779 research outputs found

    Increasing the resistance of a NiCrBSi coating to heat wear by means of combined laser heat treatment

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    Testing of NiCrBSi coatings formed by gas-powder laser cladding and combined laser heat treatment, including laser cladding and high-temperature annealing, were conducted under conditions of sliding friction on the Kh12M steel according to the pin-on-disk scheme. The combined processing resulting in the formation of large carbides and chromium borides in the coatings is shown to increase their wear resistance by a factor of 1.8 at sliding velocities of 6.1 and 9.3 m/s, when there is significant frictional heating of the friction surfaces. © 2018 Author(s)


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    The article investigates the peculiarities of news content on regional television in Russia. In order to identify these aspects, the authors reviewed the news materials of two TV channels: «Moscow 24» of the Moscow region and GTRK «Tver» of the Tver region. The object of the research is news programs on regional television. The subject of the study is the specifics of news on regional television. Special attention is paid to the specifics of news materials and their requirements. Peculiarities of news content presentation in information programs of regional TV channels were revealed.El artículo investiga las peculiaridades del contenido de las noticias en la televisión regional en Rusia. Para identificar estos aspectos, los autores revisaron los materiales de noticias de dos canales de televisión: «Moscú 24» de la región de Moscú y GTRK «Tver» de la región de Tver. El objeto de la investigación son los programas de noticias en la televisión regional. El tema del estudio son los detalles de las noticias en la televisión regional. Se presta especial atención a los detalles de los materiales de noticias y sus requisitos. Se revelaron las peculiaridades de la presentación del contenido de las noticias en los programas de información de los canales de televisión regionales.В статье исследовано особенности подачи новостного контента на региональном телевидении России. С целью выявления данных аспектов авторы рассмотрели новостные материалы двух телеканалов: «Москва 24» Московского региона и ГТРК «Тверь» Тверской области. Объектом исследования являются новостные программы на региональном телевидении. Предмет исследования – специфика новостей на региональном телевидении. Особое внимание уделено специфике новостных материалов и предъявляемым к ним требованиям. Выявлены особенности подачи новостного контента в информационных программах региональных телеканалов

    The influence of a combined strain-heat treatment on the features of electromagnetic testing of fatigue degradation of quenched constructional steel

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    The possibilities of the magnetic and eddy-current methods for testing fatigue degradation during low-cycle loading of quenched steel 50 (0.51% C) that was subjected to a combined strain-heat treatment according to an optimal regime that included friction treatment with subsequent tempering at T = 350 C, were investigated. It is shown that for steel that was subjected to a combined nanostructuring treatment, the accumulation of a plastic strain under "hard" cyclic loading can be tested using the coercimetric method and values of the residual magnetic induction on the major and minor magnetic-hysteresis loops, values of the maximum and initial magnetic permeabilities, and readings of an eddy-current instrument at a low excitation frequency of the eddy-current transducer. The appearance of surface fatigue cracks can be tested via eddy-current measurements at high frequencies, when the contribution of the crack formation in the hardened layer to the eddy-current characteristics is considerable. © 2013 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd

    Properties of arc-sprayed coatings from Fe-based cored wires for high-temperature applications

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    Equipment of a thermal power plant is subjected to high temperature oxidation and wear. This raises operating costs through frequent repair of worn parts and high metal consumption. The paper proposes a possible solution to this problem through arc spraying of protective coatings. Cored wires of the Fe-Cr-C basic alloying system are used as a feedstock. Additional alloying by Al, B, Si, Ti and Y allows one to create wear- and heat-resistant coatings, which are an attractive substitute of more expensive Co- and Ni-based materials. © 2017 Author(s)

    Wear-resistant nickel-based laser clad coatings for high-temperature applications

