7,859 research outputs found

    Generating topological order from a 2D cluster state using a duality mapping

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    In this paper we prove, extend and review possible mappings between the two-dimensional Cluster state, Wen's model, the two-dimensional Ising chain and Kitaev's toric code model. We introduce a two-dimensional duality transformation to map the two-dimensional lattice cluster state into the topologically-ordered Wen model. Then, we subsequently investigates how this mapping could be achieved physically, which allows us to discuss the rate at which a topologically ordered system can be achieved. Next, using a lattice fermionization method, Wen's model is mapped into a series of one-dimensional Ising interactions. Considering the boundary terms with this mapping then reveals how the Ising chains interact with one another. The relationships discussed in this paper allow us to consider these models from two different perspectives: From the perspective of condensed matter physics these mappings allow us to learn more about the relation between the ground state properties of the four different models, such as their entanglement or topological structure. On the other hand, we take the duality of these models as a starting point to address questions related to the universality of their ground states for quantum computation.Comment: 5 Figure

    The locations of features in the mass distribution of merging binary black holes are robust against uncertainties in the metallicity-dependent cosmic star formation history

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    New observational facilities are probing astrophysical transients such as stellar explosions and gravitational wave (GW) sources at ever increasing redshifts, while also revealing new features in source property distributions. To interpret these observations, we need to compare them to predictions from stellar population models. Such models require the metallicity-dependent cosmic star formation history (S(Z,z)\mathcal{S}(Z,z)) as an input. Large uncertainties remain in the shape and evolution of this function. In this work, we propose a simple analytical function for S(Z,z)\mathcal{S}(Z,z). Variations of this function can be easily interpreted, because the parameters link to its shape in an intuitive way. We fit our analytical function to the star-forming gas of the cosmological TNG100 simulation and find that it is able to capture the main behaviour well. As an example application, we investigate the effect of systematic variations in the S(Z,z)\mathcal{S}(Z,z) parameters on the predicted mass distribution of locally merging binary black holes (BBH). Our main findings are: I) the locations of features are remarkably robust against variations in the metallicity-dependent cosmic star formation history, and II) the low mass end is least affected by these variations. This is promising as it increases our chances to constrain the physics that governs the formation of these objects.Comment: Submitted to ApJ, made with showyourwork, code available at https://github.com/LiekeVanSon/SFRD_fi

    Mechanisms of spin-polarized current-driven magnetization switching

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    The mechanisms of the magnetization switching of magnetic multilayers driven by a current are studied by including exchange interaction between local moments and spin accumulation of conduction electrons. It is found that this exchange interaction leads to two additional terms in the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation: an effective field and a spin torque. Both terms are proportional to the transverse spin accumulation and have comparable magnitudes

    Pulsational pair-instability supernovae in gravitational-wave and electromagnetic transients

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    Current observations of binary black-hole ({BBH}) merger events show support for a feature in the primary BH-mass distribution at 35M\sim\,35\,\mathrm{M}_{\odot}, previously interpreted as a signature of pulsational pair-instability (PPISN) supernovae. Such supernovae are expected to map a wide range of pre-supernova carbon-oxygen (CO) core masses to a narrow range of BH masses, producing a peak in the BH mass distribution. However, recent numerical simulations place the mass location of this peak above 50M50\,\mathrm{M}_{\odot}. Motivated by uncertainties in the progenitor's evolution and explosion mechanism, we explore how modifying the distribution of BH masses resulting from PPISN affects the populations of gravitational-wave (GW) and electromagnetic (EM) transients. To this end, we simulate populations of isolated {BBH} systems and combine them with cosmic star-formation rates. Our results are the first cosmological BBH-merger predictions made using the \textsc{binary\_c} rapid population synthesis framework. We find that our fiducial model does not match the observed GW peak. We can only explain the 35M35\,\mathrm{M}_{\odot} peak with PPISNe by shifting the expected CO core-mass range for PPISN downwards by 15M\sim{}15\,\mathrm{M}_{\odot}. Apart from being in tension with state-of-the art stellar models, we also find that this is likely in tension with the observed rate of hydrogen-less super-luminous supernovae. Conversely, shifting the mass range upward, based on recent stellar models, leads to a predicted third peak in the BH mass function at 64M\sim{}64\,\mathrm{M}_{\odot}. Thus we conclude that the 35M\sim{}35\,\mathrm{M}_{\odot} feature is unlikely to be related to PPISNe.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS. 19 pages, 8 figures includings appendice

    No peaks without valleys: The stable mass transfer channel for gravitational-wave sources in light of the neutron star-black hole mass gap

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    Gravitational-wave (GW) detections are starting to reveal features in the mass distribution of double compact objects. The lower end of the black hole (BH) mass distribution is especially interesting as few formation channels contribute here and because it is more robust against variations in the cosmic star formation than the high mass end. In this work we explore the stable mass transfer channel for the formation of GW sources with a focus on the low-mass end of the mass distribution. We conduct an extensive exploration of the uncertain physical processes that impact this channel. We note that, for fiducial assumptions, this channel reproduces the peak at 9M\sim9 \mathrm{M_{\odot}} in the GW-observed binary BH mass distribution remarkably well, and predicts a cutoff mass that coincides with the upper edge of the purported neutron star BH mass gap. The peak and cutoff mass are a consequence of unique properties of this channel, namely (1) the requirement of stability during the mass transfer phases, and (2) the complex way in which the final compact object masses scale with the initial mass. We provide an analytical expression for the cutoff in the primary component mass and show that this adequately matches our numerical results. Our results imply that selection effects resulting from the formation channel alone can provide an explanation for the purported neutron star--BH mass gap in GW detections. This provides an alternative to the commonly adopted view that the gap emerges during BH formation.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ associated code is available at https://github.com/LiekeVanSon/LowMBH_and_StableChanne

    Spin accumulation induced resistance in mesoscopic ferromagnet/ superconductor junctions

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    We present a description of spin-polarized transport in mesoscopic ferromagnet-superconductor (F/S) systems, where the transport is diffusive, and the interfaces are transparent. It is shown that the spin reversal associated with Andreev reflection generates an excess spin density close to the F/S interface, which leads to a spin contact resistance. Expressions for the contact resistance are given for two terminal and four terminal geometries. In the latter the sign depends on the relative magnetization of the ferromagnetic electrodes.Comment: RevTeX 10 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Phys.Rev. Let

    Real-time gauge/gravity duality: Prescription, Renormalization and Examples

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    We present a comprehensive analysis of the prescription we recently put forward for the computation of real-time correlation functions using gauge/gravity duality. The prescription is valid for any holographic supergravity background and it naturally maps initial and final data in the bulk to initial and final states or density matrices in the field theory. We show in detail how the technique of holographic renormalization can be applied in this setting and we provide numerous illustrative examples, including the computation of time-ordered, Wightman and retarded 2-point functions in Poincare and global coordinates, thermal correlators and higher-point functions.Comment: 85 pages, 13 figures; v2: added comments and reference

    Current driven switching of magnetic layers

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    The switching of magnetic layers is studied under the action of a spin current in a ferromagnetic metal/non-magnetic metal/ferromagnetic metal spin valve. We find that the main contribution to the switching comes from the non-equilibrium exchange interaction between the ferromagnetic layers. This interaction defines the magnetic configuration of the layers with minimum energy and establishes the threshold for a critical switching current. Depending on the direction of the critical current, the interaction changes sign and a given magnetic configuration becomes unstable. To model the time dependence of the switching process, we derive a set of coupled Landau-Lifshitz equations for the ferromagnetic layers. Higher order terms in the non-equilibrium exchange coupling allow the system to evolve to its steady-state configuration.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figure. Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Probe Branes, Time-dependent Couplings and Thermalization in AdS/CFT

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    We present holographic descriptions of thermalization in conformal field theories using probe D-branes in AdS X S space-times. We find that the induced metrics on Dp-brane worldvolumes which are rotating in an internal sphere direction have horizons with characteristic Hawking temperatures even if there is no black hole in the bulk AdS. The AdS/CFT correspondence applied to such systems indeed reveals thermal properties such as Brownian motions and AC conductivities in the dual conformal field theories. We also use this framework to holographically analyze time-dependent systems undergoing a quantum quench, where parameters in quantum field theories, such as a mass or a coupling constant, are suddenly changed. We confirm that this leads to thermal behavior by demonstrating the formation of apparent horizons in the induced metric after a certain time.Comment: LaTeX, 47 pages, 14 figures; Typos corrected and references added (v2); minor corrections, references added(v3