695 research outputs found
MOD/R : A knowledge assisted approach towards top-down only CMOS VLSI design
MOD/R models all views on the design space in relations. This is achieved by eliminating the package constraints, as are apparent in PCB oriented hardware description languages. Assisted by knowledge engineering it allows for a top-down, mostly hierarchical decomposition, virtually eliminating the need for bottom-up assembly
Analysis of measurement errors for a superconducting phase qubit
We analyze several mechanisms leading to errors in a course of measurement of
a superconducting flux-biased phase qubit. Insufficiently long measurement
pulse may lead to nonadiabatic transitions between qubit states and
, before tunneling through a reduced barrier is supposed to distinguish
the qubit states. Finite (though large) ratio of tunneling rates for these
states leads to incomplete discrimination between and .
Insufficiently fast energy relaxation after the tunneling of state may
cause the repopulation of the quantum well in which only the state is
supposed to remain. We analyze these types of measurement errors using
analytical approaches as well as numerical solution of the time-dependent
Schr\"{o}dinger equation.Comment: 14 pages, 14 figure
Rate of parity violation from measure concentration
We present a geometric argument determining the kinematic (phase-space)
factor contributing to the relative rate at which degrees of freedom of one
chirality come to dominate over degrees of freedom of opposite chirality, in
models with parity violation. We rely on the measure concentration of a subset
of a Euclidean cube which is controlled by an isoperimetric inequality. We
provide an interpretation of this result in terms of ideas of Statistical
Mechanics.Comment: 10 pages, no figure
Effects of Boson Dispersion in Fermion-Boson Coupled Systems
We study the nonlinear feedback in a fermion-boson system using an extension
of dynamical mean-field theory and the quantum Monte Carlo method. In the
perturbative regimes (weak-coupling and atomic limits) the effective
interaction among fermions increases as the width of the boson dispersion
increases. In the strong coupling regime away from the anti-adiabatic limit,
the effective interaction decreases as we increase the width of the boson
dispersion. This behavior is closely related with complete softening of the
boson field. We elucidate the parameters that control this nonperturbative
region where fluctuations of the dispersive bosons enhance the delocalization
of fermions.Comment: 14 pages RevTeX including 12 PS figure
Coherent Backscattering of Light by Cold Atoms
Light propagating in an optically thick sample experiences multiple
scattering. It is now known that interferences alter this propagation, leading
to an enhanced backscattering, a manifestation of weak localization of light in
such diffuse samples. This phenomenon has been extensively studied with
classical scatterers. In this letter we report the first experimental evidence
for coherent backscattering of light in a laser-cooled gas of Rubidium atoms.Comment: 4 pages REVTEX, 1 page color image GIF, accepted for publication in
Phys. Rev. Let
Spontaneous emission and level shifts in absorbing disordered dielectrics and dense atomic gases: A Green's function approach
Spontaneous emission and Lamb shift of atoms in absorbing dielectrics are
discussed. A Green's-function approach is used based on the multipolar
interaction Hamiltonian of a collection of atomic dipoles with the quantised
radiation field. The rate of decay and level shifts are determined by the
retarded Green's-function of the interacting electric displacement field, which
is calculated from a Dyson equation describing multiple scattering. The
positions of the atomic dipoles forming the dielectrics are assumed to be
uncorrelated and a continuum approximation is used. The associated unphysical
interactions between different atoms at the same location is eliminated by
removing the point-interaction term from the free-space Green's-function (local
field correction). For the case of an atom in a purely dispersive medium the
spontaneous emission rate is altered by the well-known Lorentz local-field
factor. In the presence of absorption a result different from previously
suggested expressions is found and nearest-neighbour interactions are shown to
be important.Comment: 6 pages no figure
Response Inhibition during Cue Reactivity in Problem Gamblers: An fMRI Study
