28 research outputs found

    Effect of oxygen reducing atmospheres on the quality and safety of stored shelled Brazil nut packs

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    High moisture content, relative humidity, temperature and environment rich in oxygen (O2) are the main factors for tree nuts to get infected by fungi and so aflatoxins (AFLs) contaminated. During storage and commercialization dry Brazil nuts packs need to maintain their safety and quality. Modified atmospheres in storage (macro-environment) and packaging (micro-environment) have been used to prolong food shelf life by reducing O2 concentration with inhibitory gases or, more recently, by adding O2 absorber pads. This work reports the application of O2 atmosphere reducing methods on stored shelled Brazil nut packs aiming fungi and AFL degradation as well as hygienic conditions improvements. The methods applied were: (a) ozone - O3, (b) carbon dioxide - CO2 and (c) O2 absorber pads with and without vacuum. Nuts were submitted to microbiological tests (fungi, aflatoxigenic strains, yeast and bacteria), moisture content and AFLs analysis. From all O2 reducing atmosphere evaluated, the best performance was obtained with O3. A reduction on fungi growth (1.8 x 104 cfu.g-1 to 2.6 x 10 cfu.g-1) and yeast destruction after the first month of storage were registered. Also O3 was the only nut treatment that was able to degrade AFLs. None of the spiked (AFLs: 15 ppb) nut samples O3 treated had AFLs detected up to the LOQ of the method (0.36 μg.kg-1 for AFB1+AFB2+AFG1+AFG2) i.e., much lower than the allowed by the European Union regulation (MRL: 4 and 2 ppb for total and AFB1, respectively), thus producing safer nuts. All other treatments stabilized and/or inhibited microorganisms growth. Add CO2 and O2 pads played an important role on nut quality. Further study will be carried out in order to adjust O3 concentration and application conditions for longer period of storage

    Female Urethral Reconstruction

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    Female urethral strictures are rare; thus, the literature describing stricture management in women is sparse. Although urethral dilation continues to be performed at a high frequency in women despite lack of proven efficacy, this procedure is used for a variety of voiding complaints other than stricture. Hence, the long-term utility of dilation and urethrotomy for urethral stricture in women is unknown. This review describes the various urethroplasty techniques used in the management of female urethral stricture. Although grafts using a dorsal approach have been shown to be feasible in women, ventral flap techniques offer good long-term outcomes with minimal morbidity. Acute and delayed management of pelvic fracture–associated urethral distraction defects in women is also described. Unlike in men, immediate urethroplasty in women should be performed once the patient is hemodynamically stable

    Use of pedicle flap from the labia minora for the repair of female urethral strictures.

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    We present the method of pedicle labial urethroplasty for urethral reconstruction in female patients treated for urethral strictures.We performed urethral reconstruction using a pedicle labial flap in 2 female patients (23 and 70 years old) for urethral stricture (posttraumatic and postinflammatory origin). We used as a patch a pedicle skin flap obtained from the labia minora. The pedicle flap is slid beneath the vulvovaginal wall, until the urethra is reached.In both cases a normal micturition was obtained, and cystourethrography after 24 months showed a good urethral silhouette, without residual urine.The pedicle labial urethroplasty seems to be a reliable technique for the repair of urethral strictures