959 research outputs found

    Evaluating Use of Custom Survey Reports by Local Health Departments

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    This report demonstrates how providing survey feedback, like comparative reports, to survey respondents can result in improvement activities. For each of the past three years (2010-2013), the North Carolina Institute for Public Health (NCIPH) has invited local health departments (LHDs) from 40 states to participate in a preparedness capacities survey. In addition, NCIPH fielded a six-question evaluation survey to a subset of LHDs (n=70) to determine how LHDs use these reports. LHDs that reported using their custom reports compared their preparedness capacities to other LHDs, conducted strategic planning (e.g., benchmarking, setting preparedness goals), planned staff trainings, and disseminated the report both internally and to external preparedness partners. Through evaluation of custom report use, we have found that survey feedback is a valuable part of a participatory research approach that promotes and encourages discussion, motivates improvement, and provides opportunities to identify potential solutions relevant to both researchers and LHDs

    Nrt1 and Tna1-Independent Export of NAD+ Precursor Vitamins Promotes NAD+ Homeostasis and Allows Engineering of Vitamin Production

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    NAD+ is both a co-enzyme for hydride transfer enzymes and a substrate of sirtuins and other NAD+ consuming enzymes. NAD+ biosynthesis is required for two different regimens that extend lifespan in yeast. NAD+ is synthesized from tryptophan and the three vitamin precursors of NAD+: nicotinic acid, nicotinamide and nicotinamide riboside. Supplementation of yeast cells with NAD+ precursors increases intracellular NAD+ levels and extends replicative lifespan. Here we show that both nicotinamide riboside and nicotinic acid are not only vitamins but are also exported metabolites. We found that the deletion of the nicotinamide riboside transporter, Nrt1, leads to increased export of nicotinamide riboside. This discovery was exploited to engineer a strain to produce high levels of extracellular nicotinamide riboside, which was recovered in purified form. We further demonstrate that extracellular nicotinamide is readily converted to extracellular nicotinic acid in a manner that requires intracellular nicotinamidase activity. Like nicotinamide riboside, export of nicotinic acid is elevated by the deletion of the nicotinic acid transporter, Tna1. The data indicate that NAD+ metabolism has a critical extracellular element in the yeast system and suggest that cells regulate intracellular NAD+ metabolism by balancing import and export of NAD+ precursor vitamins

    Very high upper critical fields in MgB2 produced by selective tuning of impurity scattering

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    We report a significant enhancement of the upper critical field Hc2H_{c2} of different MgB2MgB_2 samples alloyed with nonmagnetic impurities. By studying films and bulk polycrystals with different resistivities ρ\rho, we show a clear trend of Hc2H_{c2} increase as ρ\rho increases. One particular high resistivity film had zero-temperature Hc2(0)H_{c2}(0) well above the Hc2H_{c2} values of competing non-cuprate superconductors such as Nb3SnNb_3Sn and Nb-Ti. Our high-field transport measurements give record values Hc2⊄(0)≈34TH_{c2}^\perp (0) \approx 34T and Hc2∄(0)≈49TH_{c2}\|(0) \approx 49 T for high resistivity films and Hc2(0)≈29TH_{c2}(0)\approx 29 T for untextured bulk polycrystals. The highest Hc2H_{c2} film also exhibits a significant upward curvature of Hc2(T)H_{c2}(T), and temperature dependence of the anisotropy parameter Îł(T)=Hc2∄/Hc2⊄\gamma(T) = H_{c2}\|/ H_{c2}^\perp opposite to that of single crystals: Îł(T)\gamma(T) decreases as the temperature decreases, from Îł(Tc)≈2\gamma(T_c) \approx 2 to Îł(0)≈1.5\gamma(0) \approx 1.5. This remarkable Hc2H_{c2} enhancement and its anomalous temperature dependence are a consequence of the two-gap superconductivity in MgB2MgB_2, which offers special opportunities for further Hc2H_{c2} increase by tuning of the impurity scattering by selective alloying on Mg and B sites. Our experimental results can be explained by a theory of two-gap superconductivity in the dirty limit. The very high values of Hc2(T)H_{c2}(T) observed suggest that MgB2MgB_2 can be made into a versatile, competitive high-field superconductor.Comment: An updated version of the paper (12/12/2002)that was placed on cond-mat on May 7 200

