62 research outputs found

    Phase Boundary of the Boson Mott Insulator in a Rotating Optical Lattice

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    We consider the Bose-Hubbard model in a two dimensional rotating optical lattice and investigate the consequences of the effective magnetic field created by rotation. Using a Gutzwiller type variational wavefunction, we find an analytical expression for the Mott insulator(MI)-Superfluid(SF) transition boundary in terms of the maximum eigenvalue of the Hofstadter butterfly. The dependence of phase boundary on the effective magnetic field is complex, reflecting the self-similar properties of the single particle energy spectrum. Finally, we argue that fractional quantum Hall phases exist close to the MI-SF transition boundaries, including MI states with particle densities greater than one.Comment: 5 pages,3 figures. High resolution figures available upon reques

    Pairing and Vortex Lattices for Interacting Fermions in Optical Lattices with a Large Magnetic Field

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    We study the structure of pairing order parameter for spin-1/2 fermions with attractive interactions in a square lattice under a uniform magnetic field. Because the magnetic translation symmetry gives a unique degeneracy in the single-particle spectrum, the wave function has both zero and finite momentum components co-existing, and their relative phases are determined by a self-consistent mean-field theory. We present a microscopic calculation that can determine the vortex lattice structure in the superfluid phase for different flux densities. Phase transition from a Hofstadter insulator to a superfluid phase is also discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, one table, published versio

    Spectrum of a particle on a polyhedron enclosing a synthetic magnetic monopole

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.We consider a single particle hopping on a tight binding lattice formed by the vertices of a regular polyhedron and discuss the effect of a magnetic monopole enclosed in the polyhedron. The presence of the monopole induces phases on the hopping terms, given by Peierls substitution. By requiring the flux through each face of a regular polyhedron to be the same, Dirac's quantization condition is obtained in this discrete setting. For each regular polyhedron, we calculate the energy spectrum for an arbitrary value of the flux through a Dirac string coming in from one of the faces. We find that the energy levels are degenerate only when the flux through the Dirac string corresponds to a quantized monopole. We show that the degeneracies in the presence of the monopole can be classified using the double group of the symmetry of the polyhedron and label all energy levels with corresponding irreducible representations

    Landau Damping of Spin Waves in Trapped Boltzmann Gases

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    A semiclassical method is used to study Landau damping of transverse pseudo-spin waves in harmonically trapped ultracold gases in the collisionless Boltzmann limit. In this approach, the time evolution of a spin is calculated numerically as it travels in a classical orbit through a spatially dependent mean field. This method reproduces the Landau damping results for spin-waves in unbounded systems obtained with a dielectric formalism. In trapped systems, the simulations indicate that Landau damping occurs for a given spin-wave mode because of resonant phase space trajectories in which spins are "kicked out" of the mode (in spin space). A perturbative analysis of the resonant and nearly resonant trajectories gives the Landau damping rate, which is calculated for the dipole and quadrupole modes as a function of the interaction strength. The results are compared to a numerical solution of the kinetic equation by Nikuni et al.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure

    Quantum correlated light pulses from sequential superradiance of a condensate

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    We discover an inherent mechanism for entanglement swap associated with sequential superradiance from an atomic Bose-Einstein condensate. Based on careful examinations with both analytical and numerical approaches, we conclude that as a result of the swap mechanism, Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR)-type quantum correlations can be detected among the scattered light pulses.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure