1,045 research outputs found

    Value of the electronic patient record: An analysis of the literature

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    AbstractWe undertook a systematic review of the literature on the basis of published studies on the benefit and costs of Electronic Patient Records (EPRs) to clarify the issue of whether and to what extent the use of an EPR is worthwhile. We carried out a systematic electronic search for articles published between 1966 and early 2004 using MEDLINE, following up cross-references from the articles found. We searched first for suitable medical subject headings (MeSH) for electronic patient record, benefit and costs. We obtained 7860 citations with the MeSH keyword ‘‘Medical Record System, Computerized”. After combination with appropriate keywords this number was reduced to 588, after a review by two reviewers independently based on abstracts down to 95, and after a further review based on full-text articles to 19 covering 20 studies. The publications evaluated thus document the economic benefits of EPR in a number of areas, but they do not make a statement of the cost effectiveness of EPR in general

    On The Dynamics Of The Difference Equation

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    In this paper, we studied the global behavior of the difference equation nbspwith non-negative parameters and the initial conditions nbspare non-negative real numbers

    Molecular diversity among Turkish oaks (QUERCUS) using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis

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    The genus Quercus (Fagaceae) includes the most important woody plants with decidious and evergreen species in Northern hemisiphere. They have a problematic taxonomy because of widespread hybridization between the infrageneric taxa. Turkey is one of the most important region of the world according to oak species number and variation. In this study, species belonging to evergreen oaks in Turkey were investigated to solve taxonomic problems and to design the limit of taxa by using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) data. Here, three species of evergreen oaks known as Quercus coccifera, Quercus ilex and Quercus aucheri were studied in all area located and made the comparison within and among species studied using ten RAPD markers. As a result; it can be stated that the presence of the three species in Ilex section is clear. Furthermore, existence of two infraspecific taxa or two seperate taxa in species level within Q. coccifera may be quite possibly considered.Key words: Quercus ilex, Quercus coccifera, Quercus aucheri, random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD)

    Evaluation of the morphological characteristic and sex differences of sternum by multi-detector computed tomography

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    Background: Sternum is one of the skeleton parts which have frequently congenital anomalies and variations are commonly used by researchers in determining sex. We evaluated the morphological characteristics and sex-related changes of the sternum in adult individuals using multidetector computed tomography inour study.Materials and methods: Two hundred adults (103 female and 97 male) aged between 18 and 87 years were evaluated. Utilising the morphological characteristics of the sternum based on the multislice images; length, width and the thickness of manubrium, length, width and the thickness of corpus sterni, total length of sternum, sternal angle, sternal index (SI), length of the xiphoid process, the thickness of xiphoid process, the number of indents of xiphoid process were measured and a total of 20 parameters were evaluated by adding age, heightand weight to these variables.Results: The mean length of the manubrium, the length of corpus sterni, the length of total sternum, SI, sternal angle were found in females 46.7 ± 5.1, 86.6 ± 9.7, 133.1 ± 1.1, 54.47 ± 10.0 and 163.75 ± 5.79; in males 51.2 ± 6,102.4 ± 13.3, 154.1 ± 13.1, 50.11 ± 10.02 and 162.21 ± 6.17, respectively. We found that Hyrtl’s Law and SI did not provide adequate accuracy for sex determination in our patients. It has been detected that the length of the manubrium alone is not helpful for individual samples. Total length of the sternum was found to bemore reliable than the length of the manubrium and the length of corpus sterni. We determined sternal cleft and sternal foramen as 0.5% and 3.5%, respectively.Conclusions: We suggest that the morphometric standards cannot be universally applied and can demonstrate individual differences. The standard rules must be implemented for every population

    Determination of Bioactive Compounds and Mineral Contents of Seedless Parts and Seeds of Grapes

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    In this study, phenolic compounds, minerals, total flavonoids, total phenolic contents and antioxidant activities of the seedless parts (pulp+skin) and seeds of table and wine grapes were determined. Also, the total oil, tocopherol contents and fatty acid composition of seed oils of table and wine grapes were investigated. The highest total phenolic content of the grape pulp was found in Trakya ilkeren (199.063mg/100 g), while total flavonoid and antioxidant activity of the pulp was determined at a high level in Red Globe (6.810 mg/g, 90.948%). Antioxidant activity, and the total phenolic and flavonoid contents of grape seeds varied between 86.688 and 90.974%, 421.563 and 490.625 mg GAE/100 g, and 90.595 and 145.595 mg/g respectively (p < 0.05). Generally, the main phenolic compounds of all grape pulps and seeds were gallic acid, 3,4- dihydroxybenzoic acid, (+)-catechin and 1,2-dihydroxybenzene. In addition, the oil contents of grape seeds ranged from 5.275 (Çavuş) to 13.881% (Çınarlı karası) (p < 0.05). The major fatty acids of grape seed oils were linoleic, oleic and palmitic acid. The seed oil of the Trakya ilkeren variety was rich in tocopherols in comparison with the other varieties. The major minerals of both the seedless parts and the seeds were determined as K, Ca, P, S, Mg

