361 research outputs found

    Effectiveness of bilateral task oriented training versus unilateral task oriented training to improve the motor functions of upper limb in stroke patients

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    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Upper extremity paresis in post stroke is an important contributor to disability and task oriented rehabilitation aims at compensating loss of function in the affected upper extremity. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of bilateral task oriented training versus unilateral task oriented training to improve the motor functions of upper limb in stroke patients. AIM OF THE STUDY: This study aimed to demonstrate the effectiveness of bilateral task oriented training versus unilateral task oriented training to improve the motor functions of upper limb in stroke patients. OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY: To improve the motor functions of Upper Limb. METHODS: 20 hemiplegic subjects have divided into two groups, the bilateral task oriented training group (10) and the unilateral task oriented training group (10). Duration of session is 60 minutes and 5 sessions per week over 12 weeks. Fugl – meyer assessment scale for upper extremity (FMA-UE), Chedoke arm and hand activity inventory (CAHAI) have used to quantify the treatment outcome. RESULTS: The inferential statistical results of Independent ‘t’ test for between the group comparison of post treatment ‘t’ value is 1.9 (p value 0.03 ) in fugl - meyer motor assessment for upper extremity and 2.53 (p value 0.01) in chedoke arm and hand activity inventory. CONCLUSION: Bilateral task oriented training improved motor functions of upper limb better than unilateral task oriented training in stroke patients

    Problems and Perspectives of Health Sciences Libraries in Digital Era : A Descriptive Analysis with Sepcial Reference to Karnataka and Maharastra

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    The ~resent study on health science libraries in «ernetsk« and Mat:arastra indicate that libraries in India have to go tonq- way 10 become IT based knowledge system or to call as Digital Libraries or Virtual Libraries. The development, as it goes in India. to achieve iotcqrsteo information services, on par with the capability of health care services. would remain as a dream. Majority of the libraries as per the study are concentrating on legacy system both in evaluation of inlormation services/resources in medical colleges and they are.yet to Change their mindset towards this transitional effect in the application of IT

    A Study on the Incidence of Post Mastectomy Pain and Phantom Breast Syndrome following Mastectomy

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    INTRODUCTION: The majority of women diagnosed with breast cancer undergo some kind of breast surgery as part of their treatment. Up to 55% of these women experience pain after their surgery, pain which in some cases persists for months to years . The purposes of this study is to identify the different kinds of pain experienced by women after breast cancer surgery, to explore the current literature addressing its nature and incidence, and to discuss the implications of this information for treating the women with breast cancer, Two pain syndromes that commonly follow breast surgery, post axillary dissection pain and phantom breast pain, will be discussed.Strategies for pain management, including educational intervention and treatment approaches, will also be addressed. AIM OF THE STUDY: The objectives are To find out the incidence of post mastectomy pain syndrome and phantom breast syndrome in patients undergoing simple mastectomy or modified radical mastectomy for carcinoma breast. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Place : Department of surgery. Design : observational Study. Period : 2018-2019. Sample Size : 100 Patients. Inclusion criteria: Patients above 18 years. Patients who underwent modified radical mastectomy/simple mastectomy. Patients who were given neoadjuvant or adjuvant chemotherapy. Patients who were given radiotherapy. Exclusion criteria: Patients less than 18 yrs. Patients with bilateral breast disease. Patients who underwent lumpectomy or quardrantectomy or breast reconstruction. Patients who underwent previous surgery in axilla Pain associated with upper extremity lymphedema patients with local recurrence. METHODS: Patients were reviewed during follow up approximately 8 —12 weeks after surgery. Patients were subjected to thorough physical examination .. Patients were evaluated with a standardized Questionnaire in a language Acceptable and understandable for them. OBSERVATION AND RESULTS: 81 of them underwent modified radical mastectomy with axillary lymph node dissection and 19 of them underwent simple mastectomy for locally advanced carcinoma breast as a palliative measure. Of these patients post operatively after complete healing of the main wound (> 3 weeks) and following a period of 10 -12 weeks with the help of a questionnaire incidence of post mastectomy pain syndrome presenting with chest wall pain, axillary pain and both were found. CONCLUSION: 1. out of 100 patients, 81 underwent Modified Radical Mastectomy and the remaining underwent simple Mastectomy. 2. Mean age of patients 47. 21% of patients experienced post mastectomy pain over the chest wall and 11% of them having pan in the arm. 3. 17% of Patients felt themselves disabled following mastectomy. 4. 5.4% of patients experienced phantom pain alone. 5. 6.6% of them experienced phantom sensation in the region of operated breast. 6. The occurrence of phantom breast syndrome in our patients was found to be 17%

    Inorganic nitrogen availability alters Eucalyptus grandis receptivity to the ectomycorrhizal fungus Pisolithus albus but not symbiotic nitrogen transfer.

