6,302 research outputs found


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    Plant tissue culture has been shown to be an efficient technique for the propagation of diverse Agave species using different in vitro regeneration processes. However, it has been demonstrated that genetic changes can occur in plants regenerated under these schemes, also called somaclonal variation. Objective: the objective of this study was to determine the genetic fidelity of plantlets regenerated from three different explants (mature zygotic embryonic axis, in vitro plantlet meristematic zone, and ex vitro plantlet meristematic zone) using two pathways of micropropagation (direct and indirect organogenesis) of A. salmiana and A. marmorata. Methodology: somaclonal variation of the obtained clones was evaluated using different DNA markers, such as anchored simple inter-sequence repeat (ASSR) and random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD). Results: the results show that only in those clones that undergo a callus phase and, consequently, indirect organogenesis, somaclonal variation was observed. In contrast, those clones obtained by direct organogenesis were genetically stable, it means not polymorphic bands were observed. Implications: it was achieved an efficient propagation protocol for A. salmiana and A. marmorata, maintaining genetic stability of regenerated plantlets as well as a possible alternative for genetic improvement by observing somaclonal variation via indirect organogenesis in both evaluated species. Conclusions: in this research, the micropropagation pathway (direct and indirect organogenesis) was the determining factor to maintain or not the genetic fidelity of the regenerated plants in both species of Agave used.Plant tissue culture has been shown to be an efficient technique for the propagation of diverse Agave species using different in vitro regeneration processes. However, it has been demonstrated that genetic changes can occur in plants regenerated under these schemes, also called somaclonal variation. Objective: the objective of this study was to determine the genetic fidelity of plantlets regenerated from three different explants (mature zygotic embryonic axis, in vitro plantlet meristematic zone, and ex vitro plantlet meristematic zone) using two pathways of micropropagation (direct and indirect organogenesis) of A. salmiana and A. marmorata. Methodology: somaclonal variation of the obtained clones was evaluated using different DNA markers, such as anchored simple inter-sequence repeat (ASSR) and random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD). Results: the results show that only in those clones that undergo a callus phase and, consequently, indirect organogenesis, somaclonal variation was observed. In contrast, those clones obtained by direct organogenesis were genetically stable, it means not polymorphic bands were observed. Implications: it was achieved an efficient propagation protocol for A. salmiana and A. marmorata, maintaining genetic stability of regenerated plantlets as well as a possible alternative for genetic improvement by observing somaclonal variation via indirect organogenesis in both evaluated species. Conclusions: in this research, the micropropagation pathway (direct and indirect organogenesis) was the determining factor to maintain or not the genetic fidelity of the regenerated plants in both species of Agave used.UNIVERSIDAD AUTONOMA DEL ESTADO DE MEXIC

    Integrated Assessment of Climate Change Impacts and Urban Resilience: From Climate and Hydrological Hazards to Risk Analysis and Measures

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    This Special Issue brings together recent research findings related to urban resilience, in particular taking into account climate change impacts and hydrological hazards. Taking advantage of the work done in the H2020 RESCCUE project, 12 different papers dealing with several issues related to the resilience of urban areas have been published. Due to the complexity of cities, urban resilience management is one of the key challenges that our societies have to deal with in the near future. In addition, urban resilience is a transversal and multi-sectorial issue, affecting different urban services, several hazards, and all the steps of the risk management cycle. This is precisely why the papers contained in this Special Issue focus on varied subjects, such as impact assessments, urban resilience assessments, adaptation strategies, flood risk and urban services, always focusing on at least two of these topics

    A Comprehensive Review of Control Strategies and Optimization Methods for Individual and Community Microgrids

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    © 2022 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Community Microgrid offers effective energy harvesting from distributed energy resources and efficient energy consumption by employing an energy management system (EMS). Therefore, the collaborative microgrids are essentially required to apply an EMS, underlying an operative control strategy in order to provide an efficient system. An EMS is apt to optimize the operation of microgrids from several points of view. Optimal production planning, optimal demand-side management, fuel and emission constraints, the revenue of trading spinning and non-spinning reserve capacity can effectively be managed by EMS. Consequently, the importance of optimization is explicit in microgrid applications. In this paper, the most common control strategies in the microgrid community with potential pros and cons are analyzed. Moreover, a comprehensive review of single objective and multi-objective optimization methods is performed by considering the practical and technical constraints, uncertainty, and intermittency of renewable energies sources. The Pareto-optimal solution as the most popular multi-objective optimization approach is investigated for the advanced optimization algorithms. Eventually, feature selection and neural network-based clustering algorithms in order to analyze the Pareto-optimal set are introduced.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (MICINN)–Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI), and by the European Regional Development Funds (ERDF), a way of making Europe, under Grant PGC2018-098946-B-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033/.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Cycle of Knowledge in the Management of the Supply Chain of Corn for Human Consumption

