233 research outputs found

    The Transition Matrix Between the Specht and 3 Web Bases is Unitriangular With Respect to Shadow Containment

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    Webs are planar graphs with boundary that describe morphisms in a diagrammatic representation category for k ⁠. They are studied extensively by knot theorists because braiding maps provide a categorical way to express link diagrams in terms of webs, producing quantum invariants like the well-known Jones polynomial. One important question in representation theory is to identify the relationships between different bases; coefficients in the change-of-basis matrix often describe combinatorial, algebraic, or geometric quantities (e.g., Kazhdan–Lusztig polynomials). By ”flattening” the braiding maps, webs can also be viewed as the basis elements of a symmetric group representation. In this paper, we define two new combinatorial structures for webs: band diagrams and their one-dimensional projections, shadows, which measure depths of regions inside the web. As an application, we resolve an open conjecture that the change of basis between the so-called Specht basis and web basis of this symmetric group representation is unitriangular for 3 -webs ([ 33] and [ 29].) We do this using band diagrams and shadows to construct a new partial order on webs that is a refinement of the usual partial order. In fact, we prove that for 2 -webs, our new partial order coincides with the tableau partial order on webs studied by the authors and others [ 12, 17, 29, 33]. We also prove that though the new partial order for 3 -webs is a refinement of the previously studied tableau order, the two partial orders do not agree for 3 ⁠

    Springer Representations on the Khovanov Springer Varieties

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    Springer varieties are studied because their cohomology carries a natural action of the symmetric group Sn and their top-dimensional cohomology is irreducible. In his work on tangle invariants, Khovanov constructed a family of Springer varieties Xn as subvarieties of the product of spheres (S2)n. We show that if Xn is embedded antipodally in (S2)n then the natural Sn-action on (S2)n induces an Sn-representation on the image of H*(Xn). This representation is the Springer representation. Our construction admits an elementary (and geometrically natural) combinatorial description, which we use to prove that the Springer representation on H*(Xn) is irreducible in each degree. We explicitly identify the Kazhdan-Lusztig basis for the irreducible representation of Sn corresponding to the partition (n/2, n/2)

    The Transition Matrix Between the Specht and Web Bases is Unipotent with Additional Vanishing Entries

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    We compare two important bases of an irreducible representation of the symmetric group: the web basis and the Specht basis. The web basis has its roots in the Temperley-Lieb algebra and knot-theoretic considerations. The Specht basis is a classic algebraic and combinatorial construction of symmetric group representations which arises in this context through the geometry of varieties called Springer fibers. We describe