38 research outputs found

    Infinitesimal bending of a subspace of a space with non-symmetric basic tensor

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    summary:In this work infinitesimal bending of a subspace of a generalized Riemannian space (with non-symmetric basic tensor) are studied. Based on non-sym\-metry of the connection, it is possible to define four kinds of covariant derivative of a tensor. We have obtained derivation formulas of the infinitesimal bending field and integrability conditions of these formulas (equations)

    Probabilistička analiza i optimizacija spregnutih konstrukcija tipa drvo-beton

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    Timber-concrete composite structures represent a composite system that is formed by coupling of timber and concrete elements using different types of connectors. They are applied in the rehabilitation and construction of new facilities. In order to enable their wider application, it is necessary to ensure the general availability of relevant technical regulations in relation to their design and construction. The main goal of the doctoral dissertation is to contribute to the improvement of the design process of timber-concrete composite structures and their maintenance during the service life. Thus, certain multi-parametric probabilistic analyzes and optimizations should be carried out which would result in certain recommendations that would have practical application in the certain conditions of design, construction and maintenance of these composite systems. In order to determine the most important design parameters, a stochastic sensitivity analysis of the maximum equivalent stress and maximum deflection of the timber-concrete composite beam was performed. A multiobjective optimization was also conducted in order to choose an optimal solution for the dimensions of the observed composite beam. A new probabilistic deterioration model has been developed that describes the true nature of the behavior of the timber-concrete composite system due to the long-term load

    Influence of different nutrition systems on yield and other parameters of productivity of potato

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    In this paper results of studies of the effects of different combinations of mineral fertilizers and rotted farmyard manure on yield and other parameters of the productivity of potato are presented. The experiments were conducted in 2008 and 2009 in mountainous regions of Montenegro (Kolašin), on the alluvial-diluvial soil, at an altitude of about 900 m. The results obtained suggested that the application of manure had significant impact on increasing the productivity of the studied parameters of potato. The influence of mineral nutrition was also very distinct. The highest values of the studied parameters of potato productivity were obtained by applying fertilizers with humic acids (NPK 15:15:15 400 kg.ha-1 + MCB 300 kg.ha-1 and MCB 800 kg.ha-1 + KMg 100 kg.ha-1), which were, compared to the other treatments, statistically justified. The highest number, average weight and tuber yield in two years studied was obtained in the variant treated individually with MCB 800 kg.ha-1 + KMg 100 kg.ha-1 or the same variant combined with the manure. In all variants application of combination of organic and mineral fertilizers resulted in higher number and average weight of tubers, as well as the higher yield per hectare compared to the non-fertilized variant

    Conformal Equitorsion and Concircular Transformations in a Generalized Riemannian Space

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    In the beginning, the basic facts about a conformal transformations are exposed and then equitorsion conformal transformations are defined. For every five independent curvature tensors in Generalized Riemannian space, the above cited transformations are investigated and corresponding invariants-5 concircular tensors of concircular transformations are found

    Giovanni Sebenico

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    V italijanskih in agleških glasbenozgodovinskih virih iz druge polovice sedemnajstega stoletja srečujemo ime Giovanni Sebenico, ki se omenja kot zelo dober tenorist, kot orglavec, »maestro di capella« in končno kot skladatelj dveh oper. Ker je Sebenico živel določen čas v Benetkah in ker so najstarejši poznani podatki o njem iz tega mesta, so seveda vsi poznejši leksikografi mislili, da gre pač za skladatelja, ki je rojen v Benetkah. Vendar pa, kot se bo še nadalje pokazalo, pojma »Benetke« ni jemati ozko in tako ni treba misliti, da se nanaša na mesto tega imena. Tolmačiti ga je kot izraz, ki vključuje celo področje, in to tako današnje pokrajine tega imena kot ozemlje, ki je v tistem času bilo pod oblastjo Beneške republike