2,065 research outputs found

    A few remarks on integral representation for zonal spherical functions on the symmetric space SU(N)/SO(N,R)SU(N)/SO(N,\R)

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    The integral representation on the orthogonal groups for zonal spherical functions on the symmetric space SU(N)/SO(N,R)SU(N)/SO(N,\R) is used to obtain a generating function for such functions. For the case N=3 the three-dimensional integral representation reduces to a one-dimensional one.Comment: Latex file, 10 pages, amssymb.sty require

    Cardiorespiratory and gastrointestinal parasites of dogs in north-west Italy

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    The present study was conducted to evaluate the prevalence of gastrointestinal and cardio-respiratory parasites in dogs in Liguria (northwest Italy) which is a region that has scarcely been studied. A total of 450 dogs (260 males and 190 females) were enrolled in the study from 2009 and 2013. All dogs lived in a rural or semi-rural environment in the provinces of Imperia (n = 352) or Savona (n = 98), Liguria. Coprological examinations showed that 197 dogs (43.8 %, CI 38.7-48.9 %) were infected by parasites. Specifi cally, 3.3 % of the dogs presented only cardio-respiratory species, 32.4 % only intestinal species, and 8.0 % presented a mixed infection. The most frequent intestinal parasites were Toxocara canis (20 %), Trichuris vulpis (17.8 %), Ancylostomatidae (12 %), Coccidia (2.7 %), Aonchotheca putorii (1.8 %) and Toxascaris leonina (1.8 %). The cardio-respiratory species found were Eucoleus aerophilus (9.6 %), Eucoleus boehmi (1.6 %), Angiostrongylus vasorum (0.7 %), and Crenosoma vulpis (0.2 %). A total of 116 dogs (25.8 %) were parasitized by a single species, multiple infections were observed in 81 dogs (18.0 %) up to a six-order infection. This preliminary study highlighted that the prevalence of intestinal parasites in investigated area is high. Cardio respiratory parasites were detected in an area that has not been investigated before. The creation of a more extensive sampling programme of the area, on a provincial basis in order to build a more detailed map of prevalences for different species of dog parasites throughout Liguria, a more extensive sampling programme of the area needs to be created - ideally for each province

    Observation of electro-activated localized structures in broad area VCSELs

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    We demonstrate experimentally the electro-activation of a localized optical structure in a coherently driven broad-area vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser (VCSEL) operated below threshold. Control is achieved by electro-optically steering a writing beam through a pre-programmable switch based on a photorefractive funnel waveguide.Comment: 5 Figure

    Seasonal egg output of gastro-intestinal parasites in wild ungulates in a mediterranean area (central Italy)

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    Emissione stagionale di uova di parassiti gastrointestinali in cinghiali (Sus scrofa) e in mufloni (Ovis ammon) di un’area mediterranea (Italia centrale). E' stata studiata l'emissione stagionale di uova (o oocisti) di parassiti nelle feci di ungulati selvatici in una zona mediterranea protetta, il Parco dei Monti Livornesi (Livorno, Toscana, Italia Centrale). Per un anno sono stati raccolti mensilmente campioni di feci di Cinghiale (Sus scrofa) e di Muflone (Ovis ammon). Gli andamenti osservati di emissione di uova sono stati analizzati tenendo conto delle variazioni di temperatura e piovosità stagionali, del ciclo biologico e della strategia di sopravvivenza dei parassiti, e delle condizioni sanitarie dell'ospite. E’ risultato che in una zona mediterranea come quella considerata i picchi di emissione di uova appaiono in mesi differenti in relazione alla biologia e alle strategie di sopravvivenza dei diversi parassiti.Seasonal egg (or oocyst) output of gastro-intestinal parasites of wild ungulates was studied in a Mediterranean protected area, the Monti Livornesi Park (Livorno, Tuscany region, Central Italy). Samples of faeces of wild boars (Sus scrofa) and mouflons (Ovis ammon) were collected monthly for one year. The observed trends of egg output were analysed taking into account seasonal variations of temperature and rainfall, life-cycle and survival strategy of parasites, and health condition of hosts. In our Mediterranean study area, the peaks of egg output appear in different months according to different biology and survival strategies of parasites