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    The objective of this study is to characterize the cycle of knowledge in the supply chain of the industry of corn for human consumption. White corn is cultivated almost exclusively for human consumption and it has a significant value in the food supply in countries whose diet has a high proportion of this variety of corn, such as: Venezuela, México and Colombia in America, and the Republic of South Africa and Sahel countries in Africa. Corn is produced in Venezuela, under rainfed conditions and in a highly mechanized production system. The cycle of knowledge is defined as a progressive spiral in which knowledge is created, stored, transferred, applied and preserved, in order to increase the competitiveness and  sustainability of organizations and companies in the food supply chain. This non experimental and crosssectional research is of a descriptive type. It was conducted in Venezuela during the second semester of 2009 in the supply chain of white corn, specifically, at the level of first tier producers (primary sector). The population is constituted by 1,754 producers of corn in the most important producing regions of the country. The representative sample was selected by the stratified sampling technique with proportional allocation: by association of corn producers and according to the grain yield. A questionnaire was designed and conducted according to the structured survey method. Its validity was verified by discriminant tests of items and its reliability through Bartlett's test, variance factorial analysis, Kaiser/Meyer/Olkin and Cronbach Alpha, achieving the last one a value of 0.9276.The production units have an average area of 67.17 ha, with 1.97 permanent workers and 4.06 temporary workers. They obtained a physical productivity of 4,210.45 kg/ha. The Knowledge Index (KI) achieved a value of 69.78% and the Perception Index of the results (PI) was 76.06%. The Pearson correlation among these indices was positive and significant with a value of 0.51. The factorial analysis for principal components with rotated factors allows obtaining four factors from the five dimensions originally considered. These factors are: (1) knowledge creation, (2) knowledge storage, (3) knowledge transfer and application, and (4) preservation of knowledge.The results allow us to conclude that the cycle of knowledge is managed in four stages in an intuitive and predominantly tacit manner which is the reason why those practices related to explicit knowledge become the agents of differentiation. Moreover, the existence of a positive correlation between the Knowledge Index and the Perception Index of the positive results by the producer was also proven

    HvPap-1 C1A Protease Participates Differentially in the Barley Response to a Pathogen and an Herbivore

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    Co-evolutionary processes in plant–pathogen/herbivore systems indicate that protease inhibitors have a particular value in biotic interactions. However, little is known about the defensive role of their targets, the plant proteases. C1A cysteine proteases are the most abundant enzymes responsible for the proteolytic activity during different processes like germination, development and senescence in plants. To identify and characterize C1A cysteine proteases of barley with a potential role in defense, mRNA and protein expression patterns were analyzed in response to biotics stresses. A barley cysteine protease, HvPap-1, previously related to abiotic stresses and grain germination, was particularly induced by flagellin or chitosan elicitation, and biotic stresses such as the phytopathogenic fungus Magnaporthe oryzae or the phytophagous mite Tetranychus urticae. To elucidate the in vivo participation of this enzyme in defense, transformed barley plants overexpressing or silencing HvPap-1 encoding gene were subjected to M. oryzae infection or T. urticae infestation. Whereas overexpressing plants were less susceptible to the fungus than silencing plants, the opposite behavior occurred to the mite. This unexpected result highlights the complexity of the regulatory events leading to the response to a particular biotic stress

    Day-to-day population movement and the management of dengue epidemics

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    Influence of Silanization Treatment on Thermomechanical Properties of Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes: Poly(methylmethacrylate) Nanocomposites

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    Unfunctionalized and silanized multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) were incorporated in poly(methylmethacrylate) matrices using in situ polymerization. Polymer-compatible functional groups on carbon nanotube (CNT) surfaces were characterized by infrared spectroscopy. These chemical moieties improve interaction at interfaces, allowing transfer of mechanical load between the matrix and the dispersed phase as reflected in the resulting improved mechanical and thermophysical properties. The composites were characterized by Raman spectroscopy to evaluate molecular level interactions and dynamical mechanical analysis. Composites with silanized CNTs have higher storage modulus (E′) than polymer reinforced with unfunctionalized nanotubes. Considering the average of the samples, only 1 wt.% of silanized nanotubes provides an increase in E′ of 165% at room temperature with respect to polymer matrix, and the increments reached are by a factor of 6.8 and 13.6 over the polymer matrix at 80°C and 90°C, respectively. 1 wt% of silanized CNTs increases the glass transition temperature of polymer matrix around 30°C. Microscratch testing results of composites show that unfunctionalized CNTs cause deeper penetration of the indenter than polymer matrix at the same force; however, the composites developed with silanized CNTs present more regular behavior than polymer reinforced with unfunctionalized CNTs