845 research outputs found

    Interactive rhythms across species: The evolutionary biology of animal chorusing and turn-taking

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    The study of human language is progressively moving toward comparative and interactive frameworks, extending the concept of turn‐taking to animal communication. While such an endeavor will help us understand the interactive origins of language, any theoretical account for cross‐species turn‐taking should consider three key points. First, animal turn‐taking must incorporate biological studies on animal chorusing, namely how different species coordinate their signals over time. Second, while concepts employed in human communication and turn‐taking, such as intentionality, are still debated in animal behavior, lower level mechanisms with clear neurobiological bases can explain much of animal interactive behavior. Third, social behavior, interactivity, and cooperation can be orthogonal, and the alternation of animal signals need not be cooperative. Considering turn‐taking a subset of chorusing in the rhythmic dimension may avoid overinterpretation and enhance the comparability of future empirical work


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    The system of Circadian Rhythms is a mechanism that, in the forms of animal life, has evolved in order to synchronize the behavior and physiological responses to environmental periodical stimuli, so as to allow faster response and better adaptation to environmental changes. These stimuli (light, food availability, presence of predators, availability of a partner for reproduction) in turn depend on the rotation of the earth on its axis and around the sun. In mammals, there is a central hypothalamic clock , said Master Clock, directly regulated by light in its periodicity, which therefore plays the role of primary synchronizer, and several peripheral clocks, Slave Clock, synchronized with each other and constantly reset the MC. Between external stimuli food plays a fundamental role, as capable of take the place of the light in certain conditions. In recent years there has emerged a direct correlation between alteration of Circadian Rhythm , variously induced, and the development of multifactorial diseases such as obesity and diabetes. The biological clock is involved in the maintenance of energy homeostasis and thus in search of food and in the regulation of body weight. The recent concept of chrono-nutrition, expressed perfectly the influence of food, through times of intake but also by its specific composition, is able to exert on the expression of regulatory genes of circadian rhythms, and therefore the maintenance or alteration of energy homeostasis of the org

    Fungal environment in different rabbit intensive farms

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    Many environmental factors (for example, temperature, relative humidity, ventilation, NH3 concentration) can influence the health and welfare of rabbits reared in intensive farms. Among these elements, microorganisms and, in particular, fungi play a pivotal role in the spreading of potential pathogenic and zoonotic diseases. Aim of our work was to evaluate the fungal contamination in two different rabbit rearing (A and B). SAS SystemÂź (PBI International, Italy) and opened plates, filled with cultural media for fungal growth (environmental and dermatophytes) have been used. The data collected in both the farms showed that, for environmental fungi, Aspergillus, Alternaria and Penicillium were the most spread. On the contrary, for dermatophytes, there was a difference between farm A and B. In fact, in the first one Microsporum canis (a known zoonotic agent) has been recovered in high concentration, while in the second rearing we have isolated Microsporum gypseum a geophilic fungus with a very low pathogenic potential

    A pilot study on yearlings' reactions to handling in relation to the training method

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    Handling and training methods of horses, which specially emphasize the importance of understanding horse body language and the use of reinforcements, are often used in practice, yet their effects are not completely known. This study investigated whether the use of a sympathetic approach during the preparation for public auctions influenced the reactivity of young horses towards humans. Sixteen thoroughbred yearlings were prepared for the public auctions during one month: eight horses ("Control") were handled according to conventional practices, while the others ("Treated") were handled with two sessions of basic training based on body language. The reactivity of horses was assessed in the presence of an "unfamiliar person" and a "familiar person" inside the horse's box. The experimenter recorded the presence/absence of selected behaviors during seven observational moments: "approaching the box," "opening the box door," "entering the box," and four consecutive observations every thirty seconds. Reactivity of horses was ranked during the first experience of "bit," "grooming," "shower," and application of the "surcingle." Heart rate was telemetrically recorded during this final test. At the end of the auction preparation, "Treated" horses exhibited more "contact" (p = 0.08) and "lick" (p < 0.05) behaviors in the presence of a person. "Control" horses showed higher (non-significant) percentages of negative (more nervous) rankings during "bit," "grooming," and "surcingle" tests. Two "Control" horses showed aggressive behavior during the application of the surcingle and the test was interrupted to guarantee person and animal safety. In this pilot study, horses handled with a sympathetic approach showed less reactive behaviors compared with "Control" horses. It would be interesting to enlarge the sample size and assess if the use of non-coercive handling during the whole training period influences their welfare positively and for a long time

    Spontaneous rhythm discrimination in a mammalian vocal learner

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    Rhythm and vocal production learning are building blocks of human music and speech. Vocal learning has been hypothesized as a prerequisite for rhythmic capacities. Yet, no mammalian vocal learner but humans have shown the capacity to flexibly and spontaneously discriminate rhythmic patterns. Here we tested untrained rhythm discrimination in a mammalian vocal learning species, the harbour seal (Phoca vitulina). Twenty wild-born seals were exposed to music-like playbacks of conspecific call sequences varying in basic rhythmic properties. These properties were called length, sequence regularity, and overall tempo. All three features significantly influenced seals' reaction (number of looks and their duration), demonstrating spontaneous rhythm discrimination in a vocal learning mammal. This finding supports the rhythm–vocal learning hypothesis and showcases pinnipeds as promising models for comparative research on rhythmic phylogenies

    Investigations on nucleophilic layers made with a novel plasma jet technique

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    In this work a novel plasma jet technique is used for the deposition of nucleophilic films based on (3-aminopropyl)trimethoxysilane at atmospheric pressure. Film deposition was varied with regard to duty cycles and working distance. Spectral ellipsometry and chemical derivatization with 4-(trifluoromethyl)benzaldehyde using ATR- FTIR spectroscopy measurements were used to characterize the films. It was found that the layer thickness and the film composition are mainly influenced by the duty cycle

    Aerogels for energy and environmental applications

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    Aerogels are emerging as one of the most intriguing and promising groups of microporous materials, characterized by impressive properties such as low density, high surface area, high porosity and tunable surface chemistry. Fostering unique thermal and acoustic insulation features, for several decades they mainly received attention from the aerospace and building sectors. More recently, new great opportunities arose due to significant advances in the drying technologies that currently, represent the enabling step for aerogel synthesis and fabrication. This process-ability dramatically increased the interest toward aerogels from new disciplines. This explains why in the last decade the Environmental Science and Energy fields significantly contributed to the expansion of the aerogel technology, suggesting novel uses and applications and contributing to extend the group of materials that can be synthetized by aerogel processing. New, unforeseen properties emerged for aerogel materials, such as adsorption of contaminants and fluids purification, catalysis of different reactions, electrical conductivity. The present short-review aims at providing a critical overview of the key advances in the development of aerogels for energy and environmental applications, especially emphasizing the common strategies and properties that are turning aerogels into one of the new key emerging technologies of these areas of science
