21 research outputs found

    Developing an algorithm for rapid assessment of living standards and quality of life of the population in the region

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    The article presents the rapid assessment methodology that allows analysts to carry out qualitative monitoring of the living standards of the population using a wide range of methods for statistics processing (factor analysis, cluster analysis, discriminant analysis, method of combining indicators of different dimensions). This methodology is characterized by the high speed of mathematical calculations, availability to users with different skill levels and universal applicability to various study objects. The rapid assessment method is intended for screening the living standards of the population and activity quality of the territorial authorities, taking into account a different set of indicators. This article offers the author’s indicator system for assessing the living standards and quality of life of the population. The methodology algorithm describes flowcharts of the index method for combining statistical observations of different dimensions, which make it possible to automate the process of territory ranking. The study covers 12 urban districts and 43 municipal districts of Rostov Oblast. The methodology described in the article will help eliminate a subjective factor while monitoring, rationally distribute financial resources allocated annually by the authorities to support programs for socio-economic development of the territory, increase the economic efficiency and implementation speed of innovative projects that have a direct impact on the living standards and quality of life of the population

    El estudio pedagógico como tecnología de formación docente

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    The modern development of teacher training system demonstrates the rethinking of teacher professional competences and focuses on general pedagogical, educational, methodological and psychological skills of a comprehensive school teacher. Improving the effectiveness of school education makes high demands on the personal qualities and professional competences of a teacher. In the new socio-economic conditions the approaches to the organization and content of methodological work in terms of in-service teacher training are changing. The successful pedagogical process is largely determined by the activity of emotionally secure, socially and professionally competent teacher, ready to continuing professional development. It implies a broad general cultural background, mastering of reflective skills. The study of these problems is associated with the increasing role of professional components in the development of teacher as a highly qualified specialist. This is due to the multidimensional scope of teacher’s activities, research attitude to the work, readiness to implement innovations. Such specialists make it possible to provide methodological support and i-service training of teachers at a qualitatively new level.El desarrollo moderno del sistema de formación docente demuestra el replanteamiento de las competencias profesionales docentes y se centra en las habilidades pedagógicas, educativas, metodológicas y psicológicas generales de un maestro escolar integral. Mejorar la efectividad de la educación escolar exige mucho sobre las cualidades personales y las competencias profesionales de un maestro. En las nuevas condiciones socioeconómicas, los enfoques para la organización y el contenido del trabajo metodológico en términos de capacitación docente en servicio están cambiando. El exitoso proceso pedagógico está determinado en gran medida por la actividad de un maestro emocionalmente seguro, social y profesionalmente competente, listo para continuar el desarrollo profesional. Implica un amplio trasfondo cultural general, el dominio de las habilidades reflexivas. El estudio de estos problemas está asociado con el creciente papel de los componentes profesionales en el desarrollo del maestro como especialista altamente calificado. Esto se debe al alcance multidimensional de las actividades de los docentes, la actitud investigadora hacia el trabajo, la disposición para implementar innovaciones. Dichos especialistas hacen posible brindar apoyo metodológico y capacitación i-service de docentes a un nivel cualitativamente nuevo


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    The review article presents data on the management of lipid storage disease in patients with diabetes mellitus (DM). A clinical case of a patient with diabetes and high cardiovascular risk caused by severe hyperlipidemia among other things is provided for illustrative purposes. The article reviews the results of clinical studies of the efficacy and safety of Pitavastatin in patients with cardiometabolic disorders. The dynamics of the lipid spectrum and glycaemia indicators against the background of course therapy with Pitavastatin at a daily dose of 4 mg in combination with the diet therapy is monitored in patients with diabetes.В обзорной статье представлены данные о тактике лечения нарушения липидного обмена у больных сахарным диабетом (СД). Для наглядности представлен клинический пример пациента с СД и высоким сердечно-сосудистым риском, обусловленным в том числе выраженной гиперлипидемией. Анализируются результаты клинических исследований эффективности и безопасности питавастатина у больных с кардиометаболическими нарушениями. Отслеживается динамика показателей липидного спектра и гликемии на фоне курсовой терапии с применением питавастатина в суточной дозе 4 мг в сочетании с диетотерапией у больного СД.

    Associations of Arterial Stiffness and Bone Mineral Density in Postmenopausal Women

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    Aim. To study associations  between arterial stiffness and bone mineral density in postmenopausal women.Material and methods. The intima-media thickness  (IMT), the presence  and  number  of atherosclerotic  plaques  (AP) were studied  using  duplex scanning. Pulse wave velocity (PWV), augmentation index (AI) were measured by applanation. The Bone mineral density (BMD) of the spine, hip neck (HN) and proximal hip (PH) was measured using double energy x-ray absorptiometry.Results. A significant  correlation  of PWV  with  age,  duration  of menopause was  revealed,  a more pronounced correlation  was  noted  with  blood pressure (BP), maximum IMT thickness.  There was no significant  correlation  between  PWV  and BMD.  AI showed  a statistically  significant but weak negative  correlation  with  the HN  (rs=0.12, p<0.05); a more  pronounced negative  correlation  was  obtained  for BMD  (rs=0.16, p<0.01). For indicators characterizing the degree of bone mass increased,  there is a significant  correlation with age (rs=-0.4, p<0.01), weight (rs=0.4, p<0.01), Quetelet index (rs=0.3, p<0.01) and the presence of AP (rs=-0.12, p<0.05). According to the results of multivariate regression  analysis,  the most significant  predictors of arterial stiffness were indicators  reflecting  obesity and diastolic BP. The relationship  between BMD and age-adjusted vascular stiffness was not statistically significant.Conclusion. In our study, postmenopausal women have increased arterial stiffness,  suggesting a higher risk of cardiovascular disease. The relationship between  bone mineral density and vascular  wall stiffness  was insignificant. To a greater extent,  arterial stiffness  depended  on age,  increased  blood pressure, and the presence of atherosclerotic  changes

    Forming A Pedagogue’s Research Competences in Innovative Educational Environment

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    Changes that take place in different spheres of life in Russia (economic, political, social, cultural) determine new requirements to the goals, values, functions of education in providing the development and self-realization of students. A graduate of a modern school should master a complex of information and research skills, and have critical and creative thinking. Research methodology. The orientation of education towards the growth of a student as a person, bearer of certain individual peculiarities, and activity subject may be of use only if an effective strategy of pedagogic work is developed. Such a strategy should be scientifically grounded on the basic principles of modern approaches implemented in pedagogy and psychology: humanistic, personality-, activity- and competence-oriented. Research results. Four spheres of a pedagogue’s professional activity in an innovative educational environment have been distinguished: sphere of analysis, synthesis and mastering pioneering pedagogic experience; sphere of popularization and initial practical use of pioneering pedagogic experience and advanced developments; sphere of the improvement of professional skills and realization of creative potential of a teacher; sphere of innovative processes in the system of education. Discussion. The essence of a pedagogue’s research activity is conditioned by the functions, which are based on the following factors: optimization of the teaching and educational process; specifically, structured controlled cognitive process; processes of self-improvement, self-instruction and selfeducation, self-realization; mastering professional pedagogic activity of a new level. Conclusion. Four levels of the development of a teacher’s research competences have been distinguished: basic, empiric (local and initiative), productive (tactical), and constructive (strategic)

    Investigation of the formation of periodic domains structure by electron beam irradiation in lithium niobate single crystals with surface layer modified by proton exchange

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    The equipment of the Ural Center for Shared Use “Modern nanotechnology” UrFU was used. The research was made possible in part by RFBR (15-32-21102- mol_a_ved), by Government of the Russian Federation (Act 211, Agreement 02.A03.21.0006) and by President of Russian Federation grant for young scientists (MK-8441.2016.2


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    Investigation on the properties of large [100]−oriented InSb single crystals grown by Czoсhralski method The properties of undoped and heavily Te doped large single crystals of InSb grown by Czochralski method in the [100] direction and intended for use in IR photodetectors of new generation were studied. It was found that the non−uniformity in undoped crystals does not exceed 10—16%. The average dislocation density in this ingots was 7  101 cm−2 and their distribution along the diameter of (100)−oriented wafers was much more uniform than for the (211)−oriented wafers. We also studied the microstructure of heavily Te doped InSb crystals. It was established that the dislocation density in these crystals was below 1  102 cm−2. Te doping producing the electron concentration higher than 1,5 ⋅ 1018 cm−3 gave rise to the formation of high density of precipitates. The optical transmission of the samples with electron concentration ~6,9  ⋅ 1017 cm−3 was found to de higher 40 % for the wavelength range of 3—5 µmПроведено исследование свойств нелегированных и легированных крупногабаритных монокристаллов антимонида индия, выращенных методом Чохральского в кристаллографическом направлении [100] с целью использования их в качестве материала для подложек при создании ИК фотоприемных устройств нового поколения. Установлено, что неоднород-ность электрических свойств в крупногабаритных нелегированных монокристаллах антимонида индия, ориентированных в направлении [100], не превышает 10—16 %. Средняя плотность дислокаций в этих монокристаллах составляет 7,0 101 см−2, и распределение их по диаметру пластин с ориентацией (100) гораздо более равномерно, чем в пластинах с ориентацией (211).Проведено исследование микроструктуры сильнолегированных теллуром монокристаллов антимонида индия. Установлено, что средняя плотность дислокаций в них не превышает значения 1 · 102 см−2. Введение теллура в количестве, обеспечивающем концентрацию основных носителей более 1,5 · 1018 см−3, приводит к появлению включений второй фазы. Показано, что в образцах с концентрацией носителей ~6,9 · 1017 см−3 величина оптического пропускания в интервале длин волн 3—5 мкм составляет не менее 40 %

    Reperfusion therapy of ischemic stroke

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    Aim. To assess the main results of thrombolytic therapy (TLT) in patients with ischemic stroke (IS) in the Regional Vascular Center at the premises of Emergency Hospital in Ufa.Material and methods. A retrospective study of the TLT use was carried out in patients with acute cerebrovascular accident (CVA) who were admitted to the hospital from January 1, 2014 to December 26, 2017 The inclusion criteria were all IS cases in which patients received alteplase (actilyse) in accordance with the thrombolysis protocol.Results. There was a decrease in the number of patients with acute CVA hospitalized in the department for CVA patients. The proportion of ischemic stroke increased from 76,3% in 2014 to 79,1% in 2017 Annually, there was an increase in the number of patients with onset-to-door time <4,5 hours and reduction in door-to-needle time for thrombolysis from 1,5 hours in 2014 to 52,5 minutes in 2017 The share of TLT procedures increased from 2,4% in 2014 to 7,3% in 2017 In total, 180 (4,8%) procedures was performed. In 96% of patients there was a significant regression of neurologic deficit according to the NIH Stroke Scale after reperfusion therapy for the entire period. A complication of TLT was hemorrhagic transformation (HT), which was symptomatic in 8 (4,4%) patients. The highest 30-day mortality rate after TLT was in 2014 — 7,7%, the lowest in 2015 — 2,3%. For the entire study period, this parameter was 3,8%.Conclusion. During the study period of TLT in IS patients, there was a positive trend in the number of patients with onset-to-door time <4,5 hours and a reduction in door-to-needle time for thrombolysis. We also observed increase of total thrombolysis procedure amount, and most patients had significant neurological deficit improvement. The incidence of significant complications and mortality after TLT was lower than in the Russian Federation. The safety of TLT is based on adherence to uniform patient selection criteria and thrombolysis protocol. A personalized approach in selecting patients for TLT is a predictor of the hemorrhagic complications. The adherence to the thrombolysis algorithm and guidelines of patient management after thrombolysis contributes to the successful use of this treatment method in IS patients

    Association of cardiovascular and fracture risks in women without clinical manifestations of atherosclerosis

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    Aim. To study the associations of cardiovascular (CVR) and fracture risks using electronic versions of the SCORE (Systematic Coronary Risk Evaluation) and FRAX (Fracture Risk Assessment Tool) scores in women without clinical manifestations of atherosclerosis.Material and methods. This cross-sectional study included 200 female outpatients aged 45-69. All patients signed informed consent. The 10-year CVR was assessed using the high-risk SCORE charts. The 10-year risk of major osteoporotic fractures (MOF) and hip fractures was assessed using the Russian FRAX model. Bone mineral density (BMD) of the bones of the spine, femoral neck and proximal femur was measured using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. Statistical analysis was carried out using the Statistica.12.0, SPSS Statistics 26.0 and Excel 2016 software packages.Results. L ow CVR (SCORЕ <1%) was detected in 72 (36%) women, moderate (SCORЕ ≥1% and <5%) – in 124 (62%), and high (SCORЕ ≥ 5% and <10%) – in 4 (2%). Depending on the CVR degree, the patients were divided into 2 groups: group I – patients with SCORE <1 (low risk); group II – SCORE ≥1 (increased risk). Since bone mass is not the only but the main risk factor for fractures, the association between BMD and CVR was assessed. The SCORE ≥1 was identified in 128 women, of whom osteoporosis was diagnosed in 33 (26%), osteopenia – in 43 (34%) patients. The combination of increased CVR and absolute risk (AR) of major MOF was noted in 7 (5,5%) people. An inverse correlation was noted between CVR and BMD of the proximal femur and femoral neck. A positive correlation was also demonstrated between CVR (SCORE) and AR of MOFI and femoral neck fractures (FRAX). Multivariate regression (adjusted for age, body mass index, hypercholesterolemia) confirmed the reliability of a negative relationship between CVR and BMD of the lumbar vertebra.Conclusion. The data obtained confirm the hypothesis of multifaceted relationships of cardiovascular diseases caused by atherosclerosis with osteoporosis, manifested both at the clinical and preclinical levels, and at the level of risk formation, which makes it possible to recommend the cross-use of CVR and fracture AR scores for early primary prevention. This strategy will contribute to the early detection of combined pathology and timely preventive measures

    Structure and properties of heteroorganic oligomers

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