663 research outputs found

    Neurite Outgrowth Inhibitors in Gliotic Tissue

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    Robot therapy for functional recovery of the upper limbs: a pilot study on patients after stroke.

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    Objective: To verify the possibility of administering robotaided therapy for the upper limbs in patients after stroke; to evaluate patients' degree of acceptance and compliance with the treatment; to establish if the treatment has an effect on motor impairment and functional outcome. Design: Quasi-experimental, uncontrolled study. Subjects: Fourteen patients with chronic hemiparesis after stroke. Methods: Patients were treated with a robotic system for the upper limbs (ReoGo TM ; Motorika Medical Ltd, Israel). Subjects performed the following assessment, at the start (T0), at the end of treatment (T1), and at the follow-up performed one month after the end of treatment (T2): Fugl-Meyer test (FM) for upper limbs; strength evaluation; Ashworth scale; visual analogue scale (VAS) for pain; Frenchay Arm test (FAT); Box and Block test (BB Functional Independence Measure (FIM TM ); ABILHAND Questionnaire; Timed Up and Go test (TUG); Euro-Quality of Life questionnaire and; a VAS for treatment satisfaction were administered to the subjects. Results: Total scores of FM, B&B, FAT and FIM TM showed a statistically significant improvement from T0 and T1 (FM p < 0.002, B&B p < 0.012, FAT p < 0.023, FIM TM p < 0.007) and from T0 and T2 (FM p < 0.003, B&B p < 0.011, FAT p < 0.024, FIM p < 0.027). No statistically significant differences were found between evaluations at T1 and T2 (FM p < 0.595, B&B p < 0.491, FAT p < 0.317, FIM p < 0.180). Conclusion: The sample was capable of completing the treatment and demonstrated good participant satisfaction. This pilot study led to the finding of a clinical improvement and excellent patient compliance. It can be hypothesized that the results are robot-dependent and that they were learned and then maintained. However, the study is limited in that a control group was not used. As such, it is desirable to continue this study with a control group, as well as by designing a prospective longitudinal randomized controlled trial study

    Survey on welfare of dairy cow in tie-stalls in mountain area.

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    The aim of the survey was to study the effect of Alpine pasture and breed on welfare of dairy cattle bred in tie-stalls in mountain area of Friuli Venezia Giulia Region. Twenty-four representative farms were divided into 4 groups following a factorial design: 2 managements (with vs. without summer grazing) x 2 breeds (Italian Simmental vs. Italian Brown). Data were collected following a protocol that considers direct animals' measures or remarks, buildings and equipments information. The results showed that summer grazing affected some physical parameters - BCS, claw conformation and injuries - and some behaviour parameters such as rising movements. In this trial the breed did not seem to markedly influence cows' welfare, except for BCS and lie down time

    Consequential-based life cycle assessment of reducing the concentrates supply level in the diet fed to lactating cows in the alpine dairy farming system

