1,013 research outputs found


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    There is currently no standard for the Specific Energy Consumption (SEC) in the palm oil industry. SEC is a value that can be used as an indicator to measure the optimization level in the use of energy. Indonesia as one of the largest palm oil producing countries requires a standard for energy intensity in the palm oil industry. SEC in palm oil mill is defined in the amount of energy per unit of production (kWh/kg). The classifying method that has been used in this study is K-means cluster analysis with the measurement samples in 14 palm oil mills for 12 months of period. This study has suggested the SEC standard for Indonesian palm oil industry and it is expected to be SEC reference for other studies in the palm oil industry

    Aplikasi Soft System Methodology (Ssm) Untuk Perencanaan Terintegrasi Biofuel Dalam Sektor Pertanian Dan Sektor Energi

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    Biofuel sebagai substitusi potensial dari BBM belum dimanfaatkan secara maksimal. Untuk itu, diperlukan desain ulang dari strategi pengembangan biofuel yang komprehensif mencakup sektor energi yang merupakan output dari produk dan sektor pertanian yang merupakan sumber inputnya. Secara keseluruhan, terdapat tiga pendekatan yang berbeda untuk memodelkan biofuel, yaitu pendekatan dari sisi ekonomi dengan model Computable General Equilibrium (CGE), lalu pendekatan dari sisi pertanian dengan model Partial Equilibrium (PE), dan pendekatan dari sisi energi dengan model Long-range Energy Alternatives Planning (LEAP). Tujuan utama makalah ini adalah untuk memperoleh gambaran permasalahan atas situasi yang terjadi dalam perencanaan kebijakan biofuel mempertimbangkan penggunaan ketiga pendekatan diatas. Dengan menggunakan Soft System Methodology (SSM), pada makalah ini telah dibangun suatu model konseptual yang menggambarkan hubungan aktivitas antar komponen yang berkait. Melalui penerapan langkah-langkah SSM telah disusun rencana tindakan yang akan dilakukan, yaitu perencanaan terintegrasi dengan LEAP yang telah dimodifikasi untuk mengakomodir sektor pertanian dan sektor energi

    Partisipasi Masyarakat dalam Pembangunan Infrastruktur Kampung Tengah (Studi Aloaksi Dana Desa di Kampung Tengah Kecamatan Mempura Kabupaten Siak Tahun 2016)

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    Centralized develoment has led to disparities between urban and rural areas from different perspectives. One of the government's strategies to establish to reduce disparities and make villages more autonomous and self-reliant is to allocate village funds which then involve all members of the community at every stage of the activities resulting from this policy.The pupose and research is to identify; 1. Know the infrastructure development in the middle village in 2016; 2. Analyze the factore that development in the middle village by 2016. The method used in this research is descriptive method with qualitative approach. Data type is primary data and secondary data. Data collection techiques in the study are interviews and documentation. Tachniqu and data analysis used is desciptive qualitative data analysis.Based on the result of the results of this study concluded that the particiption of the community in the development of the village is through the use of village funds, overall sosiety is still low public participation, this lavks the opportunity that is owned as a sciety to participate with the ability and willingness of the community is still not able to reach a higher stage.The village apparatus is being linked in the aducation of the village apparatus is considered minimal, the training and education only once in 2016