Disinhibition over drug use, enhanced salience of drug use and decreased salience of natural reinforcers are thought to play an important role substance dependence. Whether this is also true for pathological gambling is unclear. To understand the effects of affective stimuli on response inhibition in problem gamblers (PRGs), we designed an affective Go/Nogo to examine the interaction between response inhibition and salience attribution in 16 PRGs and 15 healthy controls (HCs).Four affective blocks were presented with Go trials containing neutral, gamble, positive or negative affective pictures. The No-Go trials in these blocks contained neutral pictures. Outcomes of interest included percentage of impulsive errors and mean reaction times in the different blocks. Brain activity related to No-Go trials was assessed to measure response inhibition in the various affective conditions and brain activity related to Go trials was assessed to measure salience attribution.PRGs made fewer errors during gamble and positive trials than HCs, but were slower during all trials types. Compared to HCs, PRGs activated the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, anterior cingulate and ventral striatum to a greater extent while viewing gamble pictures. The dorsal lateral and inferior frontal cortex were more activated in PRGs than in HCs while viewing positive and negative pictures. During neutral inhibition, PRGs were slower but similar in accuracy to HCs, and showed more dorsolateral prefrontal and anterior cingulate cortex activity. In contrast, during gamble and positive pictures PRGs performed better than HCs, and showed lower activation of the dorsolateral and anterior cingulate cortex.This study shows that gambling-related stimuli are more salient for PRGs than for HCs. PRGs seem to rely on compensatory brain activity to achieve similar performance during neutral response inhibition. A gambling-related or positive context appears to facilitate response inhibition as indicated by lower brain activity and fewer behavioural errors in PRGs
Jacobson generators of the quantum superalgebra and Fock representations
As an alternative to Chevalley generators, we introduce Jacobson generators
for the quantum superalgebra . The expressions of all
Cartan-Weyl elements of in terms of these Jacobson generators
become very simple. We determine and prove certain triple relations between the
Jacobson generators, necessary for a complete set of supercommutation relations
between the Cartan-Weyl elements. Fock representations are defined, and a
substantial part of this paper is devoted to the computation of the action of
Jacobson generators on basis vectors of these Fock spaces. It is also
determined when these Fock representations are unitary. Finally, Dyson and
Holstein-Primakoff realizations are given, not only for the Jacobson
generators, but for all Cartan-Weyl elements of .Comment: 27 pages, LaTeX; to be published in J. Math. Phy
DZ Cha: a bona fide photoevaporating disc
DZ Cha is a weak-lined T Tauri star (WTTS) surrounded by a bright
protoplanetary disc with evidence of inner disc clearing. Its narrow \Ha line
and infrared spectral energy distribution suggest that DZ Cha may be a
photoevaporating disc. We aim to analyse the DZ Cha star + disc system to
identify the mechanism driving the evolution of this object. We have analysed
three epochs of high resolution optical spectroscopy, photometry from the UV up
to the sub-mm regime, infrared spectroscopy, and J-band imaging polarimetry
observations of DZ Cha. Combining our analysis with previous studies we find no
signatures of accretion in the \Ha line profile in nine epochs covering a
time baseline of years. The optical spectra are dominated by
chromospheric emission lines, but they also show emission from the forbidden
lines [SII] 4068 and [OI] 6300 that indicate a disc outflow. The
polarized images reveal a dust depleted cavity of au in radius and two
spiral-like features, and we derive a disc dust mass limit of
80 \MJup) companions are detected down to 0\farcs07 ( au,
projected). The negligible accretion rate, small cavity, and forbidden line
emission strongly suggests that DZ Cha is currently at the initial stages of
disc clearing by photoevaporation. At this point the inner disc has drained and
the inner wall of the truncated outer disc is directly exposed to the stellar
radiation. We argue that other mechanisms like planet formation or binarity
cannot explain the observed properties of DZ Cha. The scarcity of objects like
this one is in line with the dispersal timescale ( yr) predicted
by this theory. DZ Cha is therefore an ideal target to study the initial stages
of photoevaporation.Comment: A&A in press, language corrections include
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