13 research outputs found

    Opto-thermally controlled beam steering in nonlinear all-dielectric metastructures

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    Reconfigurable metasurfaces have recently gained a lot of attention in applications such as adaptive meta-lenses, hyperspectral imaging and optical modulation. This kind of metastructure can be obtained by an external control signal, enabling us to dynamically manipulate the electromagnetic radiation. Here, we theoretically propose an AlGaAs device to control the second harmonic generation (SHG) emission at nanoscale upon optimized optical heating. The asymmetric shape of the used meta-atom is selected to guarantee a predominant second harmonic (SH) emission towards the normal direction. The proposed structure is concurrently excited by a pump beam at a fundamental wavelength of 1540 nm and by a continuous wave (CW) control signal above the semiconductor band gap. The optical tuning is achieved by a selective optimization of meta-atoms SH phase, which is modulated by the control signal intensity. We numerically demonstrate that the heating induced in the meta-atoms by the CW pump can be used to dynamically tune the device properties. In particular, we theoretically demonstrate a SH beam steering of 8° with respect to the vertical axis for an optimized device with average temperature increase even below 90° C

    Genome analysis of Desulfotomaculum gibsoniae strain GrollT a highly versatile Gram-positive sulfate-reducing bacterium

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    Desulfotomaculum gibsoniae is a mesophilic member of the polyphyletic spore-forming genus Desulfotomaculum within the family Peptococcaceae. This bacterium was isolated from a freshwater ditch and is of interest because it can grow with a large variety of organic substrates, in particular several aromatic compounds, short-chain and medium-chain fatty acids, which are degraded completely to carbon dioxide coupled to the reduction of sulfate. It can grow autotrophically with H2 + CO2 and sulfate and slowly acetogenically with H2 + CO2, formate or methoxylated aromatic compounds in the absence of sulfate. For growth it does not require any vitamins. Here, we describe the features of D. gibsoniae strain GrollT together with the genome sequence and annotation. The chromosome has 4,855,529 bp organized in one circular contig and is the largest genome of all sequenced Desulfotomaculum spp., so far. A total of 4666 candidate protein-encoding genes and 96 RNA genes were identified. Genes of the acetyl-CoA pathway possibly involved in heterotrophic growth, and in CO2 fixation during autotrophic growth are present. The genome contains a large set of genes for the anaerobic transformation and degradation of aromatic compounds, which are lacking in the other sequenced Desulfotomaculum genomes.DOE -U.S. Department of EnergyThe work conducted by the U.S. Department of Energy Joint Genome Institute was supported by the Office of Science of the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231, and was also supported by grants CW-TOP 700.55.343, ALW 819.02.014 of the Netherlands Science Foundation (NWO), ERC (project 323009), and BE-Basic (project F07.002.03)

    Oxidative destruction of dinitrophenols by Fenton's reagent in the presence of inorganic salts

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    The influence of inorganic salts on the kinetics of oxidation of 2,4- and 2,6-dinitrophenols by Fenton’s reagent, hydrogen peroxide, in the presence of iron(II) ions was studiedyesBS

    Oxidative destruction of dinitrophenols by Fenton's reagent in the presence of inorganic salts

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    yesBSUThe influence of inorganic salts on the kinetics of oxidation of 2,4- and 2,6-dinitrophenols by Fenton’s reagent, hydrogen peroxide, in the presence of iron(II) ions was studie

    Individual Model of Psychological Health in Educational Process Subjects in Distance Learning Conditions

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    The article examines the problem of studying the individual model of psychological health of the students and employees of the Moscow International Academy (MIA). The goal is to explore the specific characteristics of personal psychological health in MIA students and employees. The implementation of the research program required the researcher to be ready and able to interact in the field of mental and psychological health of the individual, knowledge of age, individual psychological characteristics of the respondents to develop a research program, the ability to conduct psychodiagnostic work, the ability to analyze their own activities in order to optimize it, as well as to be creative. solving the assinged tasks. Authors used the methodology “Individual model of psychological health” by A.V. Kozlov. The method “Individual model of psychological health” was developed in 2014 in the course of psychosemantic analysis of the concept by students of the phenomenon of psychological health. Based on the data acquired, it can be concluded that the hypothesis on the influence of self-isolation on the model of psychological health in various age groups is partially confirmed as older study participants face difficulties with life prospects and experience stress when planning their future. Students also demonstrate low development levels in some components of the model explained by the general level of personality development in the intellectual and spiritual aspects.El artículo examina el problema de estudiar el modelo individual de salud psicológica de los estudiantes y empleados de la Academia Internacional de Moscú (MIA). El objetivo es explorar las características específicas de la salud psicológica personal en estudiantes y empleados de MIA. La implementación del programa de investigación requirió que el investigador esté listo y sea capaz de interactuar en el campo de la salud mental y psicológica del individuo, el conocimiento de la edad, las características psicológicas individuales de los encuestados para desarrollar un programa de investigación, la capacidad para realizar trabajos de psicodiagnóstico. , la capacidad de analizar sus propias actividades con el fin de optimizarlas, así como ser creativos. resolviendo las tareas asignadas. Los autores utilizaron la metodología “Modelo individual de salud psicológica” de A.V. Kozlov. El método “Modelo individual de salud psicológica” fue desarrollado en 2014 en el curso de análisis psicosemántico del concepto por estudiantes del fenómeno de la salud psicológica. Con base en los datos adquiridos, se puede concluir que la hipótesis sobre la influencia del autoaislamiento en el modelo de salud psicológica en varios grupos de edad se confirma parcialmente ya que los participantes mayores del estudio enfrentan dificultades con las perspectivas de vida y experimentan estrés al planificar su futuro. Los estudiantes también demuestran bajos niveles de desarrollo en algunos componentes del modelo explicado por el nivel general de desarrollo de la personalidad en los aspectos intelectuales y espirituales