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    Forest trees are able to thrive in nutrient-poor soils in part because they obtain growth-limiting nutrients, especially nitrogen (N), through mutualistic symbiosis with ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungi. Addition of inorganic N into these soils is known to disrupt this mutualism and reduce the diversity of ECM fungi. Despite its ecological impact, the mechanisms governing the observed effects of elevated inorganic N on mycorrhizal communities remain unknown. We address this by using a compartmentalized in vitro system to independently alter nutrients to each symbiont. Using stable isotopes, we traced the nutrient flux under different nutrient regimes between Eucalyptus grandis and its ectomycorrhizal symbiont, Pisolithus albus. We demonstrate that giving E. grandis independent access to N causes a significant reduction in root colonization by P. albus. Transcriptional analysis suggests that the observed reduction in colonization may be caused, in part, by altered transcription of microbe perception genes and defence genes. We show that delivery of N to host leaves is not increased by host nutrient deficiency but by fungal nutrient availability instead. Overall, this advances our understanding of the effects of N fertilization on ECM fungi and the factors governing nutrient transfer in the E. grandis-P. microcarpus interaction

    Non-adherence to anti- diabetic therapy and its consequences among type-2 diabetic patients in a tertiary care hospital

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    Background: Despite the extensive therapy options available for various stages of type 2 diabetes, studies have indicated that less than 50% of patients achieve the glycemic goals. Failure to attain the desired therapeutic goal might be related to inadequate adherence. Objectives of present study were to determine the extent of non-adherence to antidiabetic medications and identify reasons for the same.Methods: A cross-sectional, observational, questionnaire-based study was conducted to assess the level of non-adherence to antidiabetic therapy among type 2 diabetics attending medicine outpatient department or admitted to the wards of a tertiary care hospital from Jan 2015 to Jan 2016. A pretested and validated questionnaire was used to assess the level of adherence. Reasons for missing medications were also elicited. Data thus collected was analysed using a suitable statistical software.Results: Out of the 210 study participants, 55.2% were females. Most participants were in the age group of 51-60. The mean duration of diabetes was 8.17± 5.39. The most common diabetes-related complication was Diabetic Keto Acidosis (DKA), followed by diabetic foot ulcer. The average number of drugs per prescription was 1.98 ± 1.05. Poor glycemic control was observed in 58% and non-adherence to treatment in 45.2% of study participants.Conclusions: Good adherence to antidiabetic therapy is fundamental for good glycemic control which in turn prevents the occurrence of short and long-term complications of diabetes. Poor doctor-patient intercommunication and inadequacy on part of physicians to adjust medications negatively affect adherence. Active participation of the patient is also equally important

    Dual channel rank-based intensity weighting for quantitative co-localization of microscopy images

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    BACKGROUND: Accurate quantitative co-localization is a key parameter in the context of understanding the spatial co-ordination of molecules and therefore their function in cells. Existing co-localization algorithms consider either the presence of co-occurring pixels or correlations of intensity in regions of interest. Depending on the image source, and the algorithm selected, the co-localization coefficients determined can be highly variable, and often inaccurate. Furthermore, this choice of whether co-occurrence or correlation is the best approach for quantifying co-localization remains controversial. RESULTS: We have developed a novel algorithm to quantify co-localization that improves on and addresses the major shortcomings of existing co-localization measures. This algorithm uses a non-parametric ranking of pixel intensities in each channel, and the difference in ranks of co-localizing pixel positions in the two channels is used to weight the coefficient. This weighting is applied to co-occurring pixels thereby efficiently combining both co-occurrence and correlation. Tests with synthetic data sets show that the algorithm is sensitive to both co-occurrence and correlation at varying levels of intensity. Analysis of biological data sets demonstrate that this new algorithm offers high sensitivity, and that it is capable of detecting subtle changes in co-localization, exemplified by studies on a well characterized cargo protein that moves through the secretory pathway of cells. CONCLUSIONS: This algorithm provides a novel way to efficiently combine co-occurrence and correlation components in biological images, thereby generating an accurate measure of co-localization. This approach of rank weighting of intensities also eliminates the need for manual thresholding of the image, which is often a cause of error in co-localization quantification. We envisage that this tool will facilitate the quantitative analysis of a wide range of biological data sets, including high resolution confocal images, live cell time-lapse recordings, and high-throughput screening data sets


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    A DVR can make amends for current sag/swell and distortion within the supply side current so that the current across a sensitive/critical load terminal is perfectly controlled. A unified power-quality conditioner (UPQC) is capable of doing the functions of both DSTATCOM and DVR. This paper presents a better controller for that dual topology from the unified power quality conditioner (iUPQC) extending its applicability in power-quality compensation, plus microgrid applications. Quite simply, the iUPQC will act as a static synchronous compensator (STATCOM) in the grid side, while supplying even the conventional UPQC compensations in the load or microgrid side. Experimental answers are presented to verify the brand new functionality from the equipment. Applying this controller, past the conventional UPQC power quality features, including current sag/swell compensation. The iUPQC may also provide reactive power support to manage not just the burden-bus current but the current in the grid-side bus


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     A prototype model of automated flower string machine is proposed to knot the flowers. In India’s rich culture flower garlands play a vital role. They are used for decorations and adorations of Gods, men and women. Garlanding of flower is a monotonous and time- consuming job. The flower string machine is conceptualized based on the working principle of sewing machine and added multiple kinematic mechanisms to drive the flower feeding and stringing. The flowers will be placed on the conveyor belt and based on process control technique; an innovative knotting mechanism will be used to string the flowers. It is also a customized machine for armless and loss of fingers community. Flower tying machine ensures perfect garlanding in an affordable cost. By this technique, the manual work can be reduced and flower vendors can utilize their time effectively