1,166 research outputs found

    Microscopic origin of nonlinear non-affine deformation and stress overshoot in bulk metallic glasses

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    The atomic theory of elasticity of amorphous solids, based on the nonaffine response formalism, is extended into the nonlinear stress-strain regime by coupling with the underlying irreversible many-body dynamics. The latter is implemented in compact analytical form using a qualitative method for the many-body Smoluchowski equation. The resulting nonlinear stress-strain (constitutive) relation is very simple, with few fitting parameters, yet contains all the microscopic physics. The theory is successfully tested against experimental data on metallic glasses, and it is able to reproduce the ubiquitous feature of stress-strain overshoot upon varying temperature and shear rate. A clear atomic-level interpretation is provided for the stress overshoot, in terms of the competition between the elastic instability caused by nonaffine deformation of the glassy cage and the stress buildup due to viscous dissipation.Comment: Physical Review B Rapid Comm., in pres

    Low-energy optical phonons induce glassy-like vibrational and thermal anomalies in ordered crystals

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    It is widely accepted that structural glasses and disordered crystals exhibit anomalies in the their thermal, mechanical and acoustic properties as manifestations of the breakdown of the long-wavelength approximation in a disordered dissipative environment. However, the same type of glassy-like anomalies (i.e. boson peak in the vibrational density of states (VDOS) above the Debye level, peak in the normalized specific heat at T≃10KT\simeq10 K etc) have been recently observed also in perfectly ordered crystals, including thermoelectric compounds. Here we present a theory that predicts these surprising effects in perfectly ordered crystals as a result of low-lying (soft) optical phonons. In particular, it is seen that a strong boson peak anomaly (low-energy excess of modes) in the VDOS can be due almost entirely to the presence of low-energy optical phonons, provided that their energy is comparable to that of the acoustic modes at the Brillouin zone boundary. The boson peak is predicted also to occur in the heat capacity at low TT. In presence of strong damping (which might be due to anharmonicities in the ordered crystals), these optical phonons contribute to the low-TT deviation from Debye's T3T^{3} law, producing a linear-in-TT behavior which is typical of glasses, even though no assumptions of disorder whatsoever are made in the model. These findings are relevant for understanding and tuning thermal transport properties of thermoelectric compounds, and possibly for the enhancement of electron-phonon superconductivity

    Discussion of 006405JOR by A. Zaccone et al

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    Theory of molecular crowding in Brownian hard-sphere liquids with application to the polymer coil-globule transition

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    We derive an analytical pair potential of mean force for Brownian molecules in the liquid-state. Our approach accounts for many-particle correlations of crowding particles of the liquid, and for diffusive transport across the spatially modulated local density of crowders in the dense environment. Specializing on the limit of equal-size particles, we show that this diffusive transport leads to additional density- and structure-dependent terms in the interaction potential, and to a much stronger attraction (by a factor ~4 at average volume fraction of crowders 0.25) than in the standard depletion interaction where the diffusive effects are neglected. As an illustration of the theory, we use it to study the size of a polymer chain in a solution of inert crowders. Even in the case of athermal background solvent, when a classical chain should be fully swollen, we find a sharp coil-globule transition of the ideal chain collapsing at a critical value of the crowder volume fraction ~0.145

    Rheology of Hard Glassy Materials

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    Glassy solids may undergo a fluidization (yielding) transition upon deformation whereby the material starts to flow plastically. It has been a matter of debate whether this process is controlled by a specific time scale, from among different competing relaxation/kinetic processes. Here, two constitutive models of cage relaxation are examined within the microscopic model of nonaffine elasto-plasticity. One (widely used) constitutive model implies that the overall relaxation rate is dominated by the fastest between the structural (α\alpha) relaxation rate and the shear-induced relaxation rate. A different model is formulated here which, instead, assumes that the slowest (global) relaxation process controls the overall relaxation. We show that the first model is not compatible with the existence of finite elastic shear modulus for quasistatic (low-frequency) deformation, while the second model is able to describe all key features of deformation of `hard' glassy solids, including the yielding transition, the nonaffine-to-affine plateau crossover, and the rate-stiffening of the modulus. The proposed framework provides an operational way to distinguish between `soft' glasses and `hard' glasses based on the shear-rate dependence of the structural relaxation time

    Parameter-free predictions of the viscoelastic response of glassy polymers from non-affine lattice dynamics

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    We study the viscoelastic response of amorphous polymers using theory and simulations. By accounting for internal stresses and considering instantaneous normal modes (INMs) within athermal non-affine theory, we make parameter-free predictions of the dynamic viscoelastic moduli obtained in coarse-grained simulations of polymer glasses at non-zero temperatures. The theoretical results show very good correspondence with rheology data collected from molecular dynamics simulations over five orders of magnitude in frequency, with some instabilities that accumulate in the low-frequency part on approach to the glass transition. These results provide evidence that the mechanical glass transition itself is continuous and thus represents a crossover rather than a true phase transition. The relatively sharp drop of the low-frequency storage modulus across the glass transition temperature can be explained mechanistically within the proposed theory: the proliferation of low-eigenfrequency vibrational excitations (boson peak and nearly-zero energy excitations) is directly responsible for the rapid growth of a negative non-affine contribution to the storage modulus.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure

    Theory of the phonon spectrum in host-guest crystalline solids with avoided crossing

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    We develop an analytical model to describe the phonon dispersion relations of host-guest lattices with heavy guest atoms (rattlers). Crucially, the model also accounts for phonon damping arising from anharmonicity. The spectrum of low-energy states contains acousticlike and (soft) optical-like modes, which display the typical avoided crossing, and which can be derived analytically by considering the dynamical coupling between host lattice and guest rattlers. Inclusion of viscous anharmonic damping in the model allows us to compute the vibrational density of states (VDOS) and the specific heat, unveiling the presence of a boson peak (BP) linked to an anharmonicity-smeared van Hove singularity. Upon increasing the coupling strength between the host and the guest dynamics, and by decreasing the energy of the soft optical modes, the BP anomaly becomes stronger and it moves towards lower frequencies. Moreover, we find a robust linear correlation between the BP frequency and the energy of the soft optical-like modes. This framework provides a useful model for tuning the thermal properties of host-guest lattices by controlling the VDOS, which is crucial for optimizing thermal conductivity and hence the energy conversion efficiency in these materials
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