464 research outputs found

    Bistable dynamics beyond rotating wave approximation

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    In this paper, we investigate the nonlinear dynamical behavior of dispersive optical bistability (OB) for a homogeneously broadened two-level atomic medium interacting with a single mode of the ring cavity without invoking the rotating wave approximation (RWA). The periodic oscillations (self-pulsing) and chaos of the unstable state of the OB curve is affected by the counter rotating terms through the appearance of spikes during its periods. Further, the bifurcation with atomic detuning, within and outside the RWA, shows that the OB system can be converted from a chaotic system to self-pulsing system and vice-versa

    Use of the Meganuclease I-SceI of Saccharomyces cerevisiae to select for gene deletions in actinomycetes

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    The search for new natural products is leading to the isolation of novel actinomycete species, many of which will ultimately require genetic analysis. Some of these isolates will likely exhibit low intrinsic frequencies of homologous recombination and fail to sporulate under laboratory conditions, exacerbating the construction of targeted gene deletions and replacements in genetically uncharacterised strains. To facilitate the genetic manipulation of such species, we have developed an efficient method to generate gene or gene cluster deletions in actinomycetes by homologous recombination that does not introduce any other changes to the targeted organism's genome. We have synthesised a codon optimised I-SceI gene for expression in actinomycetes that results in the production of the yeast I-SceI homing endonuclease which produces double strand breaks at a unique introduced 18 base pair recognition sequence. Only those genomes that undergo homologous recombination survive, providing a powerful selection for recombinants, approximately half of which possess the desired mutant genotype. To demonstrate the efficacy and efficiency of the system, we deleted part of the gene cluster for the red-pigmented undecylprodiginine complex of compounds in Streptomyces coelicolor M1141. We believe that the system we have developed will be broadly applicable across a wide range of actinomycetes

    Hypermethylation of multiple genes as clonal markers in multicentric hepatocellular carcinoma

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    Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is highly malignant and prone to multicentric occurrence. Differentiation between a true relapse of HCC and a second primary tumour appearing is of clinical importance. At this point, no convenient method is available to determine the origin of these HCCs. Tissue samples were obtained from 19 patients and analysed for the promoter hypermethylation status of multiple tumour suppressor genes (p16, DAP-Kinase, MGMT, GSTP1, APC, RIZ1, SFRP1, SFRP2, SFRP5, RUNX3, and SOCS1) using methylation-specific PCR (MSP). Methylation status was used to determine tumour clonality. In each of the 19 cases, at least one tumour was recognised as having an aberrantly methylated gene. The frequency of the methylation in tumour tissue was 57.1% in p16, 2.4% in DAP-kinase, 23.8% in GSTP1, 90.5% in APC, 45.2% in RIZ1, 64.3% in SFRP1, 59.5% in SFRP2, 28.6% in SFRP5, 47.6% in RUNX3, and 54.8% in SOCS1, while in MGMT, no aberrant methylation was detected. The methylation status of these genes was assessed using MSP as being either positive or negative, and was used to determine the tumour clonality. The clonality of every tumour could be decided even with lesions that could not be judged by clinical diagnosis or by another molecular method (mt DNA mutation). Determining the methylation status of multiple genes in multicentric HCC was useful as a clonal marker and provided useful information for characterising the tumour. From our findings, multicentric HCCs tend to occur more independently than metastatically from the original tumour. Expanded study should be pursued further for a better understanding of the molecular mechanism of hepatocarcinogenesis

    Formal Reduction Potential of 3,5-Difluorotyrosine in a Structured Protein: Insight into Multistep Radical Transfer

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    The reversible Y–O•/Y–OH redox properties of the α[subscript 3]Y model protein allow access to the electrochemical and thermodynamic properties of 3,5-difluorotyrosine. The unnatural amino acid has been incorporated at position 32, the dedicated radical site in α[subscript 3]Y, by in vivo nonsense codon suppression. Incorporation of 3,5-difluorotyrosine gives rise to very minor structural changes in the protein scaffold at pH values below the apparent pK (8.0 ± 0.1) of the unnatural residue. Square-wave voltammetry on α[subscript 3](3,5)F[subscript 2]Y provides an E°′(Y–O•/Y–OH) of 1026 ± 4 mV versus the normal hydrogen electrode (pH 5.70 ± 0.02) and shows that the fluoro substitutions lower the E°′ by −30 ± 3 mV. These results illustrate the utility of combining the optimized α[subscript 3]Y tyrosine radical system with in vivo nonsense codon suppression to obtain the formal reduction potential of an unnatural aromatic residue residing within a well-structured protein. It is further observed that the protein E°′ values differ significantly from peak potentials derived from irreversible voltammograms of the corresponding aqueous species. This is notable because solution potentials have been the main thermodynamic data available for amino acid radicals. The findings in this paper are discussed relative to recent mechanistic studies of the multistep radical-transfer process in Escherichia coli ribonucleotide reductase site-specifically labeled with unnatural tyrosine residues.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant GM29595

    Inverse correlation between E-cadherin and Snail expression in hepatocellular carcinoma cell lines in vitro and in vivo

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    Hepatocellular carcinoma is a well-known malignancy in the world. However, the molecular mechanism of carcinogenesis and tumour progression remains unclear. Recently, reduced E-cadherin expression due to transcriptional suppressor Snail was proven in a panel of epithelial and dedifferentiated cells derived from carcinomas of various etiologies. In the present study, we examined Snail and E-cadherin mRNA/protein expression in five hepatocellular carcinoma cell lines with variable phenotypes (HuL-1, Hep-G2, Changliver, HLE, and HLF). The results demonstrated that the presence of Snail mRNA in HuL-1, Changliver, HLE and HLF cells detected by RT–PCR, which was further proven by in situ hybridization in tumours induced by HuL-1, Changliver, and HLF cells where Snail mRNA signals expressed in each of the sections. By contrast, E-cadherin mRNA and protein expression were only detected in Hep-G2 cells by RT–PCR and Western blot, respectively. These results were also consistent with the data obtained from in vivo immunohistochemical staining where membranous expression of endogenous E-cadherin protein was revealed only in tumour sections induced by Hep-G2 cells. Here we are the first to report that there is an inverse correlation between Snail and E-cadherin expression in HCC cells as well

    miRNAs in lung cancer - Studying complex fingerprints in patient's blood cells by microarray experiments

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Deregulated miRNAs are found in cancer cells and recently in blood cells of cancer patients. Due to their inherent stability miRNAs may offer themselves for blood based tumor diagnosis. Here we addressed the question whether there is a sufficient number of miRNAs deregulated in blood cells of cancer patients to be able to distinguish between cancer patients and controls.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We synthesized 866 human miRNAs and miRNA star sequences as annotated in the Sanger miRBase onto a microarray designed by febit biomed gmbh. Using the fully automated Geniom Real Time Analyzer platform, we analyzed the miRNA expression in 17 blood cell samples of patients with non-small cell lung carcinomas (NSCLC) and in 19 blood samples of healthy controls.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Using t-test, we detected 27 miRNAs significantly deregulated in blood cells of lung cancer patients as compared to the controls. Some of these miRNAs were validated using qRT-PCR. To estimate the value of each deregulated miRNA, we grouped all miRNAs according to their diagnostic information that was measured by Mutual Information. Using a subset of 24 miRNAs, a radial basis function Support Vector Machine allowed for discriminating between blood cellsamples of tumor patients and controls with an accuracy of 95.4% [94.9%-95.9%], a specificity of 98.1% [97.3%-98.8%], and a sensitivity of 92.5% [91.8%-92.5%].</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our findings support the idea that neoplasia may lead to a deregulation of miRNA expression in blood cells of cancer patients compared to blood cells of healthy individuals. Furthermore, we provide evidence that miRNA patterns can be used to detect human cancers from blood cells.</p

    Agri-Environmental Policy Measures in Israel: The Potential of Using Market-Oriented Instruments

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    This paper examines the possibilities of developing agri-environmental policy measures in Israel, focusing on market-oriented instruments. A conceptual framework for developing agri-environmental policy measures is presented, first in very broad lines (mandatory regulations, economic instruments and advisory measures) and subsequently focusing on economic instruments, and specifically, on market-oriented ones. Two criteria of choice between the measures are suggested: their contribution to improving the effectiveness of the policy; and the feasibility of their implementation. This is the framework used for analyzing agri-environmental measures in Israel. Israel currently implements a mix of mandatory regulations, economic instruments and advisory measures to promote the agri-environment. The use of additional economic instruments may improve the effectiveness of the policy. When comparing the effectiveness of various economic measures, we found that the feasibility of implementation of market-oriented instruments is greater, due to the Israeli public’s preference for strengthening market orientation in the agricultural sector. Four market-oriented instruments were practiced in a pilot project conducted in an Israeli rural area. We found that in this case study, the institutional feasibility and acceptance by stakeholders were the major parameters influencing the implementation of the market-oriented instruments, whereas the instruments’ contribution to enhancing the ecological or economic effectiveness were hardly considered by the stakeholders as arguments in favor of their use
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