11,078 research outputs found

    Resonance absolute quantum reflection at selected energies

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    The possibility of the resonance reflection (100 % at maximum) is revealed. The corresponding exactly solvable models with the controllable numbers of resonances, their positions and widths are presented.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Optimization of Flapping Airfoils for Maximum Thrust and Propulsive Efficiency

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    A numerical optimization algorithm based on the steepest decent along the variation of the optimization function is implemented for maximizing the thrust and/or propulsive efficiency of a single flapping airfoil. Unsteady, low speed laminar flows are computed using a Navier-Stokes solver on moving overset grids. The flapping motion of the airfoil is described by a combined sinusoidal plunge and pitching motion. Optimization parameters are taken to be the amplitudes of the plunge and pitching motions, and the phase shift between them. Computations are performed in parallel in a work station cluster. The numerical simulations show that high thrust values may be obtained at the expense of reduced efficiency. For high efficiency in thrust generation, the induced angle of attack of the airfoil is reduced and large scale vortex formations at the leading edge are prevented.

    Semiclassical time--dependent propagation in three dimensions: How accurate is it for a Coulomb potential?

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    A unified semiclassical time propagator is used to calculate the semiclassical time-correlation function in three cartesian dimensions for a particle moving in an attractive Coulomb potential. It is demonstrated that under these conditions the singularity of the potential does not cause any difficulties and the Coulomb interaction can be treated as any other non-singular potential. Moreover, by virtue of our three-dimensional calculation, we can explain the discrepancies between previous semiclassical and quantum results obtained for the one-dimensional radial Coulomb problem.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures (EPS

    Random field spin models beyond one loop: a mechanism for decreasing the lower critical dimension

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    The functional RG for the random field and random anisotropy O(N) sigma-models is studied to two loop. The ferromagnetic/disordered (F/D) transition fixed point is found to next order in d=4+epsilon for N > N_c (N_c=2.8347408 for random field, N_c=9.44121 for random anisotropy). For N < N_c the lower critical dimension plunges below d=4: we find two fixed points, one describing the quasi-ordered phase, the other is novel and describes the F/D transition. The lower critical dimension can be obtained in an (N_c-N)-expansion. The theory is also analyzed at large N and a glassy regime is found.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    'She's like a daughter to me': insights into care, work and kinship from rural Russia

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    This article draws on ethnographic research into a state-funded homecare service in rural Russia. The article discusses intersections between care, work and kinship in the relationships between homecare workers and their elderly wards and explores the ways in which references to kinship, as a means of authenticating paid care and explaining its emotional content, reinforce public and private oppositions while doing little to relieve the tensions and conflicts of care work. The discussion brings together detailed empirical insights into local ideologies and practices as a way of generating new theoretical perspectives, which will be of relevance beyond the particular context of study

    Divergences in the Effective Action for Acausal Spacetimes

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    The 1--loop effective Lagrangian for a massive scalar field on an arbitrary causality violating spacetime is calculated using the methods of Euclidean quantum field theory in curved spacetime. Fields of spin 1/2, spin 1 and twisted field configurations are also considered. In general, we find that the Lagrangian diverges to minus infinity at each of the nth polarised hypersurfaces of the spacetime with a structure governed by a DeWitt-Schwinger type expansion.Comment: 17 pages, Late

    Distribution of velocities and acceleration for a particle in Brownian correlated disorder: inertial case

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    We study the motion of an elastic object driven in a disordered environment in presence of both dissipation and inertia. We consider random forces with the statistics of random walks and reduce the problem to a single degree of freedom. It is the extension of the mean field ABBM model in presence of an inertial mass m. While the ABBM model can be solved exactly, its extension to inertia exhibits complicated history dependence due to oscillations and backward motion. The characteristic scales for avalanche motion are studied from numerics and qualitative arguments. To make analytical progress we consider two variants which coincide with the original model whenever the particle moves only forward. Using a combination of analytical and numerical methods together with simulations, we characterize the distributions of instantaneous acceleration and velocity, and compare them in these three models. We show that for large driving velocity, all three models share the same large-deviation function for positive velocities, which is obtained analytically for small and large m, as well as for m =6/25. The effect of small additional thermal and quantum fluctuations can be treated within an approximate method.Comment: 42 page

    Fisher Information for Inverse Problems and Trace Class Operators

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    This paper provides a mathematical framework for Fisher information analysis for inverse problems based on Gaussian noise on infinite-dimensional Hilbert space. The covariance operator for the Gaussian noise is assumed to be trace class, and the Jacobian of the forward operator Hilbert-Schmidt. We show that the appropriate space for defining the Fisher information is given by the Cameron-Martin space. This is mainly because the range space of the covariance operator always is strictly smaller than the Hilbert space. For the Fisher information to be well-defined, it is furthermore required that the range space of the Jacobian is contained in the Cameron-Martin space. In order for this condition to hold and for the Fisher information to be trace class, a sufficient condition is formulated based on the singular values of the Jacobian as well as of the eigenvalues of the covariance operator, together with some regularity assumptions regarding their relative rate of convergence. An explicit example is given regarding an electromagnetic inverse source problem with "external" spherically isotropic noise, as well as "internal" additive uncorrelated noise.Comment: Submitted to Journal of Mathematical Physic

    Best network chirplet-chain: Near-optimal coherent detection of unmodeled gravitation wave chirps with a network of detectors

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    The searches of impulsive gravitational waves (GW) in the data of the ground-based interferometers focus essentially on two types of waveforms: short unmodeled bursts and chirps from inspiralling compact binaries. There is room for other types of searches based on different models. Our objective is to fill this gap. More specifically, we are interested in GW chirps with an arbitrary phase/frequency vs. time evolution. These unmodeled GW chirps may be considered as the generic signature of orbiting/spinning sources. We expect quasi-periodic nature of the waveform to be preserved independent of the physics which governs the source motion. Several methods have been introduced to address the detection of unmodeled chirps using the data of a single detector. Those include the best chirplet chain (BCC) algorithm introduced by the authors. In the next years, several detectors will be in operation. The joint coherent analysis of GW by multiple detectors can improve the sight horizon, the estimation of the source location and the wave polarization angles. Here, we extend the BCC search to the multiple detector case. The method amounts to searching for salient paths in the combined time-frequency representation of two synthetic streams. The latter are time-series which combine the data from each detector linearly in such a way that all the GW signatures received are added constructively. We give a proof of principle for the full sky blind search in a simplified situation which shows that the joint estimation of the source sky location and chirp frequency is possible.Comment: 22 pages, revtex4, 6 figure