8 research outputs found

    Simulation of Hot Rolling by Cellular Automata

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    Our research is focusing to one of the most complex and important production step of flat rolled products that is the simulation of hot rolling. During hot rolling two phenomena as work hardening and the process of regeneration of crystals has strong influence for physical properties of microstructure of aluminium alloys. It needs to be taken into account in case of rolling technology steps and development. When we talk about aluminium the dynamic softening in fact it is dynamic recovery that is followed by dynamic recrystallization. It goes in the same order of magnitude rate. But in steels the recovery has only a minor effect. Hot rolled and newly modified grain structure is influenced by these dynamic phenomena. Hot rolled grain structure goes through significant changes under further production steps like cold rolling and heat treatments. But aside from these intermediate production steps the microstructure that we get after hot rolling has significant effect for mechanical and grains structure of the final flat rolled product. Proper technology planning is essential that for cellular automata simulation method can ensure useable and good solution for the simulation of recrystallization

    Phenotypical Screening on Neuronal Plasticity in Hippocampal-Prefrontal Cortex Connectivity Reveals an Antipsychotic with a Novel Profile

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    Dysfunction in the hippocampus-prefrontal cortex (H-PFC) circuit is a critical determinant of schizophrenia. Screening of pyridazinone-risperidone hybrids on this circuit revealed EGIS 11150 (S 36549). EGIS 11150 induced theta rhythm in hippocampal slice preparations in the stratum lacunosum molecular area of CA1, which was resistant to atropine and prazosin. EGIS 11150 enhanced H-PFC coherence, and increased the 8–9 Hz theta band of the EEG power spectrum (from 0.002 mg/kg i.p, at >30× lower doses than clozapine, and >100× for olanzapine, risperidone, or haloperidol). EGIS 11150 fully blocked the effects of phencyclidine (PCP) or ketamine on EEG. Inhibition of long-term potentiation (LTP) in H-PFC was blocked by platform stress, but was fully restored by EGIS 11150 (0.01 mg/kg i.p.), whereas clozapine (0.3 mg/kg ip) only partially restored LTP. EGIS 11150 has a unique electrophysiological profile, so phenotypical screening on H-PFC connectivity can reveal novel antipsychotics