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    U Austriji se provodi učinkovito oplemenjivanje pšenice. Četiri poduzeća intenzivno rade na oplemenjivanju ozime pšenice, a različiti klimatski i edafski uvjeti postavljaju posebne zahtjeve u oplemenjivačkom radu. U svezi kultivara (uglavnom s osjem), koji su prikladni za semiaridnu Panonsku regiju učinjen je bitan napredak u prinosu, a pritom su se zadržali visoki standardi kakvoće. Za uzgoj u hladnijim i vlažnijim regijama u oplemenjivanju je posebna pažnja poklonjena kultivarima (većinom bez osja) s dobrom, srednjom ili nižom pekarskom kakvoćom. U suradnji s istraživačkim institucijama u oplemenjivačkom se radu sve više upotrebljavaju biotehnološke metode. Kultivari pšenice podijeljeni su u devet (1 do 9) grupa kakvoće (baking quality groups - BQGs) ovisno o pekarskoj kakvoći. U radu su pokazane jednostavne korelacije između parametara pekarske kakvoće. Većina austrijskih kultivara koji su visoke pekarske kakvoće (BQG 9, 8 i 7) posjeduju gluteninske subjedinice velike molekularne težine GLU-B1 7+9 i Glu-D1 5+10. Kultivari sa srednjom i nižom pekarskom kakvoćom uglavnom imaju kombinacije 6+8 i 5+10 respektivno, 5+8 i 2 +12 respektivno i 7 +8 i 2 +12.There si an efficient wheat breeding in Austria, four enterprises are intensively occupied winter wheat, the divergent climatic and soil conditions make special demands on the breeding work. Among varieties - mostly awned- suitable for the semiarid Pannonic region essential progress with regard to yields has been achieved, nevertheless maintaining high quality standards. For cultivation in cool and moist regions emphasis of breeding is placed on varieties - mostly awnless - with good, moderate or low bread-making qualities. By cooperating with research institutions biotechnological methods are used increasingly in practical breeding. Wheat varieties are divided into nine (1 to 9) quality groups (BQGs) according to their suitabiliry for baking. Simple intervarietal correlations between parameters of bread-making quality were demonstrated. Most of the Austrian varieties highly suitable for bread-making (BQG 9, 8 and 7) contain the HMW glutenin subunits Glu-B1 7+9 and Glu-D1 5+10. Varieties with medium or low baking quality mostly have the combination 6+8 resp. 6+8 and 2+12 resp. 7+8 and 2+12

    Optimizing a submerged Monascus cultivation for production of red pigment with bug damaged wheat using artificial neural networks

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    The combined effect of temperature, agitation speed, and light on red pigment production by Monascits purpureus (M purpureus) Went DSM 1604 using bug damaged wheat was studied using an artificial neural network (ANN). Information retrieved from the ANN was used to determine the optimal operating conditions for pigment production by M purpureus using bug damaged wheat meal. The developed ANN had R-2 values for training, validation, and testing data sets of 0.993, 0.961, and 0.944, respectively. According to the model, the highest pigment production of 1.874 absorbance units at 510 nm (A(510 nm)) would be achieved at 29 degrees C and 150 rpm under light conditions. The mean value of the experimental results obtained under these optimum conditions was 1.787+/-0.072 A(510 nm), corresponding to a pigment yield of 35.740 A(510 nm)/g. The study showed that bug damaged wheat can be used as a substrate for red pigment production by M purpureus.Namik Kemal University Scientific Research Projects FundNamik Kemal University [NKUBAP00.24.DR.09.04]This work was supported by the Namik Kemal University Scientific Research Projects Fund (Project No. NKUBAP00.24.DR.09.04)