189 research outputs found

    Changes in woody species composition following establishing exclosures on grazing lands in the lowlands of Northern Ethiopia

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    Restoring vegetation in low rainfall areas is difficult and urges the need to design an effective and low-cost method of vegetation restoration. This study was undertaken in the lowlands of northern Ethiopia to: (1) investigate how exclosure age affects restoration of degraded native plant species richness, diversity and aboveground standing biomass, and (2) identify soil characteristics, which affect effectiveness of exclosures to restore degraded native vegetation. Replicated (n = 3) 5-, 10- and 15- year-old exclosures were selected and each exclosure was paired with an adjacent grazing land to detect changes in vegetation variables following establishing exclosures on communal grazing lands. All exclosures displayed higher species richness, diversity and aboveground biomass when compared to the adjacent grazing lands. Results on vegetation composition indicate that all exclosures are at early stage of succession. In all exclosures and grazing lands, vegetation variables displayed significant (p < 0.05) correlations with soil variables indicating that consideration of soil fertility will help enhance natural regeneration in exclosures. Our study indicates that the establishment of exclosures on degraded communal grazing lands can be effective in restoring degraded native vegetations, and with time, exclosures may obtain an important role as source of seeds of indigenous woody species.Key words: Grazing pressure, land degradation, land use conversion, native vegetation, soil variables, vegetation restoration


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    Usaha penangkapan merupakan satu unit ekonomi yang diperhatikan dalam pelaksanaan dengan memperhitungkan biaya-biaya yang dikeluarkan dan keuntungan yang diperoleh, khusunya usaha penangkapan mini purse seine di Kecamatan Ndao Nuse agar dapat berjalan terus. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode survei dan observasi. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data primer dan sekunder. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan investasi yang digunakan oleh nelayan di Desa Ndao Nuse untuk usaha penangkapan mini purse seine, rata-rata yaitu Rp. 398.927.273. Biaya investasi ini digunakan untuk pembelian kapal, mesin dan jaring (pukat). Besarnya biaya tetap yang harus dikeluarkan oleh nelayan perikanan tangkap mini purse seine (responden) bervariasi tergantung kebutuhannya, dengan rata-rata sebesar Rp. 22.134.759, Biaya tidak tetap diperuntukan untuk biaya operasional berupa pembelian bahan bakar minyak (BBM), perbekalan dan biaya gaji/upah, dimana biaya bahan bakar minyak (BBM) yang dikeluarkan rata-rata sebesar Rp. 3.109.091, sedangkan besaran biaya perbekalan yang disiapkan rata-rata sebesar Rp. 2.652.273. Perhitungan R/C ratio usaha perikanan dengan rata-rata sebesar 4,55 dan rata nilai ROI (Return on Investment) sebesar 35,40%, hasil perhitungan BEP (Break Even Point) atau titik impas menunjukkan bahwa usaha perikanan tersebut mengalami untung dengan nilai BEP rata-rata sebesar Rp.1.683.421. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa usaha perikanan mini purse seine nelayan Desa Ndao Nuse Kecamatan Ndao Nuse Kabupaten Rote Ndao dengan menggunakan analisis ROI, R/C Ratio dan Break Event Point (BEP) menunjukan bahwa usaha perikanan tangkap mini purse seine di Desa Ndao Nuse Kecamatan Ndao Nuse layak dijalankan, dengan pendapatan per bulan sebesar 2,45% dan sangat menguntungkan

    Job Satisfaction and Its Determinants among Health Workers in Jimma University Specialized Hospital, Southwest Ethiopia

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    BACKGROUND: Human power is the back bone for the provision of quality health care for the population. High level of professional satisfaction among health workers earns high dividends such as higher worker force retention and patients satisfaction. There is limited amount of literature in the areas related to factors affecting job satisfaction and retention. The objective of this study was to determine the job satisfaction of health professionals working in Jimma University Specialized Hospital and factors affecting their level of satisfaction.METHOD: A cross-sectional study was conducted to determine the level and factors affecting job satisfaction and retention of health professionals working in Jimma University Specialized Hospital. The study was conducted from March to October 2009 and included all categories of health professionals working in the hospital during the study period. Data was collected using self administered questionnaire and focus group discussion. After the data was collected, it was entered into a computer and analyzed using SPSS version16.0 windows statistical software. Chi-square tests were made to evaluate association of different variables with job satisfaction, and P-value < 0.05, at 95% CI was taken as cut off point for statistical significance.RESULTS: A total of 145 health professionals have responded for the self administered questionnaire. The result showed that sixty seven (46.2%) of the health workers are dissatisfied with their job. The major reasons reported for their dissatisfaction were lack of motivation, inadequate salary, insufficient training opportunities and inadequate number of human resources. Only sixty (41.4%) health professionals were satisfied with their job, the major reasons given were getting satisfaction from helping others and professional gratification. Suggestion given by the respondents to improve job satisfaction and increase retention rate included motivation of staff through different incentives such us bonus, house allowance, salary increment, establishing good administration management system and improving hospital facilities and infrastructure.CONCLUSION: Job satisfaction of health professionals in Jimma University Specialized Hospital was found to be low. Responsible bodies should devise mechanisms to improve job satisfaction and retention of health professional so as to improve the healthcare services of the hospital.KEYWORDS: Job satisfaction, Health Workers, Jimma University Specialized Hospita

    An integrated approach to value management and sustainable construction during strategic briefing in Saudi construction projects

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    There has recently been considerable concern regarding the degradation of the environment caused by depletion of natural resources, air pollution, global warming and the lack of consideration paid to the earth's ecosystem. The principles of sustainable construction are thus being widely adopted by many countries all over the world. This quest towards sustainable development throughout the world has put a spotlight on the construction industry. Sustainable construction is a major concept underlying a variety of efforts to ensure a good quality of life for the present and future generations. Most developing countries have experienced a fast uptake of urbanisation and the acceleration of infrastructure development, all of which fuel the necessity of establishing sustainable construction principles; this is true in Saudi Arabia as in other countries. This research has carefully investigated the current situation of Value Management (VM) and Sustainable Construction (SC) in the Saudi construction industry in terms of their application, clients' attitudes, barriers to implementation, identification of enablers that could overcome these barriers and improve their implementation, and determination of the level of existent knowledge about both subjects among people who work in the Saudi public sector. It has also defined Sustainable Construction principles in three dimensions, in Saudi Arabia: environmental, economic and social. The research findings have revealed that SC principles are not a major consideration in the Saudi construction industry and many people who work in the Saudi public sector have little or no experience in sustainable development. On the contrary, VM has been applied in the Saudi construction industry for more than three decades and its application is mandatory in all governmental projects funded by the Saudi government. This enables those people who work in the VM sector to possess great experience, skills and knowledge. However, there are a number of barriers that could impede or affect the VM performance in the Saudi construction industry which were taken into account in this research. (Continues...).EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Sensible Heat Balance Estimates of Transient Soil Ice Contents

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    Soil ice content is an important component for winter soil hydrology. The sensible heat balance (SHB) method using measurements from heat pulse probes (HPPs) is a possible way to determine transient soil ice content. In a previous study, in situ soil ice content estimates with the SHB method were inaccurate, due to thermal conductivity errors and the use of relatively long time steps for calculations. The objective of this study is to reexamine the SHB method for soil ice content determination. A soil freezing and thawing laboratory experiment was performed with soil columns and heat exchangers. Transient soil ice contents in the soil columns during soil freezing and thawing were determined with the SHB method. The SHB method was able to determine dynamic changes in soil ice contents during initial freezing and final thawing for soil temperatures between −5 and 0°C when latent heat values associated with ice formation or with thawing were relatively large. During an extended freezing period, when soil temperatures were below −5°C, the small associated latent heat fluxes were below the sensitivity of the SHB method, and the SHB method did not provide accurate estimates of ice contents with time. However, the soil ice contents during the extended freezing period could be estimated well from changes in volumetric heat capacity (C) determined with HPP. Thus, combining the SHB method for initial freezing and final thawing, with a change in Cmethod for extended freezing periods, allowed determination of dynamic soil ice contents for the entire range of freezing and thawing soil temperatures investigated. HPPs were able to measure soil ice contents

    Modelling price formation and dynamics in the Ethiopian maize market

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    In response to the sharp rise in domestic grain prices of 2008, the Ethiopian government introduced a wide range of policy instruments to tame the soaring domestic food prices. It is generally argued that before embarking on any intervention in domestic grain market, better understanding of price formation and possible scenarios of the dynamic grain market environment is crucial for policymakers to make informed decisions. This study aimed at examining the price formation and dynamics in the Ethiopian maize market. Furthermore, this article empirically investigate spatial maize market linkages and test maize price leadership role in order to understand as to whether or not there is a central maize market that dictate and lead price information flow over regional maize markets in Ethiopia.http://jast.modares.ac.iram2018Agricultural Economics, Extension and Rural Developmen

    Assessment of factors influencing youth involvement in horticulture agribusiness in Tanzania: a case study of Njombe region

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    Open Access Journal; Published online: 10 Jul 2020Involvement of youth in horticulture agribusiness has become a vital approach to create employment opportunities among the youth in Tanzania. This study aimed at examining the extent of youth participation and factors influencing youth involvement in horticulture agribusiness with a focus on innovations in post-harvest management (PHM). Data were collected from a sample of 576 male and female youth in Njombe region using a multi-stage random sampling technique. Data were analyzed using an ordered logit model and descriptive statistics. Results of the ordered logit analysis showed that primary school education, Form IV and above, management innovation, access to credit, good perception of horticulture for agribusiness and improved packaging materials positively and significantly influence youth involvement in horticulture agribusiness. Gender and land size had a negative and significant influence on youth involvement in horticulture agribusiness, as indicated by higher percentages of male youth (59%) participation in the horticulture agribusiness. Therefore, this study suggests increased investment in capacity development of the youth on PHM innovations and the development of rural infrastructure such as agro-processing and storage facilities by the government and private sector. Increasing the availability of improved packaging materials and provision of youth-friendly credit schemes could encourage youth in horticulture agribusiness

    Participation without Negotiating: Influence of Stakeholder Power Imbalances and Engagement Models on Agricultural Policy Development in Uganda

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    Although the political context in Uganda exhibits democratic deficit and patronage, research and development actors have given little attention to the possible negative impact these may have on agricultural policymaking and implementation processes. This article examines the influence of power in perpetuating prevailing narratives around public participation in agricultural policymaking processes. The analysis is based on qualitative data collected between September 2014 and May 2015 using 86 in‐depth interviews, 18 focus group discussions, and recorded observations in stakeholder consultations. Results indicate that while the political setting provides space for uncensored debates, the policymaking process remains under close control of political leaders, technical personnel, and high‐level officers in the government. Policy negotiation remains limited to actors who are knowledgeable about the technical issues and those who have the financial resources and political power to influence decisions, such as international donors. There is limited space for negotiation of competing claims and interests in the processes by public and private actors actively engaged in agricultural development, production, processing, and trade. Thus, efforts to achieve good governance in policy processes fall short due to lack of approaches that promote co‐design and co‐ownership of the policies

    Emissivity retrievals with FORUM's end-to-end simulator: challenges and recommendations

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    Spectral emissivity is a key property of the Earth's surface, of which only very few measurements exist so far in the far-infrared (FIR) spectral region, even though recent work has shown that the FIR is important for accurate modelling of the global climate. The European Space Agency's 9th Earth Explorer, FORUM (Far-infrared Outgoing Radiation Understanding and Monitoring) will provide the first global spectrally resolved measurements of the Earth's top-of-the-atmosphere (TOA) spectrum in the FIR. In clear-sky conditions with low water vapour content, these measurements will provide a unique opportunity to retrieve spectrally resolved FIR surface emissivity. In preparation for the FORUM mission with an expected launch in 2027, this study takes the first steps towards the development of an operational emissivity retrieval for FORUM by investigating the sensitivity of the emissivity product of a full spectrum optimal estimation retrieval method to different physical and operational parameters. The tool used for the sensitivity tests is the FORUM mission's end-to-end simulator. These tests show that the spectral emissivity of most surface types can be retrieved for dry scenes in the 350–600 cm−1 region, with an absolute uncertainty ranging from 0.005 to 0.01. In addition, the quality of the retrieval is quantified with respect to the precipitable water vapour content of the scene, and the uncertainty caused by the correlation of emissivity with surface temperature is investigated. Based on these investigations, a road map is recommended for the development of the operational emissivity product

    African rural youth engagement in agribusiness: achievements, limitations, and lessons

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    Open Access JournalEngaging rural youth in agribusiness has become an important strategy to create employment opportunities in Africa. To this end, governments and development partners have implemented various interventions that facilitate youth engagement in agribusiness for several years. However, there is a dearth of evidence on what worked and what did not work well, making it difficult to inform evidence-based policy making. In an effort to fill this knowledge gap, a comprehensive literature review of the outcomes of interventions related to youth engagement in agribusiness was conducted using a deductive coding approach. Results showed that the interventions implemented by governments and development partners across Africa have succeeded in producing favorable outcomes despite some limitations. Interventions that integrate capacity development, financial support for startups, and continuous mentorship on the technical and financial aspects of youth-run agribusiness projects proved successful in enhancing youth engagement in agribusiness. This suggests that the design and implementation of future interventions should be based on an integrated approach that considers diversity of youths’ aspirations and shared capabilities, interests, expectations, as well as challenges associated with access to resources and participation in collective action. The design of future interventions should also be built on strong partnerships among rural communities, academia, research, and private sector for increased impact on livelihood improvements
