2,993 research outputs found

    Sunspot rotation. I. A consequence of flux emergence

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    Context. Solar eruptions and high flare activity often accompany the rapid rotation of sunspots. The study of sunspot rotation and the mechanisms driving this motion are therefore key to our understanding of how the solar atmosphere attains the conditions necessary for large energy release. Aims. We aim to demonstrate and investigate the rotation of sunspots in a 3D numerical experiment of the emergence of a magnetic flux tube as it rises through the solar interior and emerges into the atmosphere. Furthermore, we seek to show that the sub-photospheric twist stored in the interior is injected into the solar atmosphere by means of a definitive rotation of the sunspots. Methods. A numerical experiment is performed to solve the 3D resistive magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) equations using a Lagrangian-Remap code. We track the emergence of a toroidal flux tube as it rises through the solar interior and emerges into the atmosphere investigating various quantities related to both the magnetic field and plasma. Results. Through detailed analysis of the numerical experiment, we find clear evidence that the photospheric footprints or sunspots of the flux tube undergo a rotation. Significant vertical vortical motions are found to develop within the two polarity sources after the field emerges. These rotational motions are found to leave the interior portion of the field untwisted and twist up the atmospheric portion of the field. This is shown by our analysis of the relative magnetic helicity as a significant portion of the interior helicity is transported to the atmosphere. In addition, there is a substantial transport of magnetic energy to the atmosphere. Rotation angles are also calculated by tracing selected fieldlines; the fieldlines threading through the sunspot are found to rotate through angles of up to 353 degrees over the course of the experiment

    Entanglement, fidelity, and quantum-classical correlations with an atom walking in a quantized cavity field

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    Stability and instability of quantum evolution are studied in the interaction between a two-level atom with photon recoil and a quantized field mode in an ideal cavity, the basic model of cavity quantum electrodynamics (QED). It is shown that the Jaynes-Cummings dynamics can be unstable in the regime of chaotic walking of the atomic center-of-mass in the quantized field of a standing wave in the absence of any kind of interaction with environment. This kind of quantum instability manifests itself in strong variations of reduced quantum purity and entropy, correlating with the respective classical Lyapunov exponent, and in exponential sensitivity of fidelity of quantum states to small variations in the atom-field detuning. The connection between quantum entanglement and fidelity and the center-of-mass motion is clarified analytically and numerically for a few regimes of that motion. The results are illustrated with two specific initial field states: the Fock and coherent ones. Numerical experiments demonstrate various manifestations of the quantum-classical correspondence, including dynamical chaos and fractals, which can be, in principle, observed in real experiments with atoms and photons in high finesse cavities

    Collective Sideband Cooling in an Optical Ring Cavity

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    We propose a cavity based laser cooling and trapping scheme, providing tight confinement and cooling to very low temperatures, without degradation at high particle densities. A bidirectionally pumped ring cavity builds up a resonantly enhanced optical standing wave which acts to confine polarizable particles in deep potential wells. The particle localization yields a coupling of the degenerate travelling wave modes via coherent photon redistribution. This induces a splitting of the cavity resonances with a high frequency component, that is tuned to the anti-Stokes Raman sideband of the particles oscillating in the potential wells, yielding cooling due to excess anti-Stokes scattering. Tight confinement in the optical lattice together with the prediction, that more than 50% of the trapped particles can be cooled into the motional ground state, promise high phase space densities.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Method and apparatus for vapor detection

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    The method disclosed herein may be practiced by passing the vapors to be sampled along a path with halogen vapor, preferably chlorine vapor, heating the mixed vapors to halogenate those of the sampled vapors subject to halogenation, removing unreacted halogen vapor, and then sensing the vapors for organic halogenated compounds. The apparatus disclosed herein comprises means for flowing the vapors, both sample and halogen vapors, into a common path, means for heating the mixed vapors to effect the halogenation reaction, means for removing unreacted halogen vapor, and a sensing device for sensing halogenated compounds. By such a method and means, the vapors of low molecular weight hydrocarbons, ketones and alcohols, when present, such as methane, ethane, acetone, ethanol, and the like are converted, at least in part, to halogenated compounds, then the excess halogen removed or trapped, and the resultant vapors of the halogenated compounds sensed or detected. The system is highly sensitive. For example, acetone in a concentration of 30 parts per billion (volume) is readily detected

