366 research outputs found

    The prevalence of HIV among patients admitted with stroke at the Muhimbili National Hospital, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

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    Stroke and HIV infection are both common medical problems in the day to day clinical practice. Although data from developed countries confirm HIV infection as a risk for stroke the exact underlying mechanism is still unclear. Little data exist on the magnitude of HIV among patients with stroke in Tanzania. This cross-sectional study was carried out to determine the prevalence of HIV and assess its impact on the clinical presentation and outcome of patients admitted with stroke at the Muhimbili National Hospital, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania between May and November 2008. Patients were clinically evaluated through history and physical examination. Presence of HIV was determined by demonstration of HIV antibodies through an ELISA test. CD4+ T-lymphocyte count was determined by flowcytometry. Complete blood counts, as well as lipid profile and blood glucose levels were also determined. A total of 215 patients with stroke, constituting 6.8% of the admissions, were analyzed. The prevalence of HIV among patients with stroke was 20.9% (45/215). The overall mean (±SD) age of patients with stroke who were HIV infected was 47.2 (± 14.5) years, while that among patients with stroke but HIV un-infected was 56.1 (±15.1) years (P< 0.001). The proportion of patients with stroke and HIV who had hypertension was 53.3% (24/45), whereas among those HIV uninfected was 80.6% (137/170) (P

    Profit Efficiency among Rain-Fed Rice Farmers in Northern Taraba State , Nigeria

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    The study analyzed the profit efficiency of rain-fed rice farmers in Northern zone of Taraba state by collecting data from 156 respondents in 2013. A measure of profit efficiency was provided using stochastic profit frontier and inefficiency model. The results showed that there were high levels of inefficiency in rice production. The mean level of profit efficiency was 59% indicating that 41% of the profit was lost due to a combination of both technical and allocative inefficiencies. The profit inefficiency model showed that age, education, farming experience, household size and access to credit facilities increased the profit efficiency of the respondents. It is therefore, recommended that learning opportunities, farm inputs and credit facilities should be made available to farmers in appropriate time. Keywords: Efficiency, Profit-function, Rice, Taraba State

    Traditional Eye Medicines in Tanzania: Products, Health Risk Awareness and Safety Evaluation

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    Background information: Eyes are delicate sensory organs necessary to give comfort for our life. Eye treatment requires special attention to avoid serious medical problems including blindness. Traditional eye medicines (TEM) are in most cases of unknown chemical nature, and vital parameters like sterility and pH are not controlled subjecting users to partial or total vision disability. Aims: This work was aimed at systematic presentation of previously documented Tanzania TEM, documenting similar products, assessment of awareness of TEM health risks and safety evaluation. Methodology: Data from previous studies was obtained from published journal articles and books. Ethno pharmacological study was conducted in Kigoma district by interviewing traditional healers and knowledgeable people guided by the structured questionnaire. Awareness on TEM associated health risks and later Safety evaluation was done based on pH values determination and culturing of lizard droppings on three culture media. Results: TEM reported in this study are 80medicinal plants belonging to 42 families, animal excreta and unrefined salt. Among the interviewees, 65% were unaware of health risks associated with the use of TEM. The pH of the tested product was ranging between 2.5 and 6.57. Lizard droppings showed contamination of Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria and fungi

    Rising trend in maternal mortality at the university of Maiduguri Teaching hospital

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    Context: Various interventions have been introduced to reduce the very high maternal mortality ratio in our environmentbut to date the success is only marginal at best.Objective: To determine the trend in maternal mortality in University of Maiduguri Teaching Hospital (UMTH).Methods: Analysis of records of all women who died in pregnancy, labour and puerperium[up to 42 days after a pregnancy event] in UMTH between January, 2006 and December, 2010 was conducted.Results: The maternal mortality ratio (MMR) was 1074/100,000 live births. The main causes of maternal mortality were eclampsia in 34.6% of cases, haemorrhage (9.1%), HIV(17.8%) and puerperal infections (7.5%). There was rising trend in maternal mortality ratio over the study period. Factors contributing to maternal death included advanced maternal age, grand-multiparity, illiteracy, non-utilization of antenatal care services and late presentation to hospital.Conclusion: The maternal mortality ratio in UMTH is in in the upward trend and many of the causes of maternal death are avoidable. HIV appears to be an emerging major contributor to maternal deaths. There istherefore the need to strengthen the existing maternal health care services in Maiduguri, Borno state.Key words:Maternal mortality, trends, causes, Maidugur

    Analisis Yuridis terhadap Perkawinan Perempuan Muallaf dengan Wali Nikah Tokoh Agama

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    This research discusses to study and analyze the legal considerations of the Panel of Judges' judgments in Stipulation Number 20/Pdt.P/2012/PA.Smi and Stipulation Number 6/Pdt.P/2013/PA.Sgr. about itsbāt nikah in marriage of muallaf women with marriage guardians of religious leaders, then comparing the results of the two determinations. This research is a type of library research that acts descriptive-analytical-comparative. The choices used are juridical-normative and syara. The results of this study indicate that the contextual interpretation of the legal text more fulfills a sense of justice in favor of textual interpretation. Stipulation Number 6/Pdt.P/2013/PA.Sgr. which departs from contextual interpretation by considering socio-cultural and legal awareness of the community and contra legem by way of questioning the meaning (supported legal interpretation) of terminology). Honower Stipulation Number 20/Pdt.P/ 2012/PA.Smi which starts from textual-legalistic interpretation cannot fulfill the sense of justice of the community, but can only fulfill procedural demands

    Declining HIV-1 Prevalence and Incidence among Police Officers - A potential Cohort for HIV Vaccine Trials, in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

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    A safe effective and affordable HIV vaccine is the most cost effective way to prevent HIV infection worldwide. Current studies of HIV prevalence and incidence are needed to determine potentially suitable cohorts for vaccine studies. The prevalence and incidence of HIV-1 infection among the police in Dar es Salaam in 1996 were 13.8% and 19.6/1000 PYAR respectively. This study aimed at determining the current prevalence and incidence of HIV in a police cohort 10 years after a similar study was conducted. Police officers in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania were prospectively enrolled into the study from 2005 and followed-up in an incidence study three years later. HIV infection was determined by two sequential enzyme linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs) in the prevalence study and discordant results between two ELISAs were resolved by a Western blot assay. Rapid HIV assays (SD Bioline and Determine) were used for the incidence study. A total of 1,240 police participated in the HIV prevalence study from August 2005 to November 2008. Of these, 1101 joined the study from August 2005-September 2007 and an additional 139 were recruited between October 2007 to November 2008 while conducting the incidence study. A total of 726 (70%) out of the 1043 eligible police participated in the incidence study.The overall HIV-1 prevalence was 65/1240 (5.2%). Females had a non-statistically significant higher prevalence of HIV infection compared to males 19/253, (7.5%) vs. 46/987 (4.7%) respectively (p = 0.07). The overall incidence of HIV-1 was 8.4 per 1000 PYAR (95% CI 4.68-14.03), and by gender was 8.8 and 6.9 per 1000 PYAR, among males and females respectively, (p = 0.82). The HIV prevalence and incidence among the studied police has declined over the past 10 years, and therefore this cohort is better suited for phase I/II HIV vaccine studies than for efficacy trials

    A Qualitative Study of Perceived Risk for HIV Transmission among Police Officers in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

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    Understanding people's views about HIV transmission by investigating a specific population may help to design effective HIV prevention strategies. In addition, knowing the inherent sexual practices of such a population, as well as the risky circumstances that may facilitate HIV transmission, is crucial for the said strategies to become effective. In this article, we report how police officers in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, perceived the problem of HIV and AIDS in their local context, particularly in relation to unsafe sexual practices. The study was done with the view to recommending ways by which HIV transmission could be minimised within the police force. The study was conducted among members of the police force in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Eight focus group discussions (FGDs) were conducted, with a total of 66 participants who were mixed in terms of age, gender, and marital status. Some of these were caregivers to patients with AIDS. Data were analysed using the interpretive description approach. The participants believed that both individual sexual behaviour and work-related circumstances were sources of HIV infection. They also admitted that they were being tempted to engage in risky sexual practices because of the institutional rules that prohibit officers from getting married during their training and for three years after. Nevertheless, as members of the Police Force, they stressed the fact that the risky sexual behaviour that exposes them to HIV is not limited to the force; it is rather a common problem that is faced by the general population. However, they complained, the nature of their job exposes them to road accident victims, subjecting them further to possible infection, especially when they have to handle these road accident casualties without proper protective gear. Individual sexual behaviour and job-related circumstances are worth investigating if proper advice is to be given to the police regarding HIV prevention strategies. In order to improve the lives of these police officers, there is a need to review the existing institutional rules and practices to accommodate individual sexual needs. In addition, improving their working environment may minimize the risk of HIV transmission from handling casualties in emergency situations