3,931 research outputs found

    Hunting for Isocurvature Modes in the CMB non-Gaussianities

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    We investigate new shapes of local primordial non-Gaussianities in the CMB. Allowing for a primordial isocurvature mode along with the main adiabatic one, the angular bispectrum is in general a superposition of six distinct shapes: the usual adiabatic term, a purely isocurvature component and four additional components that arise from correlations between the adiabatic and isocurvature modes. We present a class of early Universe models in which various hierarchies between these six components can be obtained, while satisfying the present upper bound on the isocurvature fraction in the power spectrum. Remarkably, even with this constraint, detectable non-Gaussianity could be produced by isocurvature modes. We finally discuss the prospects of detecting these new shapes with the Planck satellite.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figure

    Cosmological CMBR dipole in open universes ?

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    The observed CMBR dipole is generally interpreted as a Doppler effect arising from the motion of the Earth relative to the CMBR frame. An alternative interpretation, proposed in the last years, is that the dipole results from ultra-large scale isocurvature perturbations. We examine this idea in the context of open cosmologies and show that the isocurvature interpretation is not valid in an open universe, unless it is extremely close to a flat universe, ∣Ω0−1∣<10−4|\Omega_0 -1|< 10^{-4}.Comment: 26 pages, Latex, 6 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Scalar Kaluza-Klein modes in a multiply warped braneworld

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    The Kaluza-Klein (KK) modes of a massive scalar field on a 3-brane embedded in six dimensional multiply warped spacetime are determined. Due to the presence of warping along both the extra dimensions the KK mass spectrum splits into two closely spaced branches which is a distinct feature of this model compared to the five dimensional Randall-Sundrum model. This new cluster of the KK mode spectrum is expected to have interesting phenomenological implications for the upcoming collider experiments. Such a scenario may also be extended for even larger number of orbifolded extra dimensions.Comment: 10 pages, Revte

    Non-linear isocurvature perturbations and non-Gaussianities

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    We study non-linear primordial adiabatic and isocurvature perturbations and their non-Gaussianity. After giving a general formulation in the context of an extended delta N-formalism, we analyse in detail two illustrative examples. The first is a mixed curvaton-inflaton scenario in which fluctuations of both the inflaton and a curvaton (a light isocurvature field during inflation) contribute to the primordial density perturbation. The second example is that of double inflation involving two decoupled massive scalar fields during inflation. In the mixed curvaton-inflaton scenario we find that the bispectrum of primordial isocurvature perturbations may be large and comparable to the bispectrum of adiabatic curvature perturbations.Comment: 24 pages, typos corrected, references adde

    A general proof of the equivalence between the \delta N and covariant formalisms

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    Recently, the equivalence between the \delta N and covariant formalisms has been shown (Suyama et al. 2012), but they essentially assumed Einstein gravity in their proof. They showed that the evolution equation of the curvature covector in the covariant formalism on uniform energy density slicings coincides with that of the curvature perturbation in the \delta N formalism assuming the coincidence of uniform energy and uniform expansion (Hubble) slicings, which is the case on superhorizon scales in Einstein gravity. In this short note, we explicitly show the equivalence between the \delta N and covariant formalisms without specifying the slicing condition and the associated slicing coincidence, in other words, regardless of the gravity theory.Comment: 7 pages,a reference added, to be published in EP

    Cosmic Microwave Background Dipole induced by double inflation

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    The observed CMBR dipole is generally interpreted as the consequence of the peculiar motion of the Sun with respect to the reference frame of the CMBR. This article proposes an alternative interpretation in which the observed dipole is the result of isocurvature perturbations on scales larger than the present Hubble radius. These perturbations are produced in the simplest model of double inflation, depending on three parameters. The observed dipole and quadrupole can be explained in this model, while severely constraining its parameters.Comment: Latex, 9 pages, no figure, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Influence of heavy modes on perturbations in multiple field inflation

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    We investigate linear cosmological perturbations in multiple field inflationary models where some of the directions are light while others are heavy (with respect to the Hubble parameter). By integrating out the massive degrees of freedom, we determine the multi-dimensional effective theory for the light degrees of freedom and give explicitly the propagation matrix that replaces the effective sound speed of the one-dimensional case. We then examine in detail the consequences of a sudden turn along the inflationary trajectory, in particular the possible breakdown of the low energy effective theory in case the heavy modes are excited. Resorting to a new basis in field space, instead of the usual adiabatic/entropic basis, we study the evolution of the perturbations during the turn. In particular, we compute the power spectrum and compare with the result obtained from the low energy effective theory.Comment: 24 pages, 13 figures; v2 substantial changes in sec.V; v3 matching the published version on JCA

    Thermal leptogenesis in brane world cosmology

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    The thermal leptogenesis in brane world cosmology is studied. In brane world cosmology, the expansion law is modified from the four-dimensional standard cosmological one at high temperature regime in the early universe. As a result, the well-known upper bound on the lightest light neutrino mass induced by the condition for the out-of-equilibrium decay of the lightest heavy neutrino, m~1â‰Č10−3\tilde{m}_1 \lesssim 10^{-3} eV, can be moderated to be m~1â‰Č10−3eV×(M1/Tt)2\tilde{m}_1 \lesssim 10^{-3} {eV} \times (M_1/T_t)^2 in the case of Tt≀M1T_t \leq M_1 with the lightest heavy neutrino mass (M1M_1) and the ``transition temperature'' (TtT_t), at which the modified expansion law in brane world cosmology is smoothly connecting with the standard one. This implies that the degenerate mass spectrum of the light neutrinos can be consistent with the thermal leptogenesis scenario. Furthermore, as recently pointed out, the gravitino problem in supersymmetric case can be solved if the transition temperature is low enough Ttâ‰Č106−7T_t \lesssim 10^{6-7} GeV. Therefore, even in the supersymmetric case, thermal leptogenesis scenario can be successfully realized in brane world cosmology.Comment: 9 pages, final versio

    Bulk gravitons from a cosmological brane

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    We investigate the emission of gravitons by a cosmological brane into an Anti de Sitter five-dimensional bulk spacetime. We focus on the distribution of gravitons in the bulk and the associated production of `dark radiation' in this process. In order to evaluate precisely the amount of dark radiation in the late low-energy regime, corresponding to standard cosmology, we study numerically the emission, propagation and bouncing off the brane of bulk gravitons.Comment: 27 pages, 5 figures, minor corrections. Final versio