    Gell-Mann--Okubo Mass Formula for an SU(4) Meson Hexadecuplet

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    Using a linear mass spectrum of an SU(4)SU(4) meson hexadecuplet, we derive the Gell-Mann--Okubo mass formula for the charmed mesons, in good agreement with experiment. Possible generalization of this method to a higher symmetry group is briefly discussed.Comment: 11 pages, LaTe

    Decoherence and energy loss in QCD cascades in nuclear collisions

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    The medium modifications in the properties of QCD cascades are considered. In particular, the changes in the intrajet rapidity distributions due to medium-induced decoherence, collisional losses of cascade gluons and those of final prehadrons are analyzed

    Negotiating professional and social voices in research principles and practice

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    This paper draws on work conducted for a qualitative interview based study which explores the gendered racialised and professional identifications of health and social care professionals. Participants for the project were drawn from the professional executive committees of recently formed Primary Care Trusts. The paper discusses how the feminist psychosocial methodological approach developed for the project is theoretically, practically and ethically useful in exploring the voices of those in positions of relative power in relation to both health and social care services and the social relations of gender and ethnicity. The approach draws on psychodynamic accounts of (defended) subjectivity and the feminist work of Carol Gilligan on a voice-centred relational methodology. Coupling the feminist with the psychosocial facilitates an emphasis on voice and dialogic communication between participant and researcher not always captured in psychosocial approaches which tend towards favouring the interviewer as ‘good listener’. This emphasis on dialogue is important in research contexts where prior and ongoing relationships with professional participants make it difficult and indeed undesirable for researchers to maintain silence

    Strange Meson Enhancement in PbPb Collisions

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    The NA44 Collaboration has measured yields and differential distributions of K+, K-, pi+, pi- in transverse kinetic energy and rapidity, around the center-of-mass rapidity in 158 A GeV/c Pb+Pb collisions at the CERN SPS. A considerable enhancement of K+ production per pi is observed, as compared to p+p collisions at this energy. To illustrate the importance of secondary hadron rescattering as an enhancement mechanism, we compare strangeness production at the SPS and AGS with predictions of the transport model RQMD.Comment: 11 pages, including 4 figures, LATE

    Gender, age and the MBA: An analysis of extrinsic and intrinsic career benefits

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    Against the background of an earlier UK study, this paper presents the findings of a Canadian based survey of career benefits from the MBA. Results indicate firstly that gender and age interact to influence perceptions of career outcomes (young men gain most in terms of extrinsic benefits of career change and pay), and secondly that both men and women gain intrinsic benefits from the MBA. However, intrinsic benefits vary by gender: men in the study were more likely to say they gained confidence from having a fuller skill set while women were more likely to say they gained confidence from feelings of self worth; men emphasised how they had learned to give up control while women argued that they had gained a ‘voice’ in the organization. The role of the MBA in career self- management and the acquisition of key skills are examined as well as the implications for the design of programmes in meeting the varied need of men and women in different age groups

    Towards resolution of the scalar meson nonet enigma

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    By the application of a linear mass spectrum to a composite system of both the pseudoscalar and scalar meson nonets, we find three mass relations for the masses of the scalar states which suggest the qqˉq\bar{q} assignment for the scalar meson nonet: a0(1320),a_0(1320), K0∗(1430),K_0^\ast (1430), f0(1500),f_0(1500), f0â€Č(980).f_0'(980).Comment: 16 pages, LaTe

    Relativistic mass distribution in event-anti-event system and ``realistic'' equation of state for hot hadronic matter

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    We find the equation of state p,ρ∝T6,p,\rho \propto T^6, which gives the value of the sound velocity c2=0.20,c^2=0.20, in agreement with the ``realistic'' equation of state for hot hadronic matter suggested by Shuryak, in the framework of a covariant relativistic statistical mechanics of an event--anti-event system with small chemical and mass potentials. The relativistic mass distribution for such a system is obtained and shown to be a good candidate for fitting hadronic resonances, in agreement with the phenomenological models of Hagedorn, Shuryak, {\it et al.} This distribution provides a correction to the value of specific heat 3/2, of the order of 5.5\%, at low temperatures.Comment: 19 pages, report TAUP-2161-9