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    This study aimed to assess the consequences of reducing the concentrates supply level (CSL) in the lactating cows’ diet on Alpine dairy system’s GHG emissions. Consequential-based Life Cycle Assessment (cLCA) was adopted to assess the consequences within the ‘dairy_system’ (farm plus milk processing) and outside (‘expanded_system’). The functional unit was 1 kg of protein and fat (ProtFat). Data (1-year average) originated from 40 dairy farms in the Alps, collected through farm questionnaires during farm visits. Emissions were evaluated without (GWP) and with land-based emissions (crop- (GWP_LULUC_cb) or global-based (GWP_LULUC_gb) method). The feed conversion ratio was computed in terms of potentially human-edible gross energy (HeECR, MJ feed/MJ milk). Three scenarios were explored: 100% (t0), 75% (t175), and 50% (t150) of the initial CSL. Impact values for both systems were analysed with a mixed model to test the effect of the scenarios. At ‘dairy_system’, 1 kg ProtFat caused 19.0 (GWP), 22.9 (GWP_LULUC_cb) and 23.4 kg CO2-eq (GWP_LULUC_gb) at t0 and HeECR resulted in 0.71 MJ feed/MJ milk. The CSL reduction from t0 to t175 and t150 significantly increased impact values (2–11%) and decreased HeECR (from −10 to −23%). Considering ‘expanded_system’, CSL reduction significantly increased GWP (4%) and GWP_LULUC_gb (3%) but decreased GWP_LULUC_cb (up to −4%). In conclusion, cLCA-based approach evidenced that CSL reductions implied diversified effects on GHG emissions, at Alpine dairy system and at food supply level, giving new insights into the challenge of reducing GHG emissions while favouring the decoupling of milk production from the use of human-edible resources.Highlights Consequential Life Cycle Assessment of reducing concentrates supply (CSL) to lactating cows on the GHG emission of Alpine dairy products was analysed GHGs per protein plus fat in the product increased with decreasing CSL (75% and 50% of initial CSL) but can decrease considering land-use change GHG Decoupling Alpine dairy production from concentrates could be environmentally challenging but feasible

    Activity budget and movement patterns of Brown Swiss and Alpine Grey lactating cows during summer grazing in alpine pastures

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    We used GPS tracking to monitor the grazing patterns of Brown Swiss and Alpine grey lactating cows on an alpine summer pasture (2038 m a.s.l.; SD = 146) in the Dolomites. The pasture (171 ha) was managed with a continuous grazing system (0.52 LU/ha) with morning and evening milking in the barn, guided grazing during the ‘day’, and free grazing at ‘night’. GPS positions were collected from 8 Brown Swiss multiparous and 9 Alpine Grey (4 primiparous and 5 multiparous) cows every two minutes. We inferred behaviours (grazing, resting, walking) from movement metrics, activity sensors and direct behavioural observations. After excluding milking periods, the cows grazed for 8 h/d, rested 10–11 h/d, and walked for 1.5/d. Grazing extended into late evening after milking, and resting prevailed throughout the ‘night’ until the morning milking. When grazing and resting, cows mainly used grasslands as the preferred habitat, but forest and sparse shrub were also used remarkably without consistent negative or positive selection. The pasture use was highly heterogeneous, with higher animal loads close to the barn, especially at night, and in areas with gentler slopes. Alpine Grey primiparous cows were less limited by slope and distance from the barn in their movement but were more selective in habitat use than multiparous cows. Differences between multiparous cows of the two breeds were less marked. Further studies should help understand the internal and external drivers of cattle grazing patterns to devise management practices combining animals’ productivity and welfare with the conservation of the grassland ecosystem services

    Quality differences in cheeses produced by lowland and highland units of the Alpine transhumant system

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    The characteristics of ripened cheeses depend on a large number of factors, of which animal feeding plays an important role. Several researches showed influences of factors linked to forage, such as quality or method of conservation (Verdier-Metz et al., 1998)

    Tailoring the CRISPR system to transactivate coagulation gene promoters in normal and mutated contexts