    Utilization of Syrian Natural Asphalt in Hot – Mix Concrete Mixtures

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    This research covers evaluating the design and performance of hot-mix asphalt concrete mixtures for highways by utilizing Al-Beshery natural asphalt-sand material either alone or modified by compatible, lowcost and practical additives. Results of laboratory tests showed that Al-Beshery natural asphalt contains about 18% asphalt cement mixed with open-graded natural sand. Al-Beshery asphalt cement was found to be aged, stiff and hard as reflected by its high viscosity and low penetration values. Chemical analysis of this asphalt also indicated its hardness nature as explained by high asphaltenes content and heavy molecular weight of oils. Two types of rejuvenating agents were investigated to soften the aged Al- Beshery asphalt. The first is a compatible waste hydrocarbon material (lubricating used oil). The second is soft refinery asphalt (200-250 pen-grade). Different combinations between Al-Beshery natural asphalt and the two additive types were investigated to choose optimum contents of additives. Optimum contents for the waste hydrocarbon material and refinery 200-250 pen-grade asphalt cement were concluded as 6% and 30%, respectively, by weight of Al-Beshery extracted asphalt cement. Performance of designed asphalt concrete mixtures was measured under static and dynamic loading. Stability, indirect tensile strength, resilient modulus, fatigue cracking and rutting tests were all utilized to measure the different mechanical properties of the designed hot-mix asphalt concrete mixtures. Results of this research yielded promising improvements in the chemical and physical characteristics of Al-Beshery asphalt. Furthermore, performance of Al- Beshery treated asphalt concrete mixtures was significantly improved compared to the base case (i.e., no treatment)

    Perkembangan Biodiesel di Indonesia Tinjauan Atas Kondisi Saat ini, Teknologi Produksi & Analisis Prospektif

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    Biofuel sebagai energi terbarukan yang berpotensi untuk menggantikan peran bahan bakar minyak (BBM) belum dimanfaatkan secara maksimal di Indonesia. Pemerintah Indonesia ingin memenuhi suplai biodiesel dari industri nasional dengan penerapan mandatori penggunaan biodiesel, namun target mandatori belum terpenuhi karena pasar biofuel dalam negeri belum menarik minat pengusaha.Celah antara kapasitas produksi dengan capaian produksi masih sekitar 25% atau 1,11 juta kilo liter. Hal ini direspon oleh pemerintah dengan menerapkan CPO Fund untuk mendorong produksi bahan bakar nabati biodiesel.Menyikapi berbagai kebijakan yang telah dikeluarkan oleh pemerintah, diperlukan ulasan mengenai kondisi terkini dari sektor biodiesel dengan tujuan untuk mendapatkan gambaran yang komprehensif dari sektor biodiesel dengan mengulas kondisi saat ini, perkembangan teknologi produksi, dan analisis prospektif.Hasil dari analisis prospektif didapatkan bahwa arah pengembangan biodiesel harus dimulai dari teknologi produksi biodiesel untuk mencapai peningkatan hasil produksi dengan biaya yang murah Karenanya, pada makalah ini kami mengusulkan teknologi produksi biodiesel in situ transesterifikasi yang akan memberikan peluang teknologi yang lebih ekonomis dibandingkan teknologi produksi esterifikasi-transesterifikasi konvensional


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    This research explored the potentials of Cymbopogon citratus (Lemon Grass) for biogas production as a cost effective alternative energy source in Nigeria. The Cymbopogon citratus was crushed to small sizes between 20 to 50mm and pre-fermented for 40 days in a PVC drum. Six (6) kg of the pre-fermented Cymbopogon citratus was mixed with water in ratio 1:1 w/v to form slurry and digested for 30 days. The floating drum gas collection system was used to collect the gas after it was passed through water and lime respectively for scrubbing. A total of 0.125m3 (6.95x10-4 m3/kg/day) and 0.0897m3 (4.98x10-4 m3/kg/day) of biogas was produced from the Cymbopogon citratus before and after scrubbing respectively. The gas produced was used for cooking test. The scrubbed gas had higher cooking rates for both water and rice respectively (0.12L/min and 0.0052L/min) while the cooking rates for unscrubbed gas were 0.079L/min and 0.0036L/min respectively. During this period, daily ambient temperatures of the research environment varied from 310C to 420C while the digester temperature fluctuated between 28oC and 36.70C. The pH of the medium fluctuated optimally between 6.5 and 7.8. The research demonstrated that Biogas could be produced from Cymbopogon citratus in quantity and quality comparative with those in literatures

    Assessment of the change in river discharge-carrying capacity using remote sensing geographic information system: a case study of Ofu river, Nigeria

