526 research outputs found

    Simulated pre-industrial climate in Bergen Climate Model (version 2): model description and large-scale circulation features

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    The Bergen Climate Model (BCM) is a fully-coupled atmosphere-ocean-sea-ice model that provides state-of-the-art computer simulations of the Earth's past, present, and future climate. Here, a pre-industrial multi-century simulation with an updated version of BCM is described and compared to observational data. The model is run without any form of flux adjustments and is stable for several centuries. The simulated climate reproduces the general large-scale circulation in the atmosphere reasonably well, except for a positive bias in the high latitude sea level pressure distribution. Also, by introducing an updated turbulence scheme in the atmosphere model a persistent cold bias has been eliminated. For the ocean part, the model drifts in sea surface temperatures and salinities are considerably reduced compared to earlier versions of BCM. Improved conservation properties in the ocean model have contributed to this. Furthermore, by choosing a reference pressure at 2000 m and including thermobaric effects in the ocean model, a more realistic meridional overturning circulation is simulated in the Atlantic Ocean. The simulated sea-ice extent in the Northern Hemisphere is in general agreement with observational data except for summer where the extent is somewhat underestimated. In the Southern Hemisphere, large negative biases are found in the simulated sea-ice extent. This is partly related to problems with the mixed layer parametrization, causing the mixed layer in the Southern Ocean to be too deep, which in turn makes it hard to maintain a realistic sea-ice cover here. However, despite some problematic issues, the pre-industrial control simulation presented here should still be appropriate for climate change studies requiring multi-century simulations

    Beyond the myth of legality? Framing effects and public reactions to high court decisions in Europe

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    How do people respond to different decision-making processes in high courts? One long-standing view suggests that citizens expect courts to be neutral arbiters of legal controversies. Although the relevance of such “myth of legality” has been challenged, we know very little about the relationship between the portrayals of the motives of courts and justices and public attitudes in civil law countries. We explore this question in a pair of experiments in Norway and Portugal where we isolate the effects of different institutional frames from outcome favorability. We find that while partisan frames are detrimental to fairness perceptions and acceptance of decisions, depictions of judicial decision-making that emphasize policy goals do not adversely affect citizens’ responses in comparison with legalistic frames. The results suggest that, even in civil law systems, preserving the myth of legality may not be a necessary condition to elicit public support for judicial decisions

    Etablering af løvtræ på marginale landbrugsjorder

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    Integrable and Chaotic Dynamics of Spins Coupled to an Optical Cavity

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    We show that a class of random all-to-all spin models, realizable in systems of atoms coupled to an optical cavity, gives rise to a rich dynamical phase diagram due to the pairwise separable nature of the couplings. By controlling the experimental parameters, one can tune between integrable and chaotic dynamics on the one hand and between classical and quantum regimes on the other hand. For two special values of a spin-anisotropy parameter, the model exhibits rational Gaudin-type integrability, and it is characterized by an extensive set of spin-bilinear integrals of motion, independent of the spin size. More generically, we find a novel integrable structure with conserved charges that are not purely bilinear. Instead, they develop "dressing tails" of higher-body terms, reminiscent of the dressed local integrals of motion found in many-body localized phases. Surprisingly, this new type of integrable dynamics found in finite-size spin-1/2 systems disappears in the large-S limit, giving way to classical chaos. We identify parameter regimes for characterizing these different dynamical behaviors in realistic experiments, in view of the limitations set by cavity dissipation

    Evaluation of NorESM-OC (versions 1 and 1.2), the ocean carbon-cycle stand-alone configuration of the Norwegian Earth System Model (NorESM1)

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    Idealised and hindcast simulations performed with the stand-alone ocean carbon-cycle configuration of the Norwegian Earth System Model (NorESM-OC) are described and evaluated. We present simulation results of two different model versions at different grid resolutions and using two different atmospheric forcing data sets. Model version NorESM-OC1 corresponds to the version that is included in the fully coupled model NorESM-ME1, which participated in CMIP5. The main update between NorESM-OC1 and NorESM-OC1.2 is the addition of two new options for the treatment of sinking particles. We find that using a constant sinking speed, which has been the standard in NorESM's ocean carbon cycle module HAMOCC (HAMburg Ocean Carbon Cycle model) does not transport enough particulate organic carbon (POC) into the deep ocean below approximately 2000 m depth. The two newly implemented parameterisations, a particle aggregation scheme with prognostic sinking speed, and a simpler scheme prescribing a linear increase of sinking speed with depth, provide better agreement with observed POC fluxes. Additionally, reduced deep ocean biases of oxygen and remineralised phosphate indicate a better performance of the new parameterisations. For model version 1.2, a re-tuning of the ecosystem parameterisation has been performed, which (i) reduces previously too high primary production in high latitudes, (ii) consequently improves model results for surface nutrients, and (iii) reduces alkalinity and dissolved inorganic carbon biases at low latitudes. We use hindcast simulations with prescribed observed and constant (pre-industrial) atmospheric CO2 concentrations to derive the past and contemporary ocean carbon sink. For the period 1990–1999 we find an average ocean carbon uptake ranging from 2.01 to 2.58 Pg C yr-1 depending on model version, grid resolution and atmospheric forcing data set

    What is the Temperature Dependence of the Casimir Effect?