    Spectroscopic and morphological data assessing the apatite forming ability of calcium hydroxide-releasing materials for pulp capping

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    A pulp capping material must perform as a barrier and protect the dental pulpal complex by inducing the formation of a new dentin bridge or dentin-like tissue. Being a favorable condition for the healing process, the apatite forming ability of TheraCal (light-curable Portland-dimethacrylate cement) and Dycal (calcium hydroxide-based) pulp capping materials was studied in two simulated body fluids, i.e. Dulbecco's Phosphate Buffered Saline (DPBS) and Hank's Balanced Salt Solution (HBSS). The cements were analyzed before and after soaking in these media for different times (1\u201328 days) by ESEM-EDX, micro-Raman and IR spectroscopy. This data article refers to \u201cAn in vitro study on dentin demineralization and remineralization: collagen rearrangements and influence on the enucleated phase\u201d (Di Foggia et al., 2019)

    Intestinal helminths of red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) in north-west Italy

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    SummaryA total of 180 foxes (Vulpes vulpes) from an area scarcely investigated of north-west Italy, were examined for intestinal helminths using sedimentation and counting technique (SCT). Faecal samples were submitted to centrifugation with 50 % zinc sulphate used as flotation solution.No fox was found completely negative for intestinal helminths. The most frequently identified nematodes were Uncinaria stenocephala (70.0 %), Molineus legerae (27.2 %), Toxocara canis (26.7 %), Toxascaris leonina (25.6 %), Trichuris vulpis (21.1 %), Aonchotheca putorii (8.9 %), Pterygodermatites affinis (5.6 %). Genus Mesocestoides (81.7 %), family Dilepididae (29.4 %) and Taenia spp. (8.3 %) were the most prevalent cestodes. All foxes were negative for E. multilocularis and E. granulosus. In two foxes trematodes belonging to the family Plagiorchidae were found.The study highlighted that foxes are hosts of intestinal helminths of veterinary and medical importance which may be transmitted to dogs and humans

    Deep eutectic solvents: green solvents for the removal of degraded gelatin on cellulose nitrate cinematographic films

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    Cellulose nitrate (CN) has been used in the past as support for photographic negatives and cinematographic films. This material is particularly unstable and can undergoes severe degradation due to thermal, photocatalytic and hydrolytic loss of nitro groups from the lateral chain. Thus, to prevent the disappearance of the movies, their scanning and digitalization become a priority. However, CN bases degradation may prevent the scanning of the films. The decrease in pH, for instance, lowers the viscosity of gelatin, which becomes softer. This causes the formation of gelatin residues which stick on the back of the superimposed frames inside the reels creating a deposit. Traditional approaches to clean gelatin residues from the surface of CN bases include the mechanical removal with scalpels and the use of organic solvents (such as isopropyl alcohol). However, these methods are either slow and ineffective or could potentially damage the degraded CN supports. To overcome these drawbacks, we have evaluated the performance of three choline chloride and betaine-based Deep Eutectic Solvent (DES) formulations as alternative for the removal of gelatine residues from CN supports. These solvents are inexpensive (when compared to traditional solvents), easy to prepare, green (non volatile, safe towards the operators and the environment, and potentially recyclable), non flammable and have been previously proposed for the extraction of proteinaceous materials, but their use for the restoration of photographic negatives or cinematographic films has not been reported yet. Selected areas over the frames of a real deteriorated CN cinematographic film were cleaned comparing the DES performances with the ones obtained using isopropyl alcohol as an example of a traditional method. In particular, the tested DES formulations showed superior cleaning power compared to isopropyl alcohol and, at the selected application times, resulted capable to remove the gelatin residues without affecting the CN film supports. Graphical abstract: [Figure not available: see fulltext.]

