352 research outputs found

    Chromium electrodes for REDOX cells

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    An improved electrode having a gold coating for use in the anode compartment of a REDOX cell is described. The anode fluid utilizes a chromic/chromous couple. A carbon felt is soaked in methanol, rinsed in water, dried and then heated in KOH after which it is again washed in deionized water and dried. The felt is then moistened with a methanol water solution containing chloroauric acid and is stored in a dark place while still in contact with the gold-containing solution. After all the gold-containing solution is absorbed in the felt, the latter is dried by heat and then heat treated at a substantially greater temperature. The felt is then suitable for use as an electrode and is wetted with water or up to two molar HCl prior to installation in a REDOX cell. The novelty of the invention lies in the use of KOH for cleaning the felt and the use of alcohol as a carrier for the gold together with the heat treating procedure

    Preparation and characterization of electrodes for the NASA Redox storage system

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    Electrodes for the Redox energy storage system based on iron and chromium chloride reactants is discussed. The physical properties of several lots of felt were determined. Procedures were developed for evaluating electrode performance in lab scale cells. Experimental procedures for evaluating electrodes by cyclic voltammetry are described which minimize the IR losses due to the high internal resistance in the felt (distributed resistance). Methods to prepare electrodes which reduced the coevolution of hydrogen at the chromium electrode and eleminate the drop in voltage on discharge occasionally seen with previous electrodes were discussed. Single cells of 0.3329 ft area with improved membranes and electrodes are operating at over 80% voltage efficiency and coulombic efficiencies of over 98% at current densities of 16 to 20 amp % ft

    Perspective using cross-species vaccination approaches to counter emerging infectious diseases

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    Since the initial use of vaccination in the eighteenth century, our understanding of human and animal immunology has greatly advanced and a wide range of vaccine technologies and delivery systems have been developed. The COVID-19 pandemic response leveraged these innovations to enable rapid development of candidate vaccines within weeks of the viral genetic sequence being made available. The development of vaccines to tackle emerging infectious diseases is a priority for the World Health Organization and other global entities. More than 70% of emerging infectious diseases are acquired from animals, with some causing illness and death in both humans and the respective animal host. Yet the study of critical host–pathogen interactions and the underlying immune mechanisms to inform the development of vaccines for their control is traditionally done in medical and veterinary immunology ‘silos’. In this Perspective, we highlight a ‘One Health vaccinology’ approach and discuss some key areas of synergy in human and veterinary vaccinology that could be exploited to accelerate the development of effective vaccines against these shared health threats

    In situ neutron scattering of antibody adsorption during protein A chromatography

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    A deeper understanding of the nanoscale and mesoscale structure of chromatographic adsorbents and the distribution of proteins within the media, is critical to a mechanistic understanding of separation processes using these materials. Characterisation of the media's architecture at this scale and protein adsorption within, is challenging using conventional techniques. In this study, we propose a novel resin characterisation technique that enables in-situ measurement of the structure of the adsorbed protein layer within the resin, under typical chromatographic conditions. A quartz flow-through cell was designed and fabricated for use with Small Angle Neutron Scattering (SANS), in order to measure the nanoscale to mesoscale structures of a silica based protein A chromatography resin during the monoclonal antibody sorption process. We were able to examine the pore-to-pore (˜133 nm) and pore size (˜63 nm) correlations of the resin and the in-plane adsorbed antibody molecules (˜ 4.2 nm) correlation at different protein loadings and washing buffers, in real time using a contrast matching approach. When 0.03 M sodium phosphate with 1 M urea and 10 % isopropanol buffer, pH 8, was introduced into the system as a wash buffer, it disrupted the system's order by causing partial unfolding of the adsorbed antibody, as evidenced by a loss of the in-plane protein correlation. This method offers new ways to investigate the nanoscale structure and ligand immobilisation within chromatography resins; and perhaps most importantly understand the in-situ behaviour of adsorbed proteins within the media under different mobile phase conditions within a sample environment replicating that of a chromatography column
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