533 research outputs found

    Generalized oscillator strength for Na 3s-3p transition

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    Generalized oscillator strengths (GOS's) for the Na 3s−3p3s -3p transition have been investigated using the spin-polarized technique of the random phase approximation with exchange (RPAE) and the first Born approximation (FBA), focussing our attention on the position of the minimum. Intershell correlations are found to influence the position of the minimum significantly, but hardly that of the maximum. The RPAE calculation predicts for the first time the positions of the minimum and maximum at momentum transfer, KK values of 1.258 a.u. and 1.61 a.u., respectively. The former value is within the range of values extracted from experimental measurements, K=1.0−1.67K=1.0-1.67 a.u.. We recommend careful experimental search for the minimum around the predicted value for confirmation.Comment: 11 pages, 2figure

    Inclusão, democracia e novo-desenvolvimentismo : um balanço histórico

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    Este trabalho analisa o processo do desenvolvimentismo brasileiro compreendido entre a fase clássica dos anos 1950 até a perspectiva atual do novo-desenvolvimentismo, privilegiando o papel e a função desempenhadas pelo tema da democracia e da inclusão distributiva em cada arranjo. Na primeira seção, analisa-se a constelação semântica que envolve os termos progresso e desenvolvimento, procurando separá-los do processo/projeto denominado desenvolvimentismo. Na segunda seção, discutem-se as fases e características centrais do velho e do novo-desenvolvimentismo brasileiro e a perspectiva de sua subdivisão em três ondas históricas, separadas pelo aspecto político democrático e pelo tema da redistribuição. Por último, apresentam-se algumas considerações sobre o novo-desenvolvimentismo em seu arranjo democrático-inclusivo.This paper analyzes the process of the Brazilian developmentalism between the classical phase of the 1950s to the current perspective of new developmentalism, emphasizing the role and function played by the theme of democracy and distributive inclusion in every arrangement. In the first section, it is analyzed the semantic constellation involving the terms progress and development, seeking to separate them from the process / project called developmentalism. In the second section, it is discussed the phases and the central features of the old and the new Brazilian developmentalism and the prospect of their subdivision into three historical waves, separated by the political democratic aspect and by the theme of redistribution. Finally it presents some considerations about the new developmentalism in its democratic-inclusive arrangement

    Barriers to and enablers of sustainable practices: insights from ethnic minority migrants

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    Migration from the Global South to Global North is a major feature of contemporary population movements, and provides a lived experiment of the implications of moving from less resource-intensive modes of living towards more resource-intensive ones. Pre-migration practices come together in complex ways post-migration with established norms and infrastructures in destination countries. Here we examine the barriers to and enablers of sustainable practices, synthesising in-depth research from nine different studies in south-eastern Australia in relation to household water use, food growing and transport. The total sample includes 323 migrants from 33 countries. The main barriers include infrastructure and broader patterns of work and society. The main enablers are cultural norms of frugality and preferences for public transport. Barriers and enablers interact in diverse ways. We show that migrants are important contributors to inadvertent sustainabilities, but their contributions may be weakened by infrastructural, structural and cultural barriers. Addressing the diverse capacities of migrants would enhance system change for everyone
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