341 research outputs found

    Optimizing the Operation of Bulk Energy Storage Devices to Find the Trade-offs Between Revenue and CO2 Emissions.

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    The purpose of this research is to encourage policy makers to craft policies that support environmentally sound design practices while integrating bulk energy storage into the electricity grid. Bulk energy storage technology can regulate electricity coming into the grid from different energy sources. Grid flexibility is a powerful tool to empower the clean energy movement because it enables the integration of renewable energy into the electrical grid. However, storage technology has the potential to become another one of the many “tragedy of commons”, considering that there are no regulations forcing storage companies to pursue environmental-friendly operation. Bulk energy storage devices which earn income through arbitrage, have the potential to increase grid emissions. Both energy losses and the variety of energy grid resources, largely damper the environmental advantages of bulk energy storage devices. By using a linear programming formulation that considers both revenue and emissions, this thesis proposes operational solutions where bulk energy storage technologies can retain a high revenue while simultaneously reducing their emissions from the current eGRID sub-regions. These results can be achieved by explicitly demanding small inexpensive changes in the operation of the system. Usually, only a few companies will follow sustainable practices by themselves. Therefore, a variety of policy implementations are suggested to support environmentally sound design principals for bulk energy storage technology

    Developing a Multi-sensory Public Participation GIS (MSPPGIS) method for integrating landscape values and soundscapes of urban green infrastructure

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    This paper develops, tests and validates a Multi-sensory Public Participation GIS (MSPPGIS) method combining the qualities of soundscapes and landscape values mapping. The development of the method involved: a) Public Participation GIS survey design; b) three-phase evaluation of survey addressing analytical, applicability and usability criteria; c) survey refinement; d) sampling and data collection, and; e) spatial data analysis. The analysis consisted of hotspot mapping involving Kernel Density Estimation, spatial overlap assessment using Jaccard coefficients and value compatibility analysis showing the level of spatial compatibility between positive landscape values and positive and negative soundscapes. Results indicated very low to low spatial overlap between the different landscape values and pleasant/unpleasant sound hotspots, suggesting that landscape values do not necessarily reflect sonic perception of urban green and blue spaces. Pleasant and unpleasant sounds were located closer to home than landscape values (except for urban life values), indicating that respondents' soundscape 'cognitive map' is smaller in spatial range. The MSPPGIS method enables the elicitation of a more dynamic and diverse set of sounds compared to previous soundscape mapping which tend to focus on 'noise' instead of multiple experiences of different sounds. Also, the combination of landscape values and soundscapes in MSPPGIS provides for a more integrated assessment of 'where' and 'how' to design urban green infrastructure.Peer reviewe

    Transferência gênica assistida por campos magnéticos: Estudos em células gliais

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    Las nanopartículas magnéticas (MNP) complejadas con vectores génicos pueden, en presencia de un campo magnético externo, amplificar sustancialmente la eficiencia de la transferencia génica. Esta técnica, denominada magnetofección, es de gran interés en el campo de la terapia génica. En este estudio se caracterizó la mejora de transferencia génica en células gliales B92 utilizando complejos constituidos por diferentes proporciones de MNP asociadas a dos vectores adenovirales, a saber: los complejos entre las MNP denominadas PEI-Mag2 asociadas al adenovector RAd-GFP que expresa la proteína fluorescente verde GFP o al adenovector RAd-DsRed que expresa la proteína fluorescente roja DsRed2. Se demostró que para ambos vectores, a medida que la relación MNP/partícula viral física (PVF) va aumentando, la amplificación de la transfección también aumenta hasta que se llega a una relación MNP/PVF a partir de la cual el factor de amplificación alcanza un plateau. Se determinó que para el complejo PEI-Mag2/RAd-GFP la relación a partir de la cual se alcanza el plateau es de aproximadamente 0,5 fg Fe/PVF mientras que para el complejo PEI-Mag2/RAd-DsRed, esta relación corresponde a aproximadamente 71 fg Fe/PVF. Se concluye que los dos complejos magnéticos estudiados representan promisorias herramientas para mejorar la eficiencia en la terapia génica en células cerebrales.Fil: Pardo, Joaquin. Consejo Nacional de Invest.cientif.y Tecnicas. Centro Cientifico Tecnol.conicet - la Plata. Instituto de Invest.bioquimicas de la Plata;Fil: Sosa, Yolanda Elena. Consejo Nacional de Invest.cientif.y Tecnicas. Centro Cientifico Tecnol.conicet - la Plata. Instituto de Invest.bioquimicas de la Plata;Fil: Reggiani, Paula Cecilia. Consejo Nacional de Invest.cientif.y Tecnicas. Centro Cientifico Tecnol.conicet - la Plata. Instituto de Invest.bioquimicas de la Plata;Fil: Arciniegas, M. I.. Universidad Nacional de la Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas; Argentina;Fil: Sanchez, Francisco Homero. Universidad Nacional de la Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas; Argentina;Fil: Goya, Rodolfo Gustavo. Consejo Nacional de Invest.cientif.y Tecnicas. Centro Cientifico Tecnol.conicet - la Plata. Instituto de Invest.bioquimicas de la Plata

    Aceleraciones registradas y calculadas del sismo del 12 de agosto de 2014 en Quito.

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    El 12 de agosto de 2014, se registró un sismo de magnitud 5.1, a una profundidad focal de 4 km., en el segmento de falla Bellavista Catequilla, el mismo que fue registrado en 8 estaciones localizadas en la ciudad de Quito. Estas se encuentran ubicadas a distancias epicentrales entre 12 y 19 km. En este artículo se comparan las aceleraciones máximas obtenidas en campo libre, con las que se obtienen al emplear las ecuaciones de movimientos fuertes de Campbell y Borzognia (2013) y el de Zhao et al. (2006). Para ello previamente se determina un plano de ruptura del sismo, utilizando las ecuaciones propuestas por Leonard (2010) y la geometría de las fallas ciegas propuestas por Alvarado (2014). ABSTRACT: On August 12 th 2014, a magnitude 5.1 earthquake occurred at a depth of 4 km, in the Bellavista Catequilla fault segment. This event was recorded by 8 strong-motion stations located between 12 and 19 km from the epicenter, in the city of Quito. In this article, the maximum ground accelerations recorded in free field are compared with the accelerations estimated using the models by Campbell y Borzognia (2013) and Zh ao et al. (2006). To this end, the earthquake rupture plane is determined using the equations proposed by Leonard (2010) and the geometry of the blind fault system of Quito proposed by Alvarado (2014)

    Disorders of Consciousness due to Traumatic Brain Injury: Functional Status Ten Years Post-Injury

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    Few studies have assessed the long-term functional outcomes of patients with a disorder of consciousness due to traumatic brain injury (TBI). This study examined functional status during the first 10 years after TBI among a cohort with disorders of consciousness (i.e., coma, vegetative state, minimally conscious state). The study sample included 110 individuals with TBI who were unable to follow commands prior to inpatient rehabilitation and for whom follow-up data were available at 1, 2, 5, and 10 years post-injury. The sample was subdivided into those who demonstrated command-following early (before 28 days post-injury) versus late (≥ 28 days post-injury or never). Functional Independence Measure (FIM) at 1, 2, 5, and 10 years following TBI was used to measure functional outcomes. Measureable functional recovery occurred throughout the 10-year period, with more than two thirds of the sample achieving independence in mobility and self-care, and about one quarter achieving independent cognitive function by 10 years. Following commands prior to 28 days was associated with greater functional independence at all outcome time-points. Multi-trajectory modeling of recovery of three FIM subscales (self-care, mobility, cognition) revealed four distinct prognostic groups with different temporal patterns of change on these subscales. More than half the sample achieved near-maximal recovery by 1 year post-injury, while the later command-following subgroups recovered over longer periods of time. Significant late functional decline was not observed in this cohort. Among a cohort of patients unable to follow commands at the time of inpatient rehabilitation, a substantial proportion achieved functional independence in self-care, mobility, and cognition. The proportion of participants achieving functional independence increased between 5 and 10 years post-injury. These findings suggest that individuals with disorders of consciousness may benefit from ongoing functional monitoring and updated care plans for at least the first decade after TBI

    Rescatando tejeduría artesanal en Colombia

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    La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo fusionar la tejeduría artesanal a partir de fibras naturales manejadas por comunidades campesinas de: Timbío (Cauca), Charalá (Santander) y La Calera (Cundinamarca) en las colecciones de indumentaria realizadas para el Programa de Diseño de Modas de la Fundación Universitaria del Área Andina. En este proceso se combinaron diferentes tipos de estudios. Inicialmente se aplicó acción participación que permitió interrelacionaraspectos culturales, técnicos y ecológicos para cada una de las actividades artesanales. Posteriormente, el estudio descriptivo, se realizó un análisis que comprendió la descripción, registro e interpretación de la realidad de tres comunidades artesanales denominadas “estudio de caso”. Y finalmente, se utilizó el estudio exploratorio y observacional mediante la aplicación de instrumentos. Como resultado del proceso se elaboraron cuatro vestidos de novia con diferentes tipos de tejeduría artesanal. Dos con una mezcla de lana, seda. Uno en lana virgen y otro en algodón orgánico. Se concluyó que los saberes salvaguardados por las tres comunidades tenían como núcleo el trabajo artesanal, relacionado con los mecanismos que utilizan para la enseñanza, el aprendizaje, el reconocimiento del saber ajeno y la educación.AbstractThis research merged traditional, handmade and non-industrial weaving from natural fibers used by three peasant communities: Timbío (Cauca), Charalá (Santander) and La Calera (Cundinamarca); with high fashion collections developed by design students from Fundatión Universitaria del Área Andina. In this process were combined different kinds of research: first, it started with an action/participation study, in which we established the relationship between cultural, technical and ecological aspects for each and every one of the crafts. Then, it was taken by a descriptive study, which was based on an analysis that includes the description, registration and interpretation of the reality of these three communities. Finally, it was handled an exploratory and an observational study by using the application of participatory action method. Four wedding dresses were made with different types of weaving craft: two of them featured a mixture between wool, silk, stones, among others, and were inspired by Nordic goddesses. The other two were made in virgin wool (only) and organic cotton. Concluding that the different knowledge safeguarded by the three communities had the same core in weaving craft, and is related to the mechanisms used for teaching, learning, recognition of foreign knowledge and education.Keywords: Weaving, culture, identity, popular educatio