    Molecular imaging of extracellular vesicles in vitro via Raman metabolic labelling

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    Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are biologically-derived nanovectors important for intercellular communication and trafficking. As such, EVs show great promise as disease biomarkers and therapeutic drug delivery vehicles. However, despite the rapidly growing interest in EVs, understanding of the biological mechanisms that govern their biogenesis, secretion, and uptake remains poor. Advances in this field have been hampered by both the complex biological origins of EVs, which make them difficult to isolate and identify, and a lack of suitable imaging techniques to properly study their diverse biological roles. Here, we present a new strategy for simultaneous quantitative in vitro imaging and molecular characterisation of EVs in 2D and 3D based on Raman spectroscopy and metabolic labelling. Deuterium, in the form of deuterium oxide (D2O), deuterated choline chloride (d-Chol), or deuterated D-glucose (d-Gluc), is metabolically incorporated into EVs through the growth of parent cells on medium containing one of these compounds. Isolated EVs are thus labelled with deuterium, which acts as a bio-orthogonal Raman-active tag for direct Raman identification of EVs when introduced to unlabelled cell cultures. Metabolic deuterium incorporation demonstrates no apparent adverse effects on EV secretion, marker expression, morphology, or global composition, indicating its capacity for minimally obstructive EV labelling. As such, our metabolic labelling strategy could provide integral insights into EV biocomposition and trafficking. This approach has the potential to enable a deeper understanding of many of the biological mechanisms underpinning EVs, with profound implications for the design of EVs as therapeutic delivery vectors and applications as disease biomarkers

    A three-dimensional study of reconnection, current sheets and jets resulting from magnetic flux emergence in the Sun

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    We present the results of a set of three-dimensional numerical simulations of magnetic flux emergence from below the photosphere into the corona that include a uniform and horizontal coronal magnetic field mimicking a pre-existing large-scale coronal magnetic system. Cases with different relative orientations of the upcoming and coronal fields are studied. Upon contact, a concentrated current sheet with the shape of an arch or bridge is formed at the interface which marks the positions of maximum jump in the field vector between the two systems. Relative angles above 90 degrees yield abundant magnetic reconnection and plasma heating. The reconnection is seen to be intrisincally three-dimensional in nature, except at singular positions along the current sheet. It drives collimated high-speed and high-temperature outflows only a short distance from the reconnection site that propagate along the ambient magnetic field lines as jets. Due to the low plasma density in the corona, these jets may propagate over large distances and, therefore help distribute high-density and high-temperature plasma along these newly reconnected field lines. The experiments permit to discern and visualize the three-dimensional shape and relative position of the upcoming plasma hill, high-speed jets and subphotospheric flux system. As a result of the reconnection, magnetic field lines from the magnetized plasma below the surface end up as coronal field lines, thus causing a profound change in the connectivity of the magnetic regions in the corona. The experiments presented here thus yield a number of features repeatedly observed with the TRACE satellite and the YOHKOH-SXT detector, like the establishment of connectivity between emergent and pre-existing active regions, local heating and high-velocity outflows.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures, inpress ApJ