    Moral and Psychological State of the Student’s Personality During End-of-Term Exams

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    The article presents key aspects of the moral and psychological state of the student's personality, as well as examines the characteristics of age and levels of anxiety as factors that affect the moral and psychological state of the students. Throughout the study, it is concluded that these categories, in addition to adaptation to new conditions, are determining factors for the moral and psychological affection of the student's personality.El artículo presenta aspectos clave del estado moral y psicológico de la personalidad del estudiante, así como también, examina las características de edad, niveles de ansiedad como factores que afectan el estado moral y psicológico de los estudiantes. A lo largo del estudio, se concluye que estas categorías, además de la adaptación a las nuevas condiciones, son determinantes para la afección moral y psicológica de la personalidad del alumno

    The study of normal pregnancy in women with hereditary thrombophilia

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    Objective: The definition of the conditions under which women with inherited thrombophilia can have a positive pregnancy outcome. Materials and Methods. We conducted a retrospective and partially prospective analysis of 100 women with various forms of hereditary thrombophilia with the purpose of studying the conditions of a positive outcome of pregnancy. Results. We learned that normal uncomplicated pregnancy is possible if the age of the pregnant geminimen 26 years or properly selected antithrombotic therapy. Later than the time of menarche and the presence of a large number of mutations, mainly homozygous forms are markers of phenotypic manifestation of hereditary thrombophilia, starting with the first pregnancy. Conclusion. Timely diagnosis of genetic mutations and polymorphisms of thrombophilia (pre-pregnancy), pregravid proper training and appropriate management of pregnant women with the use of antiplatelet and (or) anticoagulant therapy let to get a good results by reducing the performance of reproductive losses and complications of pregnancy

    Frequency and nature of complications after lung resections for tuberculosis in HIV-infected patients

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    The objective of this work was to study the frequency and nature of complications after lung resections for tuberculosis in HIV-infected patients.Material and methods. Retrospective and prospective analysis of complications after lung resections for tuberculosis in 80 HIV-infected and 117 HIV-negative patients was carried out. Developed complications are divided into nonspecific and specific complications, according to the modified Russian classification of postoperative complications on the basis of Accordion classification.Results. It was noted that among the operated HIV-infected patients, XDR-TB (extensive drug-resistant tuberculosis) and clinically significant concomitant diseases were more common. Differences in the frequency of intraoperative complications in groups have not been established. Postoperative complications were mostly disposable, the frequency of deaths in the main group did not differ from that in the comparison group.Conclusion. Surgical treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis in HIV-infected patients is reasonable and justified, in general for patients with pulmonary tuberculosis, with adequate antituberculous chemotherapy and antiretroviral therapy

    Development of the formulation and technology of a new fish culinary product "Cream cheese fish from blue catfish" enriched with iodine of kelp of the White Sea

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    Expanding the range of products based on the rational use of available fish resources is a current direction for the development of the food industry of the Russian Federation. Blue catfish, a little-used fishery item in the Northern Basin, was chosen as a raw material for the development of a fish culinary paste product. Blue catfish meat is significantly watered (up to 93 % of the total mass), as a result there are currently no technologies for deep processing of fish for food purposes. During the research, the technology of a new fish culinary product "Fish cream cheese from blue catfish, enriched with iodine from White Sea kelp" has been proposed in an assortment, and recipes have been developed, optimized in the MatLab program. The amino acid composition of blue catfish meat as well as indicators of the nutritional value of new products have been considered. The energy value of 100 g of product varies from 120 to 150 kcal, the mass fraction of protein is 8.5–11 %; fat – 9–13 %; carbohydrates – 2–2.5 %. The iodine content in a unit of consumer packaging of the product "Cream cheese fish from blue catfish with pickled seaweed" was experimentally established to be 340 mcg per 100 g; a 44 g serving of this product contains 100 % of the recommended daily intake of the micronutrient (150 mcg). The developed product "Cream cheese fish from blue catfish with pickled seaweed" can be classified as "enriched with iodine" when the amount of its daily consumption (25 g) is indicated on the consumer packaging