    The Influence of the Matrix on the Apatite-Forming Ability of Calcium Containing Polydimethylsiloxane-Based Cements for Endodontics

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    This study aimed to characterize the chemical properties and bioactivity of an endodontic sealer (GuttaFlow Bioseal) based on polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) and containing a calcium bioglass as a doping agent. Commercial PDMS-based cement free from calcium bioglass (GuttaFlow 2 and RoekoSeal) were characterized for comparison as well as GuttaFlow 2 doped with dicalcium phosphate dihydrate, hydroxyapatite, or a tricalcium silicate-based cement. IR and Raman analyses were performed on fresh materials as well as after aging tests in Hank's Balanced Salt Solution (28 d, 37 degrees C). Under these conditions, the strengthening of the 970 cm(-1) Raman band and the appearance of the IR components at 1455-1414, 1015, 868, and 600-559 cm(-1) revealed the deposition of B-type carbonated apatite. The Raman I-970/I-638 and IR A(1010)/A(1258) ratios (markers of apatite-forming ability) showed that bioactivity decreased along with the series: GuttaFlow Bioseal > GuttaFlow 2 > RoekoSeal. The PDMS matrix played a relevant role in bioactivity; in GuttaFlow 2, the crosslinking degree was favorable for Ca2+ adsorption/complexation and the formation of a thin calcium phosphate layer. In the less crosslinked RoekoSeal, such processes did not occur. The doped cements showed bioactivity higher than GuttaFlow 2, suggesting that the particles of the mineralizing agents are spontaneously exposed on the cement surface, although the hydrophobicity of the PDMS matrix slowed down apatite deposition. Relevant properties in the endodontic practice (i.e., setting time, radiopacity, apatite-forming ability) were related to material composition and the crosslinking degree

    Feasibility and Safety of Physical Exercise to Preserve Bone Health in Men With Prostate Cancer Receiving Androgen Deprivation Therapy: A Systematic Review

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    Objective: Men with prostate cancer (PCa) receiving androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) experience the loss of bone mineral density (BMD) and lean body mass, which can increase their risk of falls and fractures. Physical exercise programs with appropriate components and dosage are suggested to preserve BMD and muscle strength, thereby potentially reducing accidental falls and fractures and associated morbidity and mortality. These benefits can be obtained if exercise programs are feasible and safe and if patient adherence is adequate. This systematic review investigates the feasibility and safety of exercise programs aimed at preventing the risk of accidental falls and fractures and BMD loss in men with PCa undergoing ADT. Methods: MEDLINE, Embase, CINAHL, and the Cochrane Library were searched from database inception to June 7, 2021. Randomized controlled trials were included when they analyzed the feasibility and safety of experimental exercise programs targeting bone health in men with PCa receiving ADT. Two reviewers independently selected the studies, assessed their methodological quality, and extracted the data. Exercise feasibility was measured through recruitment, retention, and adherence rates. Exercise safety was measured through the number, type, and severity of adverse events. Furthermore, the components, setting, intensity, frequency, and duration of exercise programs were extracted. Results: Ten studies were included, with a total of 633 participants. Exercise consisted of a combination of aerobic, resistance, and impact-loading exercise or football training. Exercise is feasible in men with PCa undergoing ADT, although football training should be prescribed with caution for safety reasons. Conclusion: Multicomponent exercise programs targeting bone health seem feasible and safe in this population; however, adverse events should be systematically documented according to current guidelines. Impact: The study shows that men with PCa receiving ADT can safely perform exercise programs to preserve bone health and supports that those programs should become part of lifestyle habits. Lay Summary: Men with PCa who are receiving ADT can safely perform exercise programs to preserve bone health and should make exercise an important part of their lifestyle
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