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    Engineered transcription factors (TF)have expanded our ability to modulate gene expression and hold great promise as bio-therapeutics. The first-generation TF, based on Zinc Fingers or Transcription-Activator-like Effectors (TALE), required complex and time-consuming assembly protocols, and were indeed replaced in recent years by the CRISPR activation (CRISPRa)technology. Here, with coagulation F7/F8 gene promoters as models, we exploited a CRISPRa system based on deactivated (d)Cas9, fused with a transcriptional activator (VPR), which is driven to its target by a single guide (sg)RNA. Reporter gene assays in hepatoma cells identified a sgRNA (sgRNA F7.5 )triggering a ~35-fold increase in the activity of F7 promoter, either wild-type, or defective due to the c.-61T>G mutation. The effect was higher (~15-fold)than that of an engineered TALE-TF (TF4)targeting the same promoter region. Noticeably, when challenged on the endogenous F7 gene, the dCas9-VPR/sgRNA F7.5 combination was more efficient (~6.5-fold)in promoting factor VII (FVII)protein secretion/activity than TF4 (~3.8-fold). The approach was translated to the promoter of F8, whose reduced expression causes hemophilia A. Reporter gene assays in hepatic and endothelial cells identified sgRNAs that, respectively, appreciably increased F8 promoter activity (sgRNA F8.1 , ~8-fold and 3-fold; sgRNA F8.2 , ~19-fold and 2-fold)with synergistic effects (~38-fold and 2.7-fold). Since modest increases in F7/F8 expression would ameliorate patients' phenotype, the CRISPRa-mediated transactivation extent might approach the low therapeutic threshold. Through this pioneer study we demonstrated that the CRISPRa system is easily tailorable to increase expression, or rescue disease-causing mutations, of different promoters, with potential intriguing implications for human disease models

    Plant biodiversity of mountain grasslands as influenced by dairy farm management in the Eastern Alps

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    It has been widely demonstrated that farm management affects the plant species composition of grassland. The present study aimed to investigate the effect of farm management on plant species richness and composition in forty-nine small-scale farms breeding dairy cattle, located in the Eastern Italian Alps at two levels of precision: plot and farm levels. Data on housing system, quality scheme, farm productivity, income from milk yield and livestock density were collected through interviews with farmers. In each farm, botanical surveys were carried out in different plots representing the botanical composition of the farmland vegetation. Elevation, slope, type of use, number of hay cuts and type of fertilisation were also recorded. The botanical surveys of the plots on each farm were analysed to describe plant composition at the plot level, then merged to describe plant composition at the farm level. At both levels, grassland botanical composition was found to be affected by farm management. At the plot level, meadows cut 2 and 3 times per year did not exhibit any differences in plant richness, but they differed in plant species, botanical family and phytosociological class composition, with a general simplification of botanical composition. We found fewer phytosociological classes but not fewer plant species or botanical families in plots fertilised with slurry than in plots fertilised with manure or not fertilised, and a change in the botanical composition due to changes in the relative abundance of plant species. At the farm level, we observed a decrease in the number of plant species and phytosociological classes, and changes in plant composition, with increasing milk yield and livestock density. Changes in botanical composition were less evident at the farm level than at the plot level. However, protecting farms and their economic viability is a means of maintaining biodiversity at the plot level

    Heat stress and feeding behaviour of dairy cows in late lactation

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    Heat stress is one of the most important problems that dairy cows have to face and the use of cooling systems is becoming more and more important. The first reaction that has the animal to cope with the environmental variations is to modify its behaviour. This study was aimed to investigate the effect of heat stress and a cooling system on the feeding behaviour of Italian Holstein Friesian dairy cows in late lactation. Two experiments were performed. In the first experiment, eight dairy cows were firstly kept 7 d under thermoneutral condition, and then under mild heat stress (temperature humidity index, THI, ranging between 72 and 78) for others 7 d. The second experiment consisted of 8 dairy cows used in a two-period cross-over design where the treatment was the use or not of a sprinkler system for cooling cows under mild heat stress. Cows were equipped with a noseband pressure sensor able to detect rumination and eating time, number of rumination and eating chews, number of rumination boluses and rumination intensity. Heat stress reduced rumination time, number of rumination chews and boluses (p <.05), and tended to reduce the number of eating chews (p <.10). Cooled cows increased rumination and eating time (p <.05), rumination intensity (p <.01), and the number of rumination and eating chews (p <.05). In conclusion, feeding behaviour was deeply influenced even by mild heat stress, which was effectively improved by the use of a sprinkler system.HIGHLIGHTS Mild heat stress reduced rumination time, number of rumination chews and boluses of dairy cows in late lactation Cooling cows with sprinklers was effective in alleviating heat stress in terms of feeding behaviour
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