208 research outputs found

    Hierarchically-structured metalloprotein composite coatings biofabricated from co-existing condensed liquid phases

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    Complex hierarchical structure governs emergent properties in biopolymeric materials; yet, the material processing involved remains poorly understood. Here, we investigated the multi-scale structure and composition of the mussel byssus cuticle before, during and after formation to gain insight into the processing of this hard, yet extensible metal cross-linked protein composite. Our findings reveal that the granular substructure crucial to the cuticle’s function as a wear-resistant coating of an extensible polymer fiber is pre-organized in condensed liquid phase secretory vesicles. These are phase-separated into DOPA-rich proto-granules enveloped in a sulfur-rich proto-matrix which fuses during secretion, forming the sub-structure of the cuticle. Metal ions are added subsequently in a site-specific way, with iron contained in the sulfur-rich matrix and vanadium coordinated by DOPA-catechol in the granule. We posit that this hierarchical structure self-organizes via phase separation of specific amphiphilic proteins within secretory vesicles, resulting in a meso-scale structuring that governs cuticle function

    Effects of moisture and cellulose fibril angle on the tensile properties of native single Norway spruce wood fibres

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    Isolated single wood fibres with cellulose fibril angles from 10 to 43° were tested in microtensile tests under controlled temperature and relative humidity of 5, 50, 75, 90% and in the wet state. This systematic study provides experimental stiffness and strength data, calculated on cell wall cross sections. It has been shown that stiffness reduction with increasing moisture content is more pronounced in fibres with large cellulose fibril angles. Interestingly, stiffness reduction in fibres with low cellulose fibril angles has been observed for the fully hydrated state only. The experimental dataset was fed into a model to determine moisture dependent stiffness of the hemicellulose-lignin-matrix and the stresses acting on the fibrils and the matrix

    Realisation of an optical pressure standard by a multi-reflection interferometric technique

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    A novel realization of an optical pressure standard, alternative to Fabry-Perot cavity-based techniques, is presented. It is based on the measurement of the refractive index of a gas through an unbalanced homodyne interferometer, designed to have one of its two arms formed by a multi reflection double mirror assembly to establish an unbalance length larger than 6 m in a compact setup. The paper illustrates the most important steps concerning its realization: the estimate of the pressure-induced deformation of the interferometer, the temperature control at millikelvin level and the measurement in vacuum of the unbalance of the interferometer. The evaluation of the uncertainty of the realized optical pressure standard currently demonstrated to fulfill the main goal of having the ability to measure pressure with a relative uncertainty of 10 ppm at 100 kPa

    High resolution chemical stratigraphies of atmospheric depositions from a 4 m depth snow pit at dome C (East Antarctica)

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    In this work, we present chemical stratigraphies of two sampling lines collected within a 4 m depth snow pit dug in Dome C during the Antarctic summer Campaign 2017/2018, 12 years after the last reported snow pit. The first sampling line was analyzed for nine anionic and cationic species using Ion Chromatography (IC); the second sampling line was analyzed for seven major elements in an innovative way with Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectroscopy (ICP-OES) after sample pre-concentration, allowing the study of deposition processes of new markers especially related to crustal source. This coupled analysis, besides confirming previous studies, allowed us to investigate the depositions of the last decades at Dome C, enriching the number of the detected chemical markers, and yielding these two techniques complementary for the study of different markers in this kind of matrix. As a result of the dating, the snow layers analyzed covered the last 50 years of snow depositions. The assessment of the accumulation rate, estimated about 9 cm yr−1, was accomplished only for the period 1992–2016, as the eruption of 1992 constituted the only tie-point found in nssSO42− depth profile. Na, the reliable sea salt marker, together with Mg and Sr, mainly arose from marine sources, whereas Ca, Al and Fe originated from crustal inputs. Post-depositional processes occurred on Cl− as well as on NO3− and methanesulfonic acid (MSA); compared to the latter, Cl− had a more gradual decrease, reporting a threshold at 2.5 m for the post-depositional process completion. For NO3− and MSA, instead, the threshold was shallower, at about 1 m depth, with a loss of 87% for NO3− and of 50% for MSA

    Seguimiento en H-alfa de dos zonas activas del Sol en el mes de febrero de 1986

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    En el marco de la puesta en marcha de una rutina de la observación de la actividad solar en luz blanca y en la línea H-alfa del hidrógeno, se muestran los resultados durante el mes de febrero de 1986. Los trabajos fueron realizados con un telescopio refractor de 2250 mm de distancia focal y 150 mm de abertura, usando un filtro monocromador centrado en la línea H-alfa con un ancho de banda de 0.25 Å. Una de las regiones activas (longitud 201,1°, latitud -6.0°) fue fotografiada durante su arribo al limbo (días 11 y 12 de febrero) pudiéndose observar la aparición de un "flare" del tipo Sb del día 11 con su máximo brilo a las 1831 TU. Las imágenes (proyectadas sobre el limbo) obtenidas de esta zona con diferentes tiempos de exposición permiten apreciar su estructura tridimensional. Las fotografías obtenidas en luz blanca del grupo de manchas asociado (de estructura irregular) muestran el lugar de desarrollo de "flare" como una zona de rápida evolución (fuerte desorden magnético).Asociación Argentina de Astronomí

    Osmotic pressure modulates single cell cycle dynamics inducing reversible growth arrest and reactivation of human metastatic cells

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    Biophysical cues such as osmotic pressure modulate proliferation and growth arrest of bacteria, yeast cells and seeds. In tissues, osmotic regulation takes place through blood and lymphatic capillaries and, at a single cell level, water and osmoregulation play a critical role. However, the effect of osmotic pressure on single cell cycle dynamics remains poorly understood. Here, we investigate the effect of osmotic pressure on single cell cycle dynamics, nuclear growth, proliferation, migration and protein expression, by quantitative time-lapse imaging of single cells genetically modified with fluorescent ubiquitination-based cell cycle indicator 2 (FUCCI2). Single cell data reveals that under hyperosmotic stress, distinct cell subpopulations emerge with impaired nuclear growth, delayed or growth arrested cell cycle and reduced migration. This state is reversible for mild hyperosmotic stress, where cells return to regular cell cycle dynamics, proliferation and migration. Thus, osmotic pressure can modulate the reversible growth arrest and reactivation of human metastatic cells

    Heat-mediated micro- and nano-pore evolution in sea urchin biominerals

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    Biomineralized structures with intricate shapes and morphologies, such as sea urchin skeletal elements, grow via the deposition of hydrated amorphous calcium carbonate (ACC) particles that subsequently crystallizes into single-crystalline calcite. This process is accompanied by volume changes due to density differences between the initial and final mineral state as well as variations in hydration levels. For this reason, the presence of macroporosity in synthetic systems was shown to be pivotal in the formation of large single crystals through ACC precursors. However, the role of macroporosity down to nanoporosity in the formation of biogenic minerals remains unknown. Here, we investigate the micro- and nano-porosity as well as the evolution of internal interfaces in the spines and test plates of Paracentrotus lividus sea urchins during the heat-mediated crystallization of remnant ACC and the destruction of intracrystalline organic molecules, using SEM, FIB-SEM, and in situ heating synchrotron SAXS measurements. We show the presence of nanopores likely filled with hydrated organics and visualize the evolution of nano- to micro-pores induced by heating, which may serve to accommodate the volume changes between amorphous and crystalline phases. The obtained results analyzed using thermodynamical considerations suggest that the growth in size of the nanopores is controlled by Ostwald ripening and is well described in the framework of classical pore coarsening theories. The extracted activation energies manifest that nanopore coarsening in the test plates is governed by surface diffusion, whereas in the spines by bulk diffusion. We suggest that such striking differences in diffusion mechanisms are caused by dissimilar levels of macroporosity and distributions of nano- and micro-internal interfaces in pristine biominerals

    A 3D network of nanochannels for possible ion and molecule transit in mineralizing bone and cartilage

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    During crucial growth stages of vertebrate long bones, calcified cartilage beneath the growth plate is anchored to bone by a third mineralized component, the cement line. Proper skeletal development is contingent on the interplay of these three constituents, yet their mineralization processes and structural interactions are incompletely understood, in part from limited knowledge of their meso- and nanoscale features. Herein, focused ion beam-scanning electron microscopy (FIB-SEM) with serial surface imaging is applied to examine the cartilage–bone interface of mouse femoral heads at an unprecedented scale: FIB-SEM provides 3D, nanometer resolution of structural details for volumes encompassing metaphyseal calcified cartilage, bone, and the intervening cement line. A novel and complex structural network is revealed, comprising densely packed nanochannels smaller than bone canaliculi (≈10–50 nm diameter) within the calcified cartilage and bone extracellular matrices, but absent in the cement line. A structural correlation is demonstrated between the nanochannels and ellipsoidal mineral domains, which appear to coalesce during mineralization in a process analogous to powder sintering in metallurgy. A mineralization process is proposed, supported by energy-dispersive X-Ray spectroscopy of nanochannel contents, in which these unreported structures offer ion and molecule conduits to access the extracellular matrices of calcified cartilage and bone
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