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    The effect of high-temperature processing on laser clad Ni-based coatings is studied. Annealing at 1025°C forms thermally stable framework structures with large chromium carbides and borides. As a result, improved hardness and wear resistance of the coating are maintained when heated to 1000°C. Stabilizing annealing also increases the frictional thermal resistance of the NiCrBSi coating. Under high-speed (3.1– 9.3 m/s) sliding friction, when the surface layer temperature reaches about 500 –1000°С and higher, the wear resistance of the coating increases by 1.7 – 3.0 times. The proposed approach to the formation of heat-resistant coatings is promising, in particular, for a hot deformation tool and other components of metallurgical equipment operating under high thermal and mechanical loads. Such products include crystallizer walls of continuous casting machines. For the walls, the development of laser cladding technology for wear-resistant composite coatings on copper alloys is relevant as an alternative to thermal spraying. The cladding of composite NiBSi-WC coatings of 0.6 and 1.6 mm thickness on a Cu-Cr-Zr bronze substrate heated to 200 – 250°C with a diode laser is considered. The presence of boron causes the formation of the W(C, B) carboboride phase, whose hardness is higher than that of WC in the initial powder. Depending on the thickness of coatings and, accordingly, on the duration of heating and the subsequent cooling, the process of secondary carboborides precipitation from the solid solution can be suppressed (in the “thin” coating) or activated (in the “thick” coating). This leads to a higher wear resistance under friction sliding 1.6 mm thickness coating. © 2019, Institute for Metals Superplasticity Problems of Russian Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.Institute of Education Sciences, IES: АААА-А18-118020790147-4Russian Science Foundation, RSF: 19-79-00031АААА-А18-118020190116-6The work was supported by the state orders of IMP UB RAS on the subjects “Laser” and “Structure” №АААА-А18-118020190116-6 and IES №АААА-А18-118020790147-4. The study of the evolution of the structure of NiCrBSi coatings during heating was carried out with financial support from the Russian Science Foundation, grant № 19-79-00031. The structural studies were done on the equipment installed at the Plastometriya Collective Use Center of IES UB RAS

    An educational software product work out as needed training resource to ensure the integration of the english language and study disciplines

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    Технология предполагает создание учебного продукта, который означает развитие и трансформацию профессионального образования, формирование нового образовательного поля по англоязычной траектории и распространение активных форм обучения, применение в обучении современных технологий и технических средств совершенствования образовательного процесса. Особое внимание должно быть уделено «отстающим» студентам и их специальной подготовке.Our educational software product focused strongly on education concerning some acknowledge the importance of language learning and acquiring professional and intercultural competences advancing at all grades of education, by encouraging quality linguistic and cultural preparation for mobility in both general professional and vocational education. A program particularly emphasizes on disadvantaged learners and their specific needs

    Неотложная травматология в НИИ скорой помощи им. Н.В. Склифосовского: история и современность

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    The purpose of this work was to study the history of the development of traumatology-orthopedics at the N.V. Sklifosovsky Research Institute for Emergency Medicine.Traumatology as an independent discipline began to form at the N.V. Sklifosovsky Research Institute for Emergency Medicine during the reign of Professor S.S. Yudin (chief surgeon since 1928), who invited the famous Argentinean traumatologist-orthopedist Professor Lelio Zeno to work at the institute.In 1932, the trauma department of the N.V. Sklifosovsky Research Institute for Emergency Medicine was headed by Professor V.V. Gorinevskaya. She organized a 100-bed trauma clinic for the treatment of injuries to the head, spine, limbs, chest and abdominal cavity. She is rightfully considered one of the founders of trauma science in the USSR.With the development of traumatology and orthopedics as an independent specialty in 1961, two clinics were formed at the institute. The first trauma clinic was run by Dr. med. sciences professor I.I. Sokolov. The second clinic was headed by Dr. med. Sci. P.N. Petrov.In 1971, Dr. med. Professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical and Technical Sciences of the Russian Federation V.P. Okhotsky was appointed the head of the traumatological service of the institute and the chief traumatologist of Moscow (from 1971 to 2001). With his active participation in Moscow, the reorganization of outpatient care was completed, work was widely launched on the medical aspects of the prevention of road traffic injuries and the introduction into practice of the most rational methods of diagnosis and treatment of patients with injuries of the musculoskeletal system. In the N.V. Sklifosovsky Research Institute for Emergency Medicine A.G. Suvalyan introduced the method of intramedullary osteosynthesis of long tubular bones (humerus, femur and tibia). Under the guidance of prof. V.P. Okhotsky the dissertation researches of A.G. Suvalyan, M.A. Suvalyan and S.S. Myakota were carried out. The expediency of early surgical intervention on the extremities in case of combined traumatic brain injury and multiple trauma of the extremities has also been proven, new functional methods of treatment of diaphyseal fractures of the shoulder, lower leg, spine and intra-articular injuries have been developed.In close scientific cooperation with scientists from other clinics of the institute, a comprehensive method of treating open injuries of the limbs has been developed (dissertation researches of I.F. Byalik, I.Yu. Klyukvin, O.P. Filippov, M.V. Zvezdina, R.S. Titov). Much scientific work has been carried out to improve the diagnosis and treatment of intra-articular injuries of the knee joint (dissertation researches by M.A. Malygina, O.P. Filippov, A.Yu. Vasa).From 2001 to 2016 the head of the department of emergency traumatology of the musculoskeletal system was a student of prof. V.P. Okhotsky – Dr. med. sciences, Professor, Academician of the Academy of Medical and Technical Sciences of the Russian Federation I.Yu. Klyukvin. Since 2016 the department is headed by Dr. med. sciences Alexey M. Fine.The scientific developments of the employees of the Department of Emergency Traumatology have a practical orientation. Every year, the department’s employees successfully perform more than 2500 surgical interventions using advanced low-traumatic techniques, making extensive use of the achievements of biotechnology.Целью данной работы явилось изучение истории развития травматологии-ортопедии в институте скорой помощи им. Н.В. Склифосовского.Травматология как самостоятельная дисциплина начала формироваться в институте им. Н.В. Склифосовского еще при профессоре С.С. Юдине (главный хирург с 1928 г.), пригласившем на работу известного аргентинского травматолога-ортопеда профессора Лелио Зено.В 1932 году травматологическое отделение института им. Н.В. Склифосовского возглавила профессор В.В. Гориневская. Ею была организована травматологическая клиника на 100 коек для лечения повреждений головы, позвоночника, конечностей, грудной и брюшной полостей. Она по праву считается одним из основоположников травматологической науки в СССР.По мере развития травматологии и ортопедии как самостоятельной специальности в 1961 году в институте были сформированы две клиники. Первой травматологической клиникой много лет руководил доктор мед. наук профессор И.И. Соколов. Вторую клинику возглавлял доктор мед. наук П.Н. Петров.В 1971 году руководителем травматологической службы института и главным травматологом Москвы (с 1971 по 2001 г.) был назначен доктор мед. наук, профессор, заслуженный деятель науки РФ, академик Российской Академии медико-технических наук РФ В.П. Охотский. При его активном участии в Москве была завершена реорганизация амбулаторной помощи, широко развернута работа по медицинским аспектам профилактики дорожно-транспортного травматизма и внедрению в практику наиболее рациональных способов диагностики и лечения больных с повреждениями опорно-двигательного аппарата. В НИИ СП им. Н.В. Склифосовского А.Г. Суваляном был внедрен метод интрамедуллярного остеосинтеза длинных трубчатых костей (плечевой, бедренной и большеберцовой). Под руководством проф. В.П. Охотского проведены посвященные данному методу диссертационные исследования А.Г. Суваляна, М.А. Суваляна и С.С. Мякоты. Также доказана целесообразность раннего оперативного вмешательства на конечностях при сочетанной черепно-мозговой травме и множественной травме конечностей, созданы новые функциональные методы лечения диафизарных переломов плеча, голени, позвоночника и внутрисуставных повреждений.В тесном научном сотрудничестве с учеными других клиник института разработан комплексный метод лечения открытых повреждений конечностей (диссертационные исследования И.Ф. Бялика, И.Ю. Клюквина, О.П. Филиппова, М.В. Звездиной, Р.С. Титова). Большая научная работа проведена по совершенствованию диагностики и лечения внутрисуставных повреждений коленного сустава (диссертационные исследования М.А. Малыгиной, О.П. Филиппова, А.Ю. Ваза).С 2001 по 2016 г. руководителем отделения неотложной травматологии опорно-двигательного аппарата являлся ученик проф. В.П. Охотского — доктор медицинских наук, профессор, академик Академии медико-технических наук РФ И.Ю. Клюквин. С 2016 г. отделением руководит доктор мед. наук Алексей Максимович Файн.Научные разработки сотрудников отделения неотложной травматологии имеют практическую направленность. Ежегодно в отделении успешно выполняются более 2500 оперативных вмешательств с применением передовых малотравматичных методик и широким использованием достижений биотехнологии