    Assessment of subjective sleep quality in iron deficiency anaemia

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    Objectives: We aimed to assess the effect of anemia on subjective sleep quality in patients with iron deficiency anemia (IDA).Methods: One hundred and four patients diagnosed with IDA and 80 healthy individuals, who are gender and age matched, were included in the study. All participants were requested to fill 3 forms: a socio-demographic form (age, gender, marital status, income level and educational status), hospital anxiety and depression (HAD) scale and pittsburgh sleep quality index (PSQI).Results: According to the HAD scale, the average anxiety score was found 9.24±4.37 in patients and 7.58± 4.07 in controls. And, the average depression score was 7.53±4.10 in patients and 6.41±2.74 in controls. The total sleep quality score was 6.71±3.02 in patients and 4.11±1.64 in controls. There was a statistically significant difference in terms of anxiety, depression and sleep quality scores. Linear regression analysis showed no association between anxiety and depression with poor sleeping.Conclusion: IDA affects sleep quality irrespective of psychological symptoms such as depression and anxiety.Keywords: Iron deficiency anemia, sleep quality, anxiet

    Effect of royal jelly on experimental colitis induced by acetic acid and alteration of mast cell distribution in the colon of rats

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    This study investigated the effects of royal jelly (RJ) on acetic acid-induced colitis in rats. Twenty adult female Wistar albino rats were divided into four treatment groups of 5 animals each, including a control group (Group I); Group II was treated orally with RJ (150 mg kg−1 body weight); Group III had acetic acid-induced colitis; and Group IV had acetic acid-induced colitis treated orally with RJ (150 mg kg−1 body weight) for 4 weeks. Colitis was induced by intracolonic instillation of 4% acetic acid; the control group received physiological saline (10 mL kg−1). Colon samples were obtained under deep anaesthesia from animals in all groups. Tissues were fixed in 10% formalin neutral buffer solution for 24 h and embedded in paraffin. Six-micrometre-thick sections were stained with Mallory’s triple stain and toluidine blue in 1% aqueous solution at pH 1.0 for 5 min (for Mast Cells). RJ was shown to protect the colonic mucosa against the injurious effect of acetic acid. Colitis (colonic damage) was confirmed histomorphometrically as significant increases in the number of mast cells (MC) and colonic erosions in rats with acetic acid-induced colitis. The RJ treatment significantly decreased the number of MC and reduced the area of colonic erosion in the colon of RJ-treated rats compared with rats with untreated colitis. The results suggest that oral treatment with RJ could be used to treat colitis

    Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma and chronic pancreatitis may be diagnosed by exhaled-breath profiles:a multicenter pilot study

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    Background: The diagnosis of pancreatic adenocarcinoma and chronic pancreatitis often rely on expensive and invasive diagnostic approaches, which are not always discriminative since patients with chronic pancreatitis and pancreatic adenocarcinoma may present with similar symptoms. Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in expired breath, could be used as a non-invasive diagnostic biological marker for detection of pancreatic pathology. Detection and discrimination of pancreatic pathology with an electronic nose has not yet been reported. Purpose: The objective of this pilot study was to determine the diagnostic potential of an electronic nose to identify pancreatic adenocarcinoma and chronic pancreatitis by analyzing volatile organic compoundg (VOC) profiles in exhaled air. Patients and methods: In a multicenter study, the exhaled air of 56 chronic pancreatitis patients, 29 pancreatic adenocarcinoma patients, and 74 disease controls were analyzed using an electronic nose based on 3 metal oxide sensors (MOS). The measurements were evaluated utilizing an artificial neural network. Results: VOC profiles of chronic pancreatitis patients could be discriminated from disease controls with an accuracy of 0.87 (AUC 0.95, sensitivity 80%, specificity 92%). Also, VOC profiles of patients with pancreatic adenocarcinoma differed from disease controls with an accuracy of 0.83 (AUC 0.87, sensitivity 83%, specificity 82%). Discrimination between chronic pancreatitis and pancreatic adenocarcinoma showed an accuracy of 0.75 (AUC 0.83, sensitivity 83%, specificity 71%). Conclusion: An electronic nose may be a valuable diagnostic tool in diagnosis of pancreatic adenocarcinoma and chronic pancreatitis. The current study shows the potential of an electronic nose for discriminating between chronic pancreatitis, pancreatic adenocarcinoma and healthy controls. The results from this proof-of-concept study warrant external validation in larger cohorts