4,240 research outputs found

    The Neutrino Mass Window for Baryogenesis

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    Interactions of heavy Majorana neutrinos in the thermal phase of the early universe may be the origin of the cosmological matter-antimatter asymmetry. This mechanism of baryogenesis implies stringent constraints on light and heavy Majorana neutrino masses. We derive an improved upper bound on the CP asymmetry in heavy neutrino decays which, together with the kinetic equations, yields an upper bound on all light neutrino masses of 0.1 eV. Lepton number changing processes at temperatures above the temperature T_B of baryogenesis can erase other, pre-existing contributions to the baryon asymmetry. We find that these washout processes become very efficient if the effective neutrino mass \tilde{m}_1 is larger than m_* \simeq 10^{-3} eV. All memory of the initial conditions is then erased. Hence, for neutrino masses in the range from (\Delta m^2_sol)^{1/2} \simeq 8*10^{-3} eV to (\Delta m^2_atm)^{1/2} \simeq 5*10^{-2} eV, which is suggested by neutrino oscillations, leptogenesis emerges as the unique source of the cosmological matter-antimatter asymmetry.Comment: 29 pages, 12 figures include

    Some Aspects of Thermal Leptogenesis

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    Properties of neutrinos may be the origin of the matter-antimatter asymmetry of the universe. In the seesaw model for neutrino masses this leads to important constraints on the properties of light and heavy neutrinos. In particular, an upper bound on the light neutrino masses of 0.1 eV can be derived. We review the present status of thermal leptogenesis with emphasis on the theoretical uncertainties and discuss some implications for lepton and quark mass hierarchies, CP violation and dark matter. We also comment on the `leptogenesis conspiracy', the remarkable fact that neutrino masses may lie in the range where leptogenesis works best.Comment: 23 pages, 5 figures, submitted to the Focus on Neutrino Physics issue of the New Journal of Physics, edited by F. Halzen, M. Lindner and A. Suzuk

    Cosmic Microwave Background, Matter-Antimatter Asymmetry and Neutrino Masses

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    We study the implications of thermal leptogenesis for neutrino parameters. Assuming that decays of N_1, the lightest of the heavy Majorana neutrinos, initiate baryogenesis, we show that the final baryon asymmetry is determined by only four parameters: the CP asymmetry epsilon_1, the heavy neutrino mass M_1, the effective light neutrino mass \tilde{m}_1, and the quadratic mean \bar{m} of the light neutrino masses. Imposing the CMB measurement of the baryon asymmetry as constraint on the neutrino parameters, we show, in a model independent way, that quasi-degenerate neutrinos are incompatible with thermal leptogenesis. For maximal CP asymmetry epsilon_1, and neutrino masses in the range from (\Delta m^2_{sol})^{1/2} to (\Delta m^2_{atm})^{1/2}, the baryogenesis temperature is T_B = O(10^{10}) GeV.Comment: 28 pages, 14 figures included; v2: erratum added, M_1 lower bound in the strong wash-out regime (see Eq. (63)) relaxed by a factor 2/

    Test-bed development & measurement plan for evaluating transmit diversity in DVB networks

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    This paper presents a test-bed development and measurement plan for evaluating transmit diversity in the DVB network. Transmit diversity reduces the complexity and improves the power consumption of the personal receiving devices by improving the transmission of signals in NLOS cluttered environments. Also, it is more practical than receive diversity due to the difficulty of locating two receive antennas far enough apart in a small mobile device. Test service scenarios were developed to illustrate the benefits of such technologies so that effectiveness can be researched in a variety of service and terrain scenarios using purpose built test systems. The laboratory tests were designed to validate the theoretical measurements from the theoretical analysis and these results will be verified by a field measurement campaign in short and long time spans

    Covid-19 e compressione delle libert\ue0 fondamentali. Il giudice keniano si inserisce in un dibattito ormai globale.

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    Lo scoppio della pandemia di Covid-19 ha costretto giudici e dottrina a confrontarsi nuovamente con un tema, qual \ue8 quello dell\u2019emergenza, che, anchese diffusamente trattato, mai era diventato cos\uec prepotentemente d\u2019attualit\ue0 per la vita di ogni singolo essere umano, in ogni angolo del pianeta. Le criticit\ue0 sottese alle limitazioni delle libert\ue0 fondamentali costituzionalmente protette da un lato, e la necessit\ue0 di garantire un\u2019adeguata assistenza sanitaria dall\u2019altro (limitando la diffusione della malattia il pi\uf9 possibile), hanno creato non poche perplessit\ue0 relativamente ai provvedimenti restrittivi ed ai comportamenti adottati dalle autorit\ue0 pubbliche trovatesi ad affrontare una sfida del tutto inedita. Il dispositivo che si andr\ue0 ad analizzare si pu\uf2 quindi inquadrare, concettualmente, nell\u2019ormai amplissimo dibattito relativo all\u2019utilizzo di strumenti eccezionali al fine di contrastare il propagarsi di un\u2019epidemia che sta mettendo a dura prova le costituzioni democratiche, nonch\ue9 le economie di tutto il mondo

    Common fixed points for self-mappings on partial metric spaces

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    In this paper, we prove some results of a common fixed point for two self-mappings on partial metric spaces. Our results generalize some interesting results of Ilic et al. (Appl. Math. Lett. 24:1326-1330, 2011). We conclude with a result of the existence of a fixed point for set-valued mappings in the context of 0-complete partial metric spaces

    Some fixed point results for multi-valued mappings in partial metric spaces

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    In this paper, we obtain some fixed point results for multi-valued mappings in partial metric spaces. Our results unify, generalize and complement various known comparable results from the current literature. An example is also included to illustrate the main result in the paper

    Leptogenesis beyond the limit of hierarchical heavy neutrino masses

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    We calculate the baryon asymmetry of the Universe in thermal leptogenesis beyond the usual lightest right-handed (RH) neutrino dominated scenario (N_1DS) and in particular beyond the hierarchical limit (HL), M_1 << M_2 << M_3, for the RH neutrino mass spectrum. After providing some orientation among the large variety of models, we first revisit the central role of the N_1DS, with new insights on the dynamics of the asymmetry generation and then discuss the main routes departing from it, focusing on models beyond the HL. We study in detail two examples of `strong-strong' wash-out scenarios: one with `maximal phase' and the limit of very large M_3, studying the effects arising when delta_2=(M_2-M_1)/M_1 is small. We extend analytical methods already applied to the N_1DS showing, for example, that, in the degenerate limit (DL), the efficiency factors of the RH neutrinos become equal with the single decay parameter replaced by the sum. Both cases disprove the misconception that close RH neutrino masses necessarily lead to a final asymmetry enhancement and to a relaxation of the lower bounds on M_1 and on the initial temperature of the radiation-dominated expansion. We also explain why leptogenesis tends to favor normal hierarchy compared to inverted hierarchy for the left-handed neutrino masses.Comment: 30 pages, 8 figures; corrected typo in Eq. (67); shortened Introduction, Section 3 and Conclusions; one figure removed; added 2 references; to appear in JCA
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