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    There has been recent criticism of our approach to the Casimir force between real metallic surfaces at finite temperature, saying it is in conflict with the third law of thermodynamics and in contradiction with experiment. We show that these claims are unwarranted, and that our approach has strong theoretical support, while the experimental situation is still unclear.Comment: 6 pages, REVTeX, final revision includes two new references and related discussio

    Calculation of the Casimir Force between Similar and Dissimilar Metal Plates at Finite Temperature

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    The Casimir pressure is calculated between parallel metal plates, containing the materials Au, Cu, or Al. Our motivation for making this calculation is the need of comparing theoretical predictions, based on the Lifshitz formula, with experiments that are becoming gradually more accurate. In particular, the finite temperature correction is considered, in view of the recent discussion in the literature on this point. A special attention is given to the case where the difference between the Casimir pressures at two different temperatures, T=300 K and T=350 K, is involved. This seems to be a case that will be experimentally attainable in the near future, and it will be a critical test of the temperature correction.Comment: 23 latex pages, 12 figures. Introductory section expanded, 4 new references. To appear in J. Phys. A: Math. Ge

    Casimir Force on Real Materials - the Slab and Cavity Geometry

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    We analyse the potential of the geometry of a slab in a planar cavity for the purpose of Casimir force experiments. The force and its dependence on temperature, material properties and finite slab thickness are investigated both analytically and numerically for slab and walls made of aluminium and teflon FEP respectively. We conclude that such a setup is ideal for measurements of the temperature dependence of the Casimir force. By numerical calculation it is shown that temperature effects are dramatically larger for dielectrics, suggesting that a dielectric such as teflon FEP whose properties vary little within a moderate temperature range, should be considered for experimental purposes. We finally discuss the subtle but fundamental matter of the various Green's two-point function approaches present in the literature and show how they are different formulations describing the same phenomenon.Comment: 24 pages, 11 figures; expanded discussion, one appendix added, 1 new figure and 10 new references. To appear in J. Phys. A: Math. Theo

    Molecular dynamics-guided discovery of an ago-allosteric modulator for GPR40/FFAR1

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    The long-chain fatty acid receptor FFAR1/GPR40 binds agonists in both an interhelical site between the extracellular segments of transmembrane helix (TM)-III and TM-IV and a lipid-exposed groove between the intracellular segments of these helices. Molecular dynamics simulations of FFAR1 with agonist removed demonstrated a major rearrangement of the polar and charged anchor point residues for the carboxylic acid moiety of the agonist in the interhelical site, which was associated with closure of a neighboring, solvent-exposed pocket between the extracellular poles of TM-I, TM-II, and TM-VII. A synthetic compound designed to bind in this pocket, and thereby prevent its closure, was identified through structure-based virtual screening and shown to function both as an agonist and as an allosteric modulator of receptor activation. This discovery of an allosteric agonist for a previously unexploited, dynamic pocket in FFAR1 demonstrates both the power of including molecular dynamics in the drug discovery process and that this specific, clinically proven, but difficult, antidiabetes target can be addressed by chemotypes different from existing ligands

    Thermal corrections to the Casimir effect

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    The Casimir effect, reflecting quantum vacuum fluctuations in the electromagnetic field in a region with material boundaries, has been studied both theoretically and experimentally since 1948. The forces between dielectric and metallic surfaces both plane and curved have been measured at the 10 to 1 percent level in a variety of room-temperature experiments, and remarkable agreement with the zero-temperature theory has been achieved. In fitting the data various corrections due to surface roughness, patch potentials, curvature, and temperature have been incorporated. It is the latter that is the subject of the present article. We point out that, in fact, no temperature dependence has yet been detected, and that the experimental situation is still too fluid to permit conclusions about thermal corrections to the Casimir effect. Theoretically, there are subtle issues concerning thermodynamics and electrodynamics which have resulted in disparate predictions concerning the nature of these corrections. However, a general consensus has seemed to emerge that suggests that the temperature correction to the Casimir effect is relatively large, and should be observable in future experiments involving surfaces separated at the few micrometer scale.Comment: 21 pages, 9 eps figures, uses iopart.cls. Final version to be published in New Journal of Physics, contains Conclusion and clarified remark
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