55 research outputs found

    On Completeness of Groups of Diffeomorphisms

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    We study completeness properties of the Sobolev diffeomorphism groups Ds(M)\mathcal D^s(M) endowed with strong right-invariant Riemannian metrics when the underlying manifold MM is Rd\mathbb R^d or compact without boundary. The main result is that for s>dimM/2+1s > \dim M/2 + 1, the group Ds(M)\mathcal D^s(M) is geodesically and metrically complete with a surjective exponential map. We also extend the result to its closed subgroups, in particular the group of volume preserving diffeomorphisms and the group of symplectomorphisms. We then present the connection between the Sobolev diffeomorphism group and the large deformation matching framework in order to apply our results to diffeomorphic image matching

    Regularity of maps between sobolev spaces

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    Let F:HqHqF : H^q \to H^q be a CkC^k-map between Sobolev spaces, either on Rd\mathbb R^d or on a compact manifold. We show that equivariance of FF under the diffeomorphism group allows to trade regularity of FF as a nonlinear map for regularity in the image space: for 0lk0 \leq l \leq k, the map F:Hq+lHq+lF: H^{q+l} \to H^{q+l} is well-defined and of class CklC^{k-l}. This result is used to study the regularity of the geodesic boundary value problem for Sobolev metrics on the diffeomorphism group and the space of curves

    Why Use Sobolev Metrics on the Space of Curves

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    We study reparametrization invariant Sobolev metrics on spaces of regular curves. We discuss their completeness properties and the resulting usability for applications in shape analysis. In particular, we will argue, that the development of efficient numerical methods for higher order Sobolev type metrics is an extremely desirable goal

    Geodesic Completeness for Sobolev Metrics on the Space of Immersed Plane Curves

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    We study properties of Sobolev-type metrics on the space of immersed plane curves. We show that the geodesic equation for Sobolev-type metrics with constant coefficients of order 2 and higher is globally well-posed for smooth initial data as well as initial data in certain Sobolev spaces. Thus the space of closed plane curves equipped with such a metric is geodesically complete. We find lower bounds for the geodesic distance in terms of curvature and its derivatives

    Curve matching with applications in medical imaging

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    In the recent years, Riemannian shape analysis of curves and surfaces has found several applications in medical image analysis. In this paper we present a numerical discretization of second order Sobolev metrics on the space of regular curves in Euclidean space. This class of metrics has several desirable mathematical properties. We propose numerical solutions for the initial and boundary value problems of finding geodesics. These two methods are combined in a Riemannian gradient-based optimization scheme to compute the Karcher mean. We apply this to a study of the shape variation in HeLa cell nuclei and cycles of cardiac deformations, by computing means and principal modes of variations

    Second order elastic metrics on the shape space of curves

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    Second order Sobolev metrics on the space of regular unparametrized planar curves have several desirable completeness properties not present in lower order metrics, but numerics are still largely missing. In this paper, we present algorithms to numerically solve the initial and boundary value problems for geodesics. The combination of these algorithms allows to compute Karcher means in a Riemannian gradient-based optimization scheme. Our framework has the advantage that the constants determining the weights of the zero, first, and second order terms of the metric can be chosen freely. Moreover, due to its generality, it could be applied to more general spaces of mapping. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach by analyzing a collection of shapes representing physical objects

    A numerical framework for sobolev metrics on the space of curves

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    Statistical shape analysis can be done in a Riemannian framework by endowing the set of shapes with a Riemannian metric. Sobolev metrics of order two and higher on shape spaces of parametrized or unparametrized curves have several desirable properties not present in lower order metrics, but their discretization is still largely missing. In this paper, we present algorithms to numerically solve the geodesic initial and boundary value problems for these metrics. The combination of these algorithms enables one to compute Karcher means in a Riemannian gradient-based optimization scheme and perform principal component analysis and clustering. Our framework is sufficiently general to be applicable to a wide class of metrics. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach by analyzing a collection of shapes representing HeLa cell nuclei.All authors were partially supported by the Erwin Schr odinger Institute programme: In nite-Dimensional Riemannian Geometry with Applications to Image Matching and Shape Analysis. M. Bruveris was supported by the BRIEF award from Brunel University London. M. Bauer was supported by the FWF project \Geometry of shape spaces and related in nite dimensional spaces" (P246251

    A New Riemannian Setting for Surface Registration

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    We present a new approach for matching regular surfaces in a Riemannian setting. We use a Sobolev type metric on deformation vector fields which form the tangent bundle to the space of surfaces. In this article we compare our approach with the diffeomorphic matching framework. In the latter approach a deformation is prescribed on the ambient space, which then drags along an embedded surface. In contrast our metric is defined directly on the deformation vector field and can therefore be called an inner metric. We also show how to discretize the corresponding geodesic equation and compute the gradient of the cost functional using finite elements.Royal Society of London Wolfson Award; The European Research Council Advanced Grant; The Imperial College London SIF Programme; The Austrian Science Fun

    Sobolev Metrics on Diffeomorphism Groups and the Derived Geometry of Spaces of Submanifolds

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    Given a finite dimensional manifold NN, the group DiffS(N)\operatorname{Diff}_{\mathcal S}(N) of diffeomorphism of NN which fall suitably rapidly to the identity, acts on the manifold B(M,N)B(M,N) of submanifolds on NN of diffeomorphism type MM where MM is a compact manifold with dimM<dimN\dim M<\dim N. For a right invariant weak Riemannian metric on DiffS(N)\operatorname{Diff}_{\mathcal S}(N) induced by a quite general operator L:XS(N)Γ(TNvol(N))L:\frak X_{\mathcal S}(N)\to \Gamma(T^*N\otimes\operatorname{vol}(N)), we consider the induced weak Riemannian metric on B(M,N)B(M,N) and we compute its geodesics and sectional curvature. For that we derive a covariant formula for curvature in finite and infinite dimensions, we show how it makes O'Neill's formula very transparent, and we use it finally to compute sectional curvature on B(M,N)B(M,N).Comment: 28 pages. In this version some misprints correcte

    Optimal reparametrizations in the square root velocity framework

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    The square root velocity framework is a method in shape analysis to define a distance between curves and functional data. Identifying two curves, if the differ by a reparametrization leads to the quotient space of unparametrized curves. In this paper we study analytical and topological aspects of this construction for the class of absolutely continuous curves. We show that the square root velocity transform is a homeomorphism and that the action of the reparametrization semigroup is continuous. We also show that given two C1C^1-curves, there exist optimal reparametrizations realising the minimal distance between the unparametrized curves represented by them