1,258 research outputs found

    Analizando los resultados académicos en la Educación Superior en España

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    The development of the European Higher Education Area has been a process of modernization in many universities. Teaching methodologies have undergone a process of continuous change to meet the demands for high quality leading to a need for enhancement in the learning assessment methodologies as well. The objective of this study is to analyse student´s academic performance measured through coursework vs. final exam and to ascertain the factors that could explain the difference. Regression and variance analysis are carried out over the grades and responses to a questionnaire on a sample of 298 students of different subjects in a Spanish university. The results show that there are differences between continuous assessment and the final examination marks.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad FFI2013-41235-

    Manufacturing to motorsport by students

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    [EN] The student s participation from the Polytechnic University of Valencia in the international competition Formula Student and the teacher s collaboration in the area of manufacturing processes has created a framework for the academic improvement. This article describes the conceptual and ideological framework of the project and also the new development.García Manrique, JA.; Peña Miñano, S.; Rivas Perea, ME. (2015). Manufacturing to motorsport by students. Procedia Engineering. 132:259-266. doi:10.1016/j.proeng.2015.12.493S25926613

    Contextual intelligence and expertise in soccer

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    Para los entrenadores la inteligencia en el juego es uno de los intangibles que predicen el éxito en la competición. De ahí que el objetivo de este estudio fuera analizar la percepción que jugadores de fútbol de diferente nivel de pericia tenían de su inteligencia para el juego. Se aplicó el Cuestionario de Inteligencia Contextual en el Deporte (ICD) que evalúa tres dimensiones: Inteligencia Anticipatoria, Inteligencia Táctica e Inteligencia Competitiva. En este estudio participaron 690 jugadores de fútbol de diferente nivel competitivo. Los resultados mostrarion que a medida que aumentaba el nivel competitivo se incrementaba la percepción de los jugadores sobre su inteligencia contextual. Este estudio confirma el papel que para los jugadores posee el sentirse competentes para solucionar los problemas tácticos de su deporte y que este sentimiento aumenta con su nivel de competencia.Coaches consider that game intelligence is one of the main elements that can predict success in competition. The objective of this study was to analize the perceptions that soccer players of different level of expertise had about their intelligence in the field. The Contextual Intelligence Questionnaire (ICD) was applied to a sample of spanish soccer players. This instrument evaluate three dimensions: Anticipatory intelligence, Tactical Intelligence and Competitive Intelligence. Six hundred and ninety of spanish soccer players of different level of expertise, participated in this study. Results showed that this self-perception increased with the level of players. This study confirmed the relevance of feeling able of solving tactical problems in the game, and how this feeling increase with the level of expertise.El presente estudio se pudo llevar a cabo gracias a la ayuda a la investigación concedida por la Cátedra Real Madrid- Universidad Europea de Madrid en su convocatoria 201

    Active seminars: A pedagogical resource to motivate students

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    La Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, para llevar a cabo la adaptación al Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior, además de rediseñar los planes de estudio ha reestructurado la docencia añadiendo una hora adicional para los seminarios. En la asignatura de contabilidad se han planteado y realizado los denominados “seminarios activos”. El objetivo de los mismos es doble: por un lado, que el profesor pueda aplicar una metodología de enseñanza activa y, por otro, integrar los contenidos teóricos del programa a la práctica de la realidad empresarial. Además la enseñanza impartida en los seminarios se ha apoyado en un entorno virtual de aprendizaje. El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar un nuevo recurso para la docencia: los “seminarios activos” a través de la experiencia docente de tres profesores de la asignatura de Contabilidad Financiera de primer curso en los Grados de Economía y de ADE para los seminarios. Posteriormente, se ha realizado una encuesta a los alumnos para la medir su percepción y motivación en estos seminarios. Los resultados obtenidos de los seminarios activos se pueden resumir en un aprendizaje más profundo de la asignatura y una mayor motivación hacia los contenidos teóricos. No obstante, el alumno ha percibido una carga de trabajo mayor en esta asignatura que en el restoThe Faculty of Economics and Business Administration from the Complutense University of Madrid in order to adapt to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) has redesigned the study plan and teaching has been restructured adding an extra hour for seminars. For the accounting subject, active seminars have been proposed. The aim of these seminars is twofold: first, for the teacher to implement an active teaching methodology and, second, to integrate the theoretical content of the subject to the real world business. Additionally teaching has been supported in a virtual learning environment. This paper presents the experience of three teachers teaching the subject of Financial Accounting in the first-year of the Economics and Business Administration Degrees for the seminars. A survey has been designed to measure the students’ perception and motivation towards these seminars. The results of the active seminars can be summarized in a deeper understanding of the subject and greater motivation to the theoretical concepts. However, the student has received an increased workload in this subject comparing to the others

    Edad y crecimiento de Barbus graellsii Steindachner, 1866 y Chondrostoma miegii, Steindachner, 1866 (Pisces, Cyprinidae) en el río Cinca (cuenca hidrográfica del Ebro, NE España)

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    The age and growth of two endemic cyprinids from the lberian peninsula were studied for one year in a stretch of the Cinca River. There were caught by electrofishing 279 individuals of B. graellsii and 189 individuals of Ch. miegii. lmmature specimens of both species were not caught probably due to their migratory behaviour during the reproductive period. B. graellsii presented a maximum of 11 age classes in both sexes. Female Ch. miegii live for 8 years and males seven years. Growth was allometric in B. graellsii specimens whereas Ch. miegii showed isometric growth. Females were longer than males in both species. B. graellsii females showed higher growth rates than males whereas Ch. miegii showed similar growth rates between sexes. B. graellsii males showed a significant increase in condition before the reproductive period and a decrease in condition during this period, while females only showed a significant decrease in condition in July. Ch. miegii females presented dynamics of condition very similar to B. graellsii males. Key words: Age, Growth, Cyprinidae, Barbus graellsii, Chondrostoma miegii.The age and growth of two endemic cyprinids from the lberian peninsula were studied for one year in a stretch of the Cinca River. There were caught by electrofishing 279 individuals of B. graellsii and 189 individuals of Ch. miegii. lmmature specimens of both species were not caught probably due to their migratory behaviour during the reproductive period. B. graellsii presented a maximum of 11 age classes in both sexes. Female Ch. miegii live for 8 years and males seven years. Growth was allometric in B. graellsii specimens whereas Ch. miegii showed isometric growth. Females were longer than males in both species. B. graellsii females showed higher growth rates than males whereas Ch. miegii showed similar growth rates between sexes. B. graellsii males showed a significant increase in condition before the reproductive period and a decrease in condition during this period, while females only showed a significant decrease in condition in July. Ch. miegii females presented dynamics of condition very similar to B. graellsii males. Key words: Age, Growth, Cyprinidae, Barbus graellsii, Chondrostoma miegii.The age and growth of two endemic cyprinids from the lberian peninsula were studied for one year in a stretch of the Cinca River. There were caught by electrofishing 279 individuals of B. graellsii and 189 individuals of Ch. miegii. lmmature specimens of both species were not caught probably due to their migratory behaviour during the reproductive period. B. graellsii presented a maximum of 11 age classes in both sexes. Female Ch. miegii live for 8 years and males seven years. Growth was allometric in B. graellsii specimens whereas Ch. miegii showed isometric growth. Females were longer than males in both species. B. graellsii females showed higher growth rates than males whereas Ch. miegii showed similar growth rates between sexes. B. graellsii males showed a significant increase in condition before the reproductive period and a decrease in condition during this period, while females only showed a significant decrease in condition in July. Ch. miegii females presented dynamics of condition very similar to B. graellsii males. Key words: Age, Growth, Cyprinidae, Barbus graellsii, Chondrostoma miegii

    Are the new EHEA assessment methods appropriate to evaluate the academic performance of students? An experience in Financial Accounting

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    La Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid ha puesto en marcha durante el curso 2009-2010 la implantación de los nuevos Grados en Administración y Dirección de Empresas y en Economía, ajustándose a los nuevos criterios recogidos en el marco del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES). Una de las novedades es la evaluación acumulativa por actividades frente a la evaluación tradicional. Profesores de Contabilidad Financiera de primer curso han aplicado la metodología de enseñanza activa y su consecuente método de evaluación. Los resultados obtenidos en este trabajo empírico cuestionan este método de evaluación y promueve mejoras alternativas para implementar otros tipos de evaluación, además de que podría ser extrapolable a otras materias. Todo ello promueve una mejora continua en la docencia universitaria y un aprendizaje significativo del alumno.The Economics and Business Administration School of the Complutense University of Madrid has launched during the 2009-2010 academic year the new degrees in Economics and in Business Administration. These degrees have adjusted to the new criteria established in the European High Education Area (EHEA) framework. A new characteristic is the student cumulative activities assessment opposite to the traditional way of assessment. Three Financial Accounting lecturers have designed and applied, in the first year degree, active teaching methodologies and its consequent evaluation. The results of this empirical experiment show it is not the optimal assessment method and suggests other alternative methodologies could suit best. All of this together motivates a continuous improvement in the university teaching process and a deep learning for the students

    Edad, crecimiento y reproducción de Gobio gobio L. (Pisces, Cyprinidae) en un tramo regulado del río Segura (SE de España)

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    The age, growth and reproduction of Gobio gobio, were studied during a period of two years in a section of the Segura River regulated by the effect of a small upstream hydroelectric power station. A total of 254 specimens were caught monthly by electrofishing. The studied population showed a maximum of six age classes in females (0+–5+) and five in males (1+–5+). All females were mature at 2+ age class, whereas only 62.5% 2+ males showed mature gonads. During the studied period, both sexes showed maximum values of Gonadosomatic Index in May and spawn was different between the two studied periods. Compared with other populations, the studied population from a regulated locality is characterized by a non–seasonal body condition cycle and low captures of juvenile fish (0+, 1+) probably due to the effect of washing produced by drastic and unpredictable flow changes.La edad, crecimiento y reproducción de Gobio gobio, ha sido estudiada a lo largo de dos años en un tramo del río Segura regulado por una pequeña central hidroeléctrica. Mediante pesca eléctrica fueron capturados, mensualmente, un total de 254 ejemplares. Las hembras presentaron seis clases de edad (0+–5+) mientras que los machos presentaron cinco clases (1+–5+). Todas las hembras de clase de edad 2+ resultaron maduras mientras que los machos 2+ resultaron maduros en un 62,5% de los casos. Durante el periodo de estudio, ambos sexos presentaron los máximos valores del Índice Gonadosomático durante los meses de mayo aunque el desove resultó diferente entre los dos periodos estudiados. En comparación con otras poblaciones, la población estudiada en un tramo regulado del río se caracteriza por no presentar un ciclo estacional en la condición somática y bajas capturas de ejemplares juveniles (0+, 1+) debido, probablemente, al efecto de lavado provocado por los drásticos e impredecibles cambios en el caudal

    Raising awareness of the accessibility challenges in mathematics MOOCs

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    MOOCs provide learning environments that make it easier for learners to study from anywhere, at their own pace and with open access to content. This has revolutionised the field of eLearning, but accessibility continues to be a problem, even more so if we include the complexity of the STEM disciplines which have their own specific characteristics. This work presents an analysis of the accessibility of several MOOC platforms which provide courses in mathematics. We attempt to visualise the main web accessibility problems and challenges that disabled learners could face in taking these types of courses, both in general and specifically in the context of the subject of mathematics