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    This study assessed the changes in the flow carrying capacity of Ofu River in Nigeria between 2000 and 2011 using the DEMs of the respective years. The results showed that Ofu River had lost 12.88 m amounting to about 42.58 % of its flow depth at Oforachi between 2000 and 2011 at a rate of 1.171 m per year and an estimated 18.74 m amounting to about 61.95 % in 2016. The Total sediment load was 66,825,730 kg/year comprising of 56,747,260 kg/year and 10,077,470 kg/year of measured and unmeasured sediment loads respectively. The results obtained suggested that the loss in flow depth is a result of siltation of the river bed due to the high sediment load probably as a result of soil cultivation within the floodplains. The study demonstrated that remote sensing and GIS can be used to assess the changes in the discharge-carrying capacity of a river.Keywords: DEM, Discharge capacity, Flow depth, GIS, Ofu river, Sediment loa

    Reliability assessment of Thomas Fiering's method of stream flow prediction

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    This study was carried out to assess the reliability of Thomas-Fiering’s method of stream flow prediction. The 19 years gauged data of 1955-1973 was extended to 2016 using the model. Model calibration was done by multiple linear regressions of the gauged and synthetic data of 1956-1973. The linear equations developed for January to December were used for adjustment of the three sets of stream flow data generated for 1974-2016. The reliability assessment was done based on the extent to which the unbiased statistics (mean, standard deviation and correlation coefficients) of the 1955-1973 stream flow data were preserved in the synthetic stream flow for 1955-2016. The comparison was done using linear regression and One-Way ANOVA (95% Confidence level) to check for the reliability of the generated data. The coefficients of determination, P-values, F-values and critical F-values were used to estimate the reliability index. Synthetic data was found to be 95.9% reliable.Keywords: Ofu River, Reliability, Stream flow, Synthetic, Thomas Fiering’s mode

    Produktivitas Penangkapan Ikan Tenggiri (Scomberomorus Commerson) Menggunakan Pancing Ulur Di PerairanKabupaten Bintan

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    Mackerel is one of the main targets of hand line fishing in the Tambelan coastal waters, Bintan Regency. The mackerel catch data were collected by following the hand line fishing operation as many as 40 trips from December 2013 to April 2014. The productivity data of hand line fishing were calculated based on the time of fishing operations (morning, noon, afternoon). The average productivity of hand line fishing in the morning, daytime and afternoon were 0.051 kg/minutes, 0.036 kg/minutes and 0.033 kg/minutes, respectively. Handline fishing productivity in the morning was not significantly different with at the daytime, however there was a significant different in productivity between in the morning and in the afternoon. Whilst, the fishing productivity at the daytime was not significantly different with that in the afternoon

    Optimalisasi Kenyamanan Akustik Ruang Pada JX International Surabaya

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    Bangunan multifungsi merupakan salah satu fasilitas umum untuk mengadakan aktifitas yang berhubungan dengan percakapan dan musik. Kualitas Kenyamanan akustik ruang merupakan salah satu hal utama yang perlu diperhatikan dalam penggunaan bangunan multifungsi, karena hal tersebut memiliki pengaruh besar dalam menentukan keberhasilan sebuah aktifitas yang ditampung didalamnya. JX International merupakan salah satu penyedia fasilitas multifungsi di Surabaya yang didominasi oleh penggunaan hard material. Penggunaan hard material yang terlalu banyak berpotensi menimbulkan cacat akustik seperti gema dan dengung ruang di dalamnya. Penggunaan metode iso-akustik dan pensimulasian menggunakan Ecotect Analysis untuk mengetahui fenomena cacat akustik yang ada di dalam ruang sehingga dapat ditentukan kriteria rekomendasi desain acoustic treatment sebagai langkah pengoptimasian kualitas akustik ruang di JX International Surabaya. Strategi yang digunakan antara lain dengan meneliti fenomena akustik ruang yang terjadi dengan menggunakan grafik noise mapping, penggunaan material, dan permukaan bidang yang dapat mempengaruhi sifat fenomena bunyi dalam ruang sehingga dapat memunculkan kriteria rekomendasi desain secara tentative yang sesuai dengan nilai standar RT60 (reverberation time) sebagai upaya optimalisasi akustik ruang di JX International Surabaya
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