3,741 research outputs found

    Intracellular mechanism of the action of inhibin on the secretion of follicular stimulating hormone and of luteinizing hormone induced by LH-RH in vitro

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    The FSH secretion-inhibiting action of inhibin in vitro under basal conditions and also in the presence of LH-RH is suppressed by the addition of MIX, a phosphodiesterase inhibitor. In the presence of LH-RH, inhibin reduces significantly the intracellular level of cAMP in isolated pituitary cells. In contrast, the simultaneous addition of MIX and inhibin raises the cAMP level, and this stimulation is comparable to the increase observed when MIX is added alone. These observations suggest that one mode of action of inhibin could be mediated by a reduction in cAMP within the pituitary gonadotropic cell

    Decomposition of symmetric tensor fields in the presence of a flat contact projective structure

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    Let MM be an odd-dimensional Euclidean space endowed with a contact 1-form α\alpha. We investigate the space of symmetric contravariant tensor fields on MM as a module over the Lie algebra of contact vector fields, i.e. over the Lie subalgebra made up by those vector fields that preserve the contact structure. If we consider symmetric tensor fields with coefficients in tensor densities, the vertical cotangent lift of contact form α\alpha is a contact invariant operator. We also extend the classical contact Hamiltonian to the space of symmetric density valued tensor fields. This generalized Hamiltonian operator on the symbol space is invariant with respect to the action of the projective contact algebra sp(2n+2)sp(2n+2). The preceding invariant operators lead to a decomposition of the symbol space (expect for some critical density weights), which generalizes a splitting proposed by V. Ovsienko

    On sl(2)-equivariant quantizations

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    By computing certain cohomology of Vect(M) of smooth vector fields we prove that on 1-dimensional manifolds M there is no quantization map intertwining the action of non-projective embeddings of the Lie algebra sl(2) into the Lie algebra Vect(M). Contrariwise, for projective embeddings sl(2)-equivariant quantization exists.Comment: 09 pages, LaTeX2e, no figures; to appear in Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physic

    Natural and projectively equivariant quantizations by means of Cartan Connections

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    The existence of a natural and projectively equivariant quantization in the sense of Lecomte [20] was proved recently by M. Bordemann [4], using the framework of Thomas-Whitehead connections. We give a new proof of existence using the notion of Cartan projective connections and we obtain an explicit formula in terms of these connections. Our method yields the existence of a projectively equivariant quantization if and only if an \sl(m+1,\R)-equivariant quantization exists in the flat situation in the sense of [18], thus solving one of the problems left open by M. Bordemann.Comment: 13 page

    Microscopic energy flows in disordered Ising spin systems

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    An efficient microcanonical dynamics has been recently introduced for Ising spin models embedded in a generic connected graph even in the presence of disorder i.e. with the spin couplings chosen from a random distribution. Such a dynamics allows a coherent definition of local temperatures also when open boundaries are coupled to thermostats, imposing an energy flow. Within this framework, here we introduce a consistent definition for local energy currents and we study their dependence on the disorder. In the linear response regime, when the global gradient between thermostats is small, we also define local conductivities following a Fourier dicretized picture. Then, we work out a linearized "mean-field approximation", where local conductivities are supposed to depend on local couplings and temperatures only. We compare the approximated currents with the exact results of the nonlinear system, showing the reliability range of the mean-field approach, which proves very good at high temperatures and not so efficient in the critical region. In the numerical studies we focus on the disordered cylinder but our results could be extended to an arbitrary, disordered spin model on a generic discrete structures.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure

    First-order dynamical phase transition in models of glasses: an approach based on ensembles of histories

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    We investigate the dynamics of kinetically constrained models of glass formers by analysing the statistics of trajectories of the dynamics, or histories, using large deviation function methods. We show that, in general, these models exhibit a first-order dynamical transition between active and inactive dynamical phases. We argue that the dynamical heterogeneities displayed by these systems are a manifestation of dynamical first-order phase coexistence. In particular, we calculate dynamical large deviation functions, both analytically and numerically, for the Fredrickson-Andersen model, the East model, and constrained lattice gas models. We also show how large deviation functions can be obtained from a Landau-like theory for dynamical fluctuations. We discuss possibilities for similar dynamical phase-coexistence behaviour in other systems with heterogeneous dynamics.Comment: 29 pages, 7 figs, final versio

    Chaotic properties of systems with Markov dynamics

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    We present a general approach for computing the dynamic partition function of a continuous-time Markov process. The Ruelle topological pressure is identified with the large deviation function of a physical observable. We construct for the first time a corresponding finite Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy for these processes. Then, as an example, the latter is computed for a symmetric exclusion process. We further present the first exact calculation of the topological pressure for an N-body stochastic interacting system, namely an infinite-range Ising model endowed with spin-flip dynamics. Expressions for the Kolmogorov-Sinai and the topological entropies follow.Comment: 4 pages, to appear in the Physical Review Letter

    Optimization of Generalized Multichannel Quantum Defect reference functions for Feshbach resonance characterization

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    This work stresses the importance of the choice of the set of reference functions in the Generalized Multichannel Quantum Defect Theory to analyze the location and the width of Feshbach resonance occurring in collisional cross-sections. This is illustrated on the photoassociation of cold rubidium atom pairs, which is also modeled using the Mapped Fourier Grid Hamiltonian method combined with an optical potential. The specificity of the present example lies in a high density of quasi-bound states (closed channel) interacting with a dissociation continuum (open channel). We demonstrate that the optimization of the reference functions leads to quantum defects with a weak energy dependence across the relevant energy threshold. The main result of our paper is that the agreement between the both theoretical approaches is achieved only if optimized reference functions are used.Comment: submitte to Journal of Physics
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