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    Truffles are one of the least studied groups of fungi in terms of their biological and biotechnological aspects. This study aimed to isolate truffle-inhabiting fungi and assess the metagenomic communities of the most common Russian summer truffle, Tuber aestivum. This study is the first to characterize the biodiversity of prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms living in the truffle T. aestivum using molecular analysis and sequencing. Plant pathogens involved in a symbiotic relationship with truffles were identified by sequencing the hypervariable fragments of the 16S rRNA and 18S rRNA genes. In addition, some strains of fungal symbionts and likely pathogens were isolated and recognized for the first time from the truffles. This study also compared and characterized the general diversity and distribution of microbial taxa of T. aestivum collected in Russia and Europe. The results revealed that the Russian and European truffle study materials demonstrated high similarity. In addition to the truffles, representatives of bacteria, fungi, and protists were found in the fruiting bodies. Many of these prokaryotic and eukaryotic species inhabiting truffles might influence them, help them form mycorrhizae with trees, and regulate biological processes. Thus, truffles are interesting and promising sources for modern biotechnological and agricultural studies

    Pathological changes of the spleen in mice infected with influenza against the background of the use of saponin tauroside Sx1

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    Background. It is well known that viral infections are able to cause an imbalance of the interferon system and inhibition of cellular and phagocytic reactions of the body. One of the possible solutions of the flu treatment problem may be the application of immunomodulators of native plant origin since the influenza virus possesses a suppressive effect on cellular immunity and the interferon system.The aim. To evaluate the effect of saponin tauroside Sx1 obtained from Crimean ivy leaves on histological changes in the spleen of mice infected with influenza A/WSN/1/33(H1N1) virus.Material and methods. We used 78 male BALB/c mice weighing 16–18 g which were divided into the groups: control (K; n = 12); healthy animals treated with saponin (KS; n = 22); animals infected with influenza virus A/WSN/1/33(H1N1) (V; n = 22); infected animals treated with saponin tauroside Sx1 twice a day for 3 days (SV; n = 22). Histological studies of the spleen were performed on the 4th (subgroups V, SV, KS) and 14th day (2V, 2SV, 2KS).Results. The spleen tissue of the KS subgroup demonstrated hyperplasia of the white pulp in the form of lymphoid nodules expansion. On the 4th day in the KS subgroup a statistically significant increase in the total area of the lymphoid nodules by 3.9 times compared to the K subgroup was observed. In subgroup V, there was a sharp decrease in the area of white pulp and in 2V the lymphoid nodules zones were practically indistinguishable. Applied correction in the SV and 2SV subgroups significantly ceased the damaging effect of the virus: the lymphoid nodules area increased by 2.7 times in the 2SV subgroup compared to 2V.Conclusion. Infection with the H1N1 influenza virus leads to compensatory activation of the immune response, however, on the 14th day, a pronounced depletion of the splenic white pulp occurred. The introduction of saponin tauroside Sx1 enhanced the functional activity of the spleen due to an increase of the white pulp area

    Antimicrobial resistance in mollicutes: Known and newly emerging mechanisms

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    © FEMS 2018. All rights reserved. This review is devoted to the mechanisms of antibiotic resistance in mollicutes (class Bacilli, subclass Mollicutes), the smallest self-replicating bacteria, that can cause diseases in plants, animals and humans, and also contaminate cell cultures and vaccine preparations. Research in this area has been mainly based on the ubiquitous mollicute and the main contaminant of cell cultures, Acholeplasma laidlawii. The omics technologies applied to this and other bacteria have yielded a complex picture of responses to antimicrobials, including their removal from the cell, the acquisition of antibiotic resistance genes and mutations that potentially allow global reprogramming of many cellular processes. This review provides a brief summary of well-known resistance mechanisms that have been demonstrated in several mollicutes species and, in more detail, novel mechanisms revealed in A. laidlawii, including the least explored vesicle-mediated transfer of short RNAs with a regulatory potency. We hope that this review highlights new avenues for further studies on antimicrobial resistance in these bacteria for both a basic science and an application perspective of infection control and management in clinical and research/production settings