254 research outputs found

    Aktivitas Antioksidan Dan Tabir Surya Fraksi Dari Ekstrak Lamun (Syringodium Isoetifolium)

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    AKTIVITAS ANTIOKSIDAN DAN TABIR SURYA FRAKSI DARI EKSTRAK LAMUN (Syringodium Isoetifolium) Marvin E. Wala1), Edy Suryanto1), Defny S. Wewengkang1) 1)Program Studi Farmasi Fakultas MIPA UNSRAT Manado ABSTRACT the research aims to determine antioxidant and sunscreen activities of the fraction of lamun extract. Lamun was extracted for 2 hours used ethanol 80% and was fractination used n-hexane, ethyl acetate, n-butanol, aquades, and ethanol. The total fenolic compounds analyzis, flavonoid, determination of free radical scavenger activity used DPPH method and sunblock activity was done by determine the SPF used in vitro test. The results showed that the lamun fraction with solvents n-hexane, n-butanol, ethanol, ethyl acetate contain fenolic and flavonoid compounds. Lamun fractinationed by ethyl acetate has the highest antioxidant activity value to wit 81,23%, fractination by n-hexane is 23,3%, ethanol extract is 18,12%, fractination by n-butanol is 8,37%, fractination by etanol is 5,86%, and fractination by aquades is 3,81%. The highest calculation results of SPF value contained in partextract by ethyl acetate to wit 14,84%. The results conclude that the lamun fractination by ethyl acetate has fenolic and flavonoid compounds and has the abbility as antioxidant and sun block. key words: seagrass, fractination, phenolic, flavonoid, antioxidant, sunscreen ABSTRAK Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu menentukan aktivitas antioksidan dan tabir surya dari lamun (syringodium isoetifolium). lamun diekstraksi selama 2 jam menggunakan pelarut etanol 80% dan difraksinasi dengan n-heksan, etil asetat, n-butanol, akuades dan etanol. analisis kandungan total fenolik ,flavonoid, penentuan aktivitas penangkal radikal bebas menggunakan metode DPPH (1,1- diphenyl-2-picrylhidrazil) dan aktivitas tabir surya dilakukan dengan menentukan SPF secara in vitro. hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa fraksinasi lamun dengan pelarut n-heksan, n-butanol, etanol, etil asetat mengandung senyawa fenolik dan flavonoid. ekstrak lamun yang difraksinasi etil asetat memiliki nilai aktivitas antioksidan yang paling tinggi yaitu 81,23%, fraksi n-heksan 23,3%, ekstrak etanol 18,12%, fraksi n-butanol 8,37%, fraksi etanol 5,86% dan fraksi akuades 3,81%. hasil perhitungan nilai SPF yang paling tinggi terdapat pada fraksi etil asetat yaitu 14,84%. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan fraksi etil asetat lamun memiliki kandungan fenolik, flavonoid dan memiliki kemampuan untuk berperan sebagai antioksidan sekaligus tabir surya

    Blowing Curtain Face Ventilation System for Extended Cut Mining Using Passive Regulator

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    A ventilation system for an underground mine includes a blowing curtain, a passive regulator in a shape of an airfoil and an airflow ventilation source. The passive regulator is positioned in the air path adjacent a discharge end of the blowing curtain

    Three Underground Coal Mine Explosions — Twenty Miners Killed — One Reason

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    Three mine explosions which occurred in the 1980s (1983 - McClure No. 1 Mine, Virginia; 1984 - Greenwich Collieries No. 1 Mine, Pennsylvania; and 1989- Pyro No.9 Slope Williams Station Mine, Kentucky) cost twenty lives. The authors, by investigating these three cases, found a common ventilation problem. This problem was the misunderstanding of the diagonal connections in the mine ventilation system (MVS). Based on the findings from these investigations, the authors explain the importance of diagonal connections in a MVS and discuss other factors that affected safety

    Diversité des espèces cultivées et contraintes à la production en agriculture maraîchère au Togo

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    Cette étude vise à faire le point sur la diversité des espèces cultivées en agriculture maraîchère, leur distribution suivant les organes produits, la disponibilité des légumes ainsi que les contraintes qui entravent cette agriculture. Elle se fonde sur des enquêtes menées sous forme de "focus groups" auprès des maraîchers du pays. Les données recueillies et traitées ont révélé 43 espèces maraîchères qui se répartissent en 30 genres et 17 familles. Les légumes feuilles sont les plus fréquents quoique l’on puisse constater une prédominance de production de la carotte (Daucus carotta L.). Bien que Brassica oleracea var. capitata L. et Lactuca sativa L. soient cultivées dans tout le pays, elles semblent néanmoins être spécifiques des régions sèches de la Kara et des Savanes qui alimentent la capitale Lomé, en saison sèche (novembre à mars). Cette agriculture est soumise à des contraintes mais, celle qui semble avoir le plus d’impact est liée au foncier. En agissant sur celui-ci, on peut faire évoluer l’agriculture maraîchère au Togo vers des futurs prometteurs.Mots clés : Diversité, espèces cultivées, contraintes, agriculture maraîchère, Tog

