170 research outputs found

    Advantages And Disadvantages Of Professional Preparation Of The Future Fitness Trainers In Great Britain And Australia

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    Analysis of scientific literature and documental sources testifies to actualization of problem of professional preparation of the future fitness trainers at educational level “bachelor” in different countries. The special features of professional education of these specialists in Great Britain and Australia were determined. To the advantages of preparation can be assigned the flexible character of stage education and possibility to work as a fitness-trainer, having the second, third, fourth and fifth levels according to Qualification Credit Framework – QCF. The sixth level is equal to educational level “bachelor”. Educational institution that realizes preparation at sixth level on specialization "Personal Fitness Training" is University of Central Lancashire. The content of university curriculum provides mastering by students of competences on psychology of communication, motivation, leadership, nutritiology, management, medical rehabilitation and so on. From our point of view, disadvantage of professional preparation of the future fitness-trainers in Great Britain and Australia is the excessive applied orientation of teaching and absence of cultural disciplines

    Noise Method of Electrical Resistance Measuring for Testing of Motion Control Systems

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    Designed the method of measuring the electrical resistance of conductive material using its own thermal noise without the transmittance of electrical current through it that excludes the materials heating and other negative effects

    Nonequilibrium transport equations and ab initio study of adsorption processes on carbon nanotubes

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    In a theoretical study of gas adsorption on carbon nanotubes (CNT) nonequilibrium processes of ionization, polarization, surface diffusion and desorption of atoms are considered self-consistently. The approach is based on Zubarev's method of nonequilibrium statistical operator and reaction-diffusion theory. The set of nonlinear transport equations are obtained for the chosen parameters of description: the average numbers of adsorbed atoms, ionized and polarized atoms in the electromagnetic field of CNT, and the average number of atoms desorbed from the CNT surface. Ab initio simulations are conducted for a "gas-single wall carbon nanotube" system for gases of particular practical interest: He and NO. The obtained values of adsorption energy reveal preferable localization sites of absorbed He atoms as well as their dependency on adsorption distances. A significant effect of NO adsorption on CNT electronic properties is demonstrated. The effect of presence of vacancies on adsorption nature is analyzed. It is shown that under the influence of vacancy formation the CNT structure undergoes reconstruction that enables chemisorption of NO molecules.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure

    Noise Method of Electrical Resistance Measuring for Testing of Motion Control Systems

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    Designed the method of measuring the electrical resistance of conductive material using its own thermal noise without the transmittance of electrical current through it that excludes the materials heating and other negative effects

    Testing System for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Microelectromechanical Sensors

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    Designed system for microelectromechanical sensors testing before use them in the unmanned aerial vehicles navigation systems. Microelectromechanical sensors pressure and temperature sensor, magnetic field sensor and inertial unit were studied. Experimental results shows that designed testing equipment allows to calibrate microelectromechanical sensors without necessity of performing test flights that reduces the risk of unmanned aerial vehicles damaging in case of significant measurement errors

    Statistical description of electrodiffusion processes in the electron subsystem of a semibounded metal within the generalized jellium model

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    Based on the calculation of the quasiequilibrium statistical sum by means of the functional integration method, we obtained a nonequilibrium statistical operator for the electron subsystem of a semibounded metal in the framework of the generalized jellium model in the Gaussian and higher approximations with respect to the dynamic electron correlations. This approach allows one to go beyond the linear approximation with respect to the gradient of the electrochemical potential corresponding to weakly nonequilibrium processes and to obtain generalized transport equations that describe nonlinear processes.Comment: 13 page

    Автоматизоване проектування вітроенергетичних установок з комбінованим ротором

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    The paper is devoted to the vertical axis wind turbine combined rotor computer-aided design. Itincludes the description of main types of vertical axis rotors and their structural parameters. It is solved theproblem of combined rotor structural and parameter synthesisРассмотрено проектирование автоматизированных ветроэнергетических установок с вертикальной осью вращения и комбинированным ротором. Описаны основные типы роторов с вертикальной осью вращения и ихструктурные параметры. Решена задача структурного и параметрического синтеза комбинированного ротораРозглянуто проектування автоматизованих вітроенергетичних установок з вертикальною віссю обертання такомбінованим ротором. Описано основні типи роторів з вертикальною віссю обертання та їх структурні параметри. Розв’язано задачу структурного та параметричного синтезу комбінованого ротор

    Machine learning technique for morphological classification of galaxies at z<0.1 from the SDSS

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    Methods. We used different galaxy classification techniques: human labeling, multi-photometry diagrams, Naive Bayes, Logistic Regression, Support Vector Machine, Random Forest, k-Nearest Neighbors, and k-fold validation. Results. We present results of a binary automated morphological classification of galaxies conducted by human labeling, multiphotometry, and supervised Machine Learning methods. We applied its to the sample of galaxies from the SDSS DR9 with redshifts of 0.02 < z < 0.1 and absolute stellar magnitudes of 24m < Mr < 19.4m. To study the classifier, we used absolute magnitudes: Mu, Mg, Mr , Mi, Mz, Mu-Mr , Mg-Mi, Mu-Mg, Mr-Mz, and inverse concentration index to the center R50/R90. Using the Support vector machine classifier and the data on color indices, absolute magnitudes, inverse concentration index of galaxies with visual morphological types, we were able to classify 316 031 galaxies from the SDSS DR9 with unknown morphological types. Conclusions. The methods of Support Vector Machine and Random Forest with Scikit-learn machine learning in Python provide the highest accuracy for the binary galaxy morphological classification: 96.4% correctly classified (96.1% early E and 96.9% late L types) and 95.5% correctly classified (96.7% early E and 92.8% late L types), respectively. Applying the Support Vector Machine for the sample of 316 031 galaxies from the SDSS DR9 at z < 0.1, we found 141 211 E and 174 820 L types among them.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures. The presentation of these results was given during the EWASS-2017, Symposium "Astroinformatics: From Big Data to Understanding the Universe at Large". It is vailable through \url{http://space.asu.cas.cz/~ewass17-soc/Presentations/S14/Dobrycheva_987.pdf

    Александр Петрович Фан-дер-Флит (1870-1941) – ученый прикладной механики, теории корабля и авиационных конструкцій

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    У статті розглядається вагомий науковий внесок талановитого всесвітньовідомого професора Кораблебудівного відділу кафедри Теорії корабля Петербурзького політехнічного інституту О.П. Фан-дер-Фліта у розробку та викладання прикладної механіки і теорії корабля, теорії остійності та хитавиці корабля, у систему навчання майбутніх суднобудівників. Надається докладний аналіз наукового доробку у теорію повітроплаплавання О.П. Фан-дер-Фліта, який разом з М.Є. Жуковським, К.П. Боклевським, Г.О. Ботезат та іншими вченими перебував у витоках вітчизняного повітроплавства. Також розглядається його педагогічна та наукова робота у Чеському вищому технічному училищепрофесором аеродинаміки та кораблебудування.The ponderable scientific deposit of talented of world-wide professor of the Shipbuilding section of department of Theory of Ship of the Petersburg polytechnic institute of A.P Fan-der-Flit in the development and teaching of the applied mechanics and theory of the ship, in the theory of stability and tossing of ship, in the system of preparation of future shipbuilders is discussed in the paper. The thorough analysis of scientific legacy is given in the theory of aeronautics of A.P. Fan-der-Flita, who together with N.Ye. Zhukovsky, K.P. Boklevsky, G.A. Botezat and other scientists stood at the sources of domestic aeronautics. His pedagogical and scientific work in Czech higher technical school as the professor of aerodynamics and shipbuilding is also examined.В данной работе рассматривается весомый научный вклад таланливого всемирноизвестного профессора Кораблестроительного отделения кафедры Теории корабля Петербургского политехнического института А.П. Фан-дер-Флита в разработку ипреподавание прикладной механики и теории корабля , в теории остойчивости и качки корабля , в систему подготовки будущих корабелов. Дается полный анализ научного наследия в теорию воздухоплавания А.П. Фан-дер-Флита, который вместе с Н.Е. Жуковским, К.П. Боклевским, Г.А. Ботезат и другими учеными стоял у истоков отечественного воздухоплавания. Также рассматривается его педагогическая и научная работа в Чешском высшем техническом училище профессором аэродинамики и кораблестроения

    Оптимальний вибір профілю лопаті ротора вітроенергетичної установки

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    The paperis devoted to vertical axis wind turbine combined rotor blade profile optimalselection. It includes the description of wind turbine optimization parameters, the statement ofmulticriteria optimization problem and the description of hybrid optimization algorithmРазработан алгоритм оптимального выбора профиля лопасти комбинированного ротора с вертикальной осью вращения. В работе приведено описание параметров оптимизации ротора, поставлена задача многокритериальной оптимизации и приведен гибридный алгоритм многокритериальной оптимизацииРозроблено алгоритм оптимального вибору профілю лопаті комбінованого ротора вітроенергетичної установкиз вертикальною віссю обертання. У роботі наведено опис параметрів оптимізації ротора, поставлено задачу багатокритеріальної оптимізації та наведено гібридний алгоритм багатокритеріальної оптимізаці