of some items could be improved. Ongoing and future evaluations of endorsement status of reporting guidelines in medical journals should be assessed to improve completeness and reduce waste of clinical research, including case reports