    Integrating technology into complex intervention trial processes: a case study

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    This is the final version of the article. Available from BioMed Central via the DOI in this record.Background Trials of complex interventions are associated with high costs and burdens in terms of paperwork, management, data collection, validation, and intervention fidelity assessment occurring across multiple sites. Traditional data collection methods rely on paper-based forms, where processing can be time-consuming and error rates high. Electronic source data collection can potentially address many of these inefficiencies, but has not routinely been used in complex intervention trials. Here we present the use of an on-line system for managing all aspects of data handling and for the monitoring of trial processes in a multicentre trial of a complex intervention. We custom built a web-accessible software application for the delivery of ENGAGE-HD, a multicentre trial of a complex physical therapy intervention. The software incorporated functionality for participant randomisation, data collection and assessment of intervention fidelity. It was accessible to multiple users with differing levels of access depending on required usage or to maintain blinding. Each site was supplied with a 4G-enabled iPad for accessing the system. The impact of this system was quantified through review of data quality and collation of feedback from site coordinators and assessors through structured process interviews. Results The custom-built system was an efficient tool for collecting data and managing trial processes. Although the set-up time required was significant, using the system resulted in an overall data completion rate of 98.5% with a data query rate of 0.1%, the majority of which were resolved in under a week. Feedback from research staff indicated that the system was highly acceptable for use in a research environment. This was a reflection of the portability and accessibility of the system when using the iPad and its usefulness in aiding accurate data collection, intervention fidelity and general administration. Conclusions A combination of commercially available hardware and a bespoke online database designed to support data collection, intervention fidelity and trial progress provides a viable option for streamlining trial processes in a multicentre complex intervention trial. There is scope to further extend the system to cater for larger trials and add further functionality such as automatic reporting facilities and participant management support.The ENGAGE-HD trial was funded by Health and Social Care Wales, United Kingdom. The South East Wales Trials Unit is funded by the Wales Assembly Government through Health and Care Research Wales

    tert-Butyl 3-[2,2-bis­(ethoxy­carbon­yl)­vinyl]-2-methyl-1H-indole-1-carboxyl­ate

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    In the title compound, C22H27NO6, the indole ring system is planar and the ethoxy­carbonyl chains adopt extended conformations. In the crystal, inversion dimers linked by pairs of C—H⋯O hydrogen bonds occur, resulting in R 2 2(16) dimers, which are inter­linked into a chain propagating along the a axis by π–π stacking inter­actions [centroid–centroid distance 3.5916 (9) Å]

    Trapping of Single Atoms with Single Photons in Cavity QED

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    Two recent experiments have reported the trapping of individual atoms inside optical resonators by the mechanical forces associated with single photons [Hood et al., Science 287, 1447 (2000) and Pinkse et al., Nature 404, 365 (2000)]. Here we analyze the trapping dynamics in these settings, focusing on two points of interest. Firstly, we investigate the extent to which light-induced forces in these experiments are distinct from their free-space counterparts. Secondly, we explore the quantitative features of the resulting atomic motion and how these dynamics are mapped onto variations of the intracavity field. Not surprisingly, qualitatively distinct atomic dynamics arise as the coupling and dissipative rates are varied. For the experiment of Hood et al., we show that atomic motion is largely conservative and is predominantly in radial orbits transverse to the cavity axis. A comparison with the free-space theory demonstrates that the fluctuations of the dipole force are suppressed by an order of magnitude. This effect is based upon the Jaynes-Cummings eigenstates of the atom-cavity system and represents qualitatively new physics for optical forces at the single-photon level. By contrast, even in a regime of strong coupling in the experiment of Pinkse et al., there are only small quantitative distinctions between the free-space theory and the quantum theory, so it is not clear that description of this experiment as a novel single-quantum trapping effect is necessary. The atomic motion is strongly diffusive, leading to an average localization time comparable to the time for an atom to transit freely through the cavity and to a reduction in the ability to infer aspects of the atomic motion from the intracavity photon number.Comment: 19 pages, 22 figure files, REVTEX, corrected spelling, LaTeX now produces postscript which includes figures, minor changes to figures. Final version to be published in Physical Review A, expanded summary of results in introduction, minor changes to figures and tex

    Two-atom dark states in electromagnetic cavities

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    The center-of-mass motion of two two-level atoms coupled to a single damped mode of an electromagnetic resonator is investigated. For the case of one atom being initially excited and the cavity mode in the vacuum state it is shown that the atomic time evolution is dominated by the appearance of dark states. These states, in which the initial excitation is stored in the internal atomic degrees of freedom and the atoms become quantum mechanically entangled, are almost immune against photon loss from the cavity. Various properties of the dark states within and beyond the Raman-Nath approximation of atom optics are worked out.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure