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    __Abstract__ Rede, uitgesproken ter gelegenheid van het aanvaarden van het ambt van bijzonder hoogleraar met als leeropdracht Kwaliteit van medisch specialistische vervolgopleidingen aan het Erasmus MC, faculteit van de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam op 12 september 201

    Titanium and water-rich metamorphic olivine in high-pressure serpentinites from the Voltri Massif (Ligurian Alps, Italy): evidence for deep subduction of high-field strength and fluid-mobile elements

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    Titanium- and water-rich metamorphic olivine (Fo 86-88) is reported from partially dehydrated serpentinites from the Voltri complex, Ligurian Alps. The rocks are composed of mostly antigorite and olivine in addition to magnetite, chlorite, clinopyroxene and Ti-clinohumite. In situ secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) data show that metamorphic olivine has very high and strongly correlated H2O (up to 0.7 wt%) and TiO2 contents (up to 0.85 wt%). Ti-rich olivine shows colourless to yellow pleochroism. Olivine associated with Ti-clinohumite contains low Ti, suggesting that Ti-rich olivine is not the breakdown product of Ti-clinohumite. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) absorption spectra show peaks of serpentine, Ti-clinohumite and OH-related Si vacancies. Combining FTIR and SIMS data, we suggest the presence of clustered planar defects or nanoscale exsolutions of Ti-clinohumite in olivine. These defects or exsolutions contain more H2O (x similar to 0.1 in the formula 4Mg(2)SiO(4)center dot(1-x)Mg(OH, F)(2)center dot xTiO(2)) than Ti-clinohumite in the sample matrix (x = 0.34-0.46). In addition to TiO2 and H2O, secondary olivine contains significant Li (2-60 ppm), B (10-20 ppm), F (10-130 ppm) and Zr (0.9-2.1 ppm). It is enriched in B-11 (delta B-11 = +17 to +23 parts per thousand). Our data indicate that secondary olivine may play a significant role in transporting water, high-field strength and fluid-mobile elements into the deeper mantle as well as introduce significant B isotope anomalies. Release of hydrogen from H2O-rich olivine subducted into the deep mantle may result in strongly reduced mantle domains.OAIID:oai:osos.snu.ac.kr:snu2014-01/102/0000043439/1SEQ:1PERF_CD:SNU2014-01EVAL_ITEM_CD:102USER_ID:0000043439ADJUST_YN:YEMP_ID:A076886DEPT_CD:3345CITE_RATE:3.476FILENAME:de hoog et al-14-cmp-titanium- and water-ric.pdfDEPT_NM:지구환경과학부SCOPUS_YN:NCONFIRM:

    On the noise-resolution duality, Heisenberg uncertainty and Shannon's information

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    Several variations of the Heisenberg uncertainty inequality are derived on the basis of "noise-resolution duality" recently proposed by the authors. The same approach leads to a related inequality that provides an upper limit for the information capacity of imaging systems in terms of the number of imaging quanta (particles) used in the experiment. These results can be useful in the context of biomedical imaging constrained by the radiation dose delivered to the sample, or in imaging (e.g. astronomical) problems under "low light" conditions

    The neurotropic black yeast Exophiala dermatitidis has a possible origin in the tropical rain forest

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    The black yeast Exophiala dermatitidis is known as a rare etiologic agent of neurotropic infections in humans, occurring particularly in East and Southeast Asia. In search of its natural habitat, a large sampling was undertaken in temperate as well as in tropical climates. Sampling sites were selected on the basis of the origins of previously isolated strains, and on the basis of physiological properties of the species, which also determined a selective isolation protocol. The species was absent from outdoor environments in the temperate climate, but present at low abundance in comparable habitats in the tropics. Positive outdoor sites particularly included faeces of frugivorous birds and bats, in urban as well as in natural areas. Tropical fruits were found E. dermatitidis positive at low incidence. Of the human-made environments sampled, railway ties contaminated by human faeces and oily debris in the tropics were massively positive, while the known abundance of the fungus in steam baths was confirmed. On the basis of the species' oligotrophy, thermotolerance, acidotolerance, moderate osmotolerance, melanization and capsular yeast cells a natural life cycle in association with frugivorous animals in foci in the tropical rain forest, involving passage of living cells through the intestinal tract was hypothesized. The human-dominated environment may have become contaminated by ingestion of wild berries carrying fungal propagule

    Boron isotope record of peak metamorphic ultrahigh-pressure and retrograde fluid–rock interaction in white mica (Lago di Cignana, Western Alps)

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    This study presents boron (B) concentration and isotope data for white mica from (ultra)high-pressure (UHP), subduction-related metamorphic rocks from Lago di Cignana (Western Alps, Italy). These rocks are of specific geological interest, because they comprise the most deeply subducted rocks of oceanic origin worldwide. Boron geochemistry can track fluid–rock interaction during their metamorphic evolution and provide important insights into mass transfer processes in subduction zones. The highest B contents (up to 345 μg/g B) occur in peak metamorphic phengite from a garnet–phengite quartzite. The B isotopic composition is variable (δ11B = − 10.3 to − 3.6%) and correlates positively with B concentrations. Based on similar textures and major element mica composition, neither textural differences, prograde growth zoning, diffusion nor a retrograde overprint can explain this correlation. Modelling shows that B devolatilization during metamorphism can explain the general trend, but fails to account for the wide compositional and isotopic variability in a single, well-equilibrated sample. We, therefore, argue that this trend represents fluid–rock interaction during peak metamorphic conditions. This interpretation is supported by fluid–rock interaction modelling of boron leaching and boron addition that can successfully reproduce the observed spread in δ11B and [B]. Taking into account the local availability of serpentinites as potential source rocks of the fluids, the temperatures reached during peak metamorphism that allow for serpentine dehydration, and the high positive δ11B values (δ11B = 20 ± 5) modelled for the fluids, an influx of serpentinite-derived fluid appears likely. Paragonite in lawsonite pseudomorphs in an eclogite and phengite from a retrogressed metabasite have B contents between 12 and 68 μg/g and δ11B values that cluster around 0% (δ11B = − 5.0 to + 3.5). White mica in both samples is related to distinct stages of retrograde metamorphism during exhumation of the rocks. The variable B geochemistry can be successfully modelled as fluid–rock interaction with low-to-moderate (< 3) fluid/rock ratios, where mica equilibrates with a fluid into which B preferentially partitions, causing leaching of B from the rock. The metamorphic rocks from Lago di Cignana show variable retention of B in white mica during subduction-related metamorphism and exhumation. The variability in the B geochemical signature in white mica is significant and enhances our understanding of metamorphic processes and their role in element transfer in subduction zones