    Optimal partial-arcs in VMAT treatment planning

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    Purpose: To improve the delivery efficiency of VMAT by extending the recently published VMAT treatment planning algorithm vmerge to automatically generate optimal partial-arc plans. Methods and materials: A high-quality initial plan is created by solving a convex multicriteria optimization problem using 180 equi-spaced beams. This initial plan is used to form a set of dose constraints, and a set of partial-arc plans is created by searching the space of all possible partial-arc plans that satisfy these constraints. For each partial-arc, an iterative fluence map merging and sequencing algorithm (vmerge) is used to improve the delivery efficiency. Merging continues as long as the dose quality is maintained above a user-defined threshold. The final plan is selected as the partial arc with the lowest treatment time. The complete algorithm is called pmerge. Results: Partial-arc plans are created using pmerge for a lung, liver and prostate case, with final treatment times of 127, 245 and 147 seconds. Treatment times using full arcs with vmerge are 211, 357 and 178 seconds. Dose quality is maintained across the initial, vmerge, and pmerge plans to within 5% of the mean doses to the critical organs-at-risk and with target coverage above 98%. Additionally, we find that the angular distribution of fluence in the initial plans is predictive of the start and end angles of the optimal partial-arc. Conclusions: The pmerge algorithm is an extension to vmerge that automatically finds the partial-arc plan that minimizes the treatment time. VMAT delivery efficiency can be improved by employing partial-arcs without compromising dose quality. Partial arcs are most applicable to cases with non-centralized targets, where the time savings is greatest

    Abondance et structure des populations d’un fruitier spontané : Haematostaphis barteri Hook. F. dans deux sites rocheux en région soudanienne au Togo

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    Haematostaphis barteri est un fruitier spontané rencontré au nord du Togo sur les cuestas et sur la chaîne montagneuse de l’Atakora. L’étude compare les structures de sa population dans ces deux sites (de différents degrés de pression humaine) dans le but de proposer une piste pour sa conservation. Les données relatives au diamètre et à la hauteur d’H. barteri ont été collectées dans 80 placeaux installés suivant sa densitésur le terrain, pour le calcul des paramètres dendrométriques et la construction des courbes de distribution. La densité moyenne d’H. barteri sur les cuestas est 1,6 fois supérieure à celle de l’Atakora. Les distributions en cloche assez similaires indiquent que l’espèce régresse dans les deux sites. Ceci se confirme par les coefficients d’asymétrie positifs, traduisant un déclin des populations. Cela est dû notamment au très faible potentiel de régénération de l’espèce (environ 1 individu/ha). Les cuestas bien que sous forte emprise humaine semblent constituer l’habitat privilégié d’H. barteri au Togo. La protection de tous les individus est nécessaire sur les cuestas et sur l’Atakora pour assurer la conservation in situ de l’espèce.Mots clés : Haematostaphis barteri, structure des populations, densité, espèce menacée, conservation, Togo

    Assessment of pesticide residues and trace element contamination in market gardens of Togo

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    All intensive agriculture, like periurban agriculture, uses massive inputs such as agrochemicals. This study aims to assess the environmental impacts of agrochemical use in periurban agriculture in Togo. It was based on the chemical analyses of soil, water and vegetable samples. These analyses were carried out by gas chromatography on extracts from soil, water and vegetable samples. In soil samples, the concentrations of pesticide residues are lower than 20 ìg/kg of dry material. For water samples, contamination levels vary from 0.02 to 1.1 ìg/L of dry material with the highest levels for metalaxyl M (1.1 ìg/L) and for dimethoate (1 ìg/L). In vegetables, the concentrations measured are between 0.01 and 0.1 mg/kg of dry material. All these concentrations are affected by a positive factor of the maximum limits of residues. These agrochemicals, coupled with periurban environmental management led to the high concentrations of trace elements. Lead and cadmium concentrations in water are 10 and 21 times respectively higher than the maximum concentration allowable for drinking water by the WHO. The study showed that inappropriate use of agrochemicals in Togolese periurban agriculture creates ecological disturbances that could affect produce quality.Key words: Togo, periurban agriculture, agrochemicals, pesticide residues, trace element
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