78 research outputs found

    High motor variability in DYT1 dystonia is associated with impaired visuomotor adaptation.

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    For the healthy motor control system, an essential regulatory role is maintaining the equilibrium between keeping unwanted motor variability in check whilst allowing informative elements of motor variability. Kinematic studies in children with generalised dystonia (due to mixed aetiologies) show that movements are characterised by increased motor variability. In this study, the mechanisms by which high motor variability may influence movement generation in dystonia were investigated. Reaching movements in the symptomatic arm of 10 patients with DYT1 dystonia and 12 age-matched controls were captured using a robotic manipulandum and features of motor variability were extracted. Given that task-relevant variability and sensorimotor adaptation are related in health, markers of variability were then examined for any co-variance with performance indicators during an error-based learning visuomotor adaptation task. First, we confirmed that motor variability on a trial-by-trial basis was selectively increased in the homogenous and prototypical dystonic disorder DYT1 dystonia. Second, high baseline variability predicted poor performance in the subsequent visuomotor adaptation task offering insight into the rules which appear to govern dystonic motor control. The potential mechanisms behind increased motor variability and its corresponding implications for the rehabilitation of patients with DYT1 dystonia are highlighted

    A Genome-Wide Survey of Switchgrass Genome Structure and Organization

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    The perennial grass, switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.), is a promising bioenergy crop and the target of whole genome sequencing. We constructed two bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) libraries from the AP13 clone of switchgrass to gain insight into the genome structure and organization, initiate functional and comparative genomic studies, and assist with genome assembly. Together representing 16 haploid genome equivalents of switchgrass, each library comprises 101,376 clones with average insert sizes of 144 (HindIII-generated) and 110 kb (BstYI-generated). A total of 330,297 high quality BAC-end sequences (BES) were generated, accounting for 263.2 Mbp (16.4%) of the switchgrass genome. Analysis of the BES identified 279,099 known repetitive elements, >50,000 SSRs, and 2,528 novel repeat elements, named switchgrass repetitive elements (SREs). Comparative mapping of 47 full-length BAC sequences and 330K BES revealed high levels of synteny with the grass genomes sorghum, rice, maize, and Brachypodium. Our data indicate that the sorghum genome has retained larger microsyntenous regions with switchgrass besides high gene order conservation with rice. The resources generated in this effort will be useful for a broad range of applications

    Interspecific introgression mediates adaptation to whole genome duplication

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    Adaptive gene flow is a consequential phenomenon across all kingdoms. While recognition is increasing, examples lack of bidirectional gene flow mediating adaptations at loci that manage core processes. We previously discovered concerted molecular changes among interacting members of meiotic machinery controlling crossover number upon adaptation to whole genome duplication (WGD) in Arabidopsis arenosa. Here we conduct a population genomic study to test the hypothesis that adaptation to WGD has been mediated by adaptive gene flow between A. arenosa and A. lyrata. We find that A. lyrata underwent WGD more recently than A. arenosa, suggesting that pre-adapted alleles have rescued nascent A. lyrata, but we also detect gene flow in the opposite direction at functionally interacting loci under the most extreme levels of selection. These data indicate that bidirectional gene flow allowed for survival after WGD and that the merger of these species is greater than the sum of their parts

    Leistungserfassung und Qualitätssicherung nach Behandlung der ACI-Stenose

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    Dasatinib (BMS-354825) targets an earlier progenitor population than imatinib in primary CML but does not eliminate the quiescent fraction

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    Dasatinib (BMS-354825), a novel dual SRC/BCR-ABL kinase inhibitor, exhibits greater potency than imatinib mesylate (IM) and inhibits the majority of kinase mutations in IM-resistant chronic myeloid leukemia (CIVIL). We have previously demonstrated that IM reversibly blocks proliferation but does not induce apoptosis of primitive CIVIL cells. Here, we have attempted to overcome this resistance with dasatinib. Primitive IM-resistant CML cells showed only single-copy BCR-ABL but expressed significantly higher BCR-ABL transcript levels and BCR-ABL protein compared with more mature CML cells (P = .031). In addition, CrKL phosphorylation was higher in the primitive CD34(+)CD38(-) than in the total CD34(+) population (P = .002). In total CD34(+) CIVIL cells, IM inhibited phosphorylation of CrKL at 16 but not 72 hours, consistent with enrichment of an IM-resistant primitive population. CD34(+)CD38(-) CML cells proved resistant to IM-induced inhibition of CrKL phosphorylation and apoptosis, whereas dasatinib led to significant inhibition of CrKL phosphorylation. Kinase domain mutations were not detectable in either IM or dasatinib-resistant primitive CML cells. These data confirm that dasatinib is more effective than IM within the CML stem cell compartment; however, the most primitive quiescent CML cells appear to be inherently resistant to both drugs