5,098 research outputs found

    INTEGRAL and Swift observations of IGRJ19294+1816 in outburst

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    IGRJ19294+1816 was discovered by INTEGRAL in 2009 during a bright X-ray outburst and was classified as a possible Be X-ray binary or supergiant fast X-ray transient. On 2010 October 28, the source displayed a second X-ray outburst and a 2 months-long monitoring with Swift was carried out to follow the evolution of the source X-ray flux during the event. We report on the INTEGRAL and Swift observations of the second X-ray outburst observed from IGRJ19294+1816. We detected pulsations in the X-ray emission from the source at \sim12.5 s up to 50 keV. The source X-ray flux decreased smoothly during the two months of observation displaying only marginal spectral changes. Due to the relatively rapid decay of the source X-ray flux, no significant variations of the source spin period across the event could be measured. This prevented a firm confirmation of the previously suggested orbital period of the source at 117 d. This periodicity was also searched by using archival Swift /BAT data. We detected a marginally significant peak in the periodogram and determined the best period at 116.2\pm0.6 days (estimated chance probability of a spurious detection 1%). The smooth decline of the source X-ray flux across the two months of observations after the onset of the second outburst, together with its relatively low value of the spin period and the absence of remarkable changes in the spectral parameters (i.e., the absorption column density), suggests that IGRJ19294+1816 is most likely another member of the Be X-ray binaries discovered by INTEGRAL and not a supergiant fast X-ray transient.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A. 7 pages, 10 figure

    Publicity and Nomography: Bentham’s School of Legislation

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    El razonamiento cualitativo en ingeniería

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    El razonamiento cualitativo es un campo de investigación reciente en inteligencia artificial. Su objetivo es inferir de forma automática el comportamiento de un diseño preliminar, dada la representación declarativa de las leyes fundamentales del dominio y de la geometría y topología del diseño. Los modelos numéricos tradicionales derivan el comportamiento de un modelo representando parámetros según los números reales y siguiendo un procedimiento preestablecido como por ejemplo la eliminación de Gauss para resolver un sistema de ecuaciones lineales. Tales métodos son de poca utilidad en diseño conceptual pues requieren, generalmente, muchos parámetros que no son conocidos a priori. Además, no es fácil extrapolar resultados a partir de una única solución numérica. En contraposición, el razonamiento cualitativo representa parámetros por intervalos, y un procedimiento tipo búsqueda de soluciones determina un conjunto de soluciones cualitativas.Peer Reviewe

    Determination of the forward slope in p pp~p and pˉ p\bar p~p elastic scattering up to LHC energy

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    In the analysis of experimental data on ppp p (or pˉp\bar p p) elastic differential cross section it is customary to define an average forward slope bb in the form exp(bt)\exp{(-b|t|)}, where tt is the momentum transfer. Taking as working example the results of experiments at Tevatron and SPS, we will show with the help of the impact picture approach, that this simplifying assumption hides interesting information on the complex non-flip scattering amplitude, and that the slope bb is not a constant. We investigate the variation of this slope parameter, including a model-independent way to extract this information from an accurate measurement of the elastic differential cross section. An extension of our results to the LHC energy domain is presented in view of future experiments.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, to appear in EPJ

    The ephemeris, orbital decay, and masses of 10 eclipsing HMXBs

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    We take advantage of more than 10 years of monitoring of the eclipsing HMXB systems LMC X-4, Cen X-3, 4U 1700-377, 4U 1538-522, SMC X-1, IGR J18027-2016, Vela X-1, IGR J17252-3616, XTE J1855-026, and OAO 1657-415 with the ASM on-board RXTE and ISGRI on-board INTEGRAL to update their ephemeris. These results are used to refine previous measurements of the orbital period decay of all sources (where available) and provide the first accurate values of the apsidal advance in Vela X-1 and 4U 1538-522. Updated values for the masses of the neutron stars hosted in the ten HMXBs are also provided, as well as the long-term lightcurves folded on the sources best determined orbital parameters. These lightcurves reveal complex eclipse ingresses and egresses, that are understood mostly as being due to the presence of accretion wakes. The results reported in this paper constitute a database to be used for population and evolutionary studies of HMXBs, as well as theoretical modelling of long-term accretion in wind-fed X-ray binaries.Comment: Accepted for publication on A&

    The accretion environment of Supergiant Fast X-ray Transients probed with XMM-Newton

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    Supergiant fast X-ray transients (SFXTs) are characterized by a remarkable variability in the X-ray domain, widely ascribed to the accretion from a clumpy stellar wind. In this paper we performed a systematic and homogeneous analysis of sufficiently bright X-ray flares from the SFXTs observed with XMM-Newton to probe spectral variations on timescales as short as a few hundred of seconds. Our ultimate goal is to investigate if SFXT flares and outbursts are triggered by the presence of clumps and eventually reveal whether strongly or mildly dense clumps are required. For all sources, we employ a technique developed by our group, making use of an adaptive rebinned hardness ratio to optimally select the time intervals for the spectral extraction. A total of twelve observations performed in the direction of five SFXTs are reported. We show that both strongly and mildly dense clumps can trigger these events. In the former case, the local absorption column density may increase by a factor of >>3, while in the latter case, the increase is only by a factor of 2-3 (or lower). Overall, there seems to be no obvious correlation between the dynamic ranges in the X-ray fluxes and absorption column densities in SFXTs, with an indication that lower densities are recorded at the highest fluxes. This can be explained by the presence of accretion inhibition mechanism(s). We propose a classification of the flares/outbursts from these sources to drive future observational investigations. We suggest that the difference between the classes of flares/outbursts is related to the fact that the mechanism(s) inhibiting accretion can be overcome more easily in some sources compared to others. We also investigate the possibility that different stellar wind structures, rather than clumps, could provide the means to temporarily overcome the inhibition of accretion in SFXTs.Comment: Accepted for publication on A&