64 research outputs found

    Gel meloksikama za topičku primjenu: In vitro i in vivo vrednovanje

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    Skin delivery of NSAIDs offers several advantages over the oral route associated with potential side effects. In the present investigation, topical gel of meloxicam (MLX) was formulated using N-methyl pyrrolidone (NMP) as a solubilizer and Carbopol Ultrez 10® as a gelling polymer. MLX gel was evaluated with respect to different physicochemical parameters such as pH, viscosity and spreadability. Irritation potential of MLX gel was studied on rabbits. Permeation of MLX gel was studied using freshly excised rat skin as a membrane. Anti-inflammatory activity of MLX gel was studied in rats and compared with the commercial formulation of piroxicam (Pirox® gel, 0.5 %, m/m). Accelerated stability studies were carried out for MLX gel for 6 months according to ICH guidelines. MLX gel was devoid of any skin irritation in rabbits. After 12 h, cumulative permeation of MLX through excised rat skin was 3.0 ± 1.2 mg cm2 with the corresponding flux value of 0.24 ± 0.09 mg cm2 h1. MLX gel exhibited significantly higher anti-inflammatory activity in rats compared to Pirox® gel. Physicochemically stable and non-irritant MLX gel was formulated which could deliver significant amounts of active substance across the skin in vitro and in vivo to elicit the anti-inflammatory activity.Primjena nesteroidnih protuupalnih lijekova na kožu ima nekoliko prednosti nad peroralnim načinom primjene uz koju se vežu određene nuspojave. U radu je opisana priprava gela meloksikama (MLX) za topičku primjenu. U pripravi gela korišten je N-metil pirolidon (NMP) kao otapalo i Carbopol ultrez 10® kao polimer za geliranje. Određivani su različiti fizikokemijski parametri kao što su pH, viskoznost i razmazljivost. Potencijalna iritacija MLX gela testirana je na kunićima, a svojstvo permeacije na svježim izrescima kože štakora. Protuupalno djelovanje praćeno je na štakorima i uspoređeno s registriranim pripravkom piroksikama (Pirox® gel, 0,5 % m/m). Testovi ubrzanog starenja MLX gela rađeni su tijekom 6 mjeseci prema ICH protokolu. Dobiveni rezultati ukazuju da MLX gel nimalo ne iritira kožu kunića. Kumulativna permeacija nakon 12 h bila je 3,0 ± 1,2 mg cm2, s odgovarajućem vrijednošću fluksa 0,24 ± 0,09 mg cm2 h1. MLX gel pokazao je značajno jače protuupalno djelovanje u odnosu na Pirox® gel. Pripravljeni gel je stabilan, ne iritira kožu, te in vitro i in vivo doprema kroz kožu ljekovitu tvar u dovoljnoj količini da ispolji protuupalno djelovanje

    Minimally invasive technologies for treatment of HTS and keloids : fractional laser

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    Hypertrophic fractional laser and keloid scars present a spectrum of disorders that are difficult to treat. Multiple treatments have been tried, to ameliorate the clinical sequelae of scarring, such as erythema, pruritus, functional limitation, reduced range of movement, dyschromias, hyper and/or hypopigmentation. Early international clinical recommendations on scar management first recognized the importance of laser therapy in this armamentarium [1]. Within the years that followed, laser technology and the understanding of how it modulates the underlying processes that leads to hypertrophic and keloid scarring have experienced a quantum leap [2] and are still evolving. Lasers also present a considerable financial commitent, and it is possible, in the authors’ experience, that limited early results partially stemmed from limited availability of multiple lasers with consequent attempts to overstretch the indications for what was available. This chapter presents a state-of-the-art insight into the use of fractional laser for the management of this complex problem. In particular, we focus on the management of complex scars such as those occurring post-burn injury and split-thickness skin grafting.peer-reviewe

    Positive Solution for A Class of Caputo-type Fractional Differential Equations

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    In this paper, we investigate the existence and uniqueness of positive solutions for a class of Caputo-type fractional differential equations with nonlocal integral boundary conditions. Our analysis based on constructing the upper and lower control functions of the nonlinear terms without having any monotone conditions except the continuity, Green function, and Schauder's (Banach's) fixed point technique on a cone. Finally, some examples are given to substantiate our main results

    2.09 angstrom Resolution structure of E. coli HigBA toxin antitoxin complex reveals an ordered DNA binding domain and intrinsic dynamics in antitoxin

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    The toxin–antitoxin (TA) systems are small operon systems that are involved in important physiological processes in bacteria such as stress response and persister cell formation. Escherichia coli HigBA complex belongs to the type II TA systems and consists of a protein toxin called HigB and a protein antitoxin called HigA. The toxin HigB is a ribosome-dependent endoribonuclease that cleaves the translating mRNAs at the ribosome A site. The antitoxin HigA directly binds the toxin HigB, rendering the HigBA complex catalytically inactive. The existing biochemical and structural studies had revealed that the HigBA complex forms a heterotetrameric assembly via dimerization of HigA antitoxin. Here, we report a high-resolution crystal structure of E. coli HigBA complex that revealed a well-ordered DNA binding domain in HigA antitoxin. Using SEC-MALS and ITC methods, we have determined the stoichiometry of complex formation between HigBA and a 33 bp DNA and report that HigBA complex as well as HigA homodimer bind to the palindromic DNA sequence with nano molar affinity. Using E. coli growth assays, we have probed the roles of key, putative active site residues in HigB. Spectroscopic methods (CD and NMR) and molecular dynamics simulations study revealed intrinsic dynamic in antitoxin in HigBA complex, which may explain the large conformational changes in HigA homodimer in free and HigBA complexes observed previously. We also report a truncated, heterodimeric form of HigBA complex that revealed possible cleavage sites in HigBA complex, which can have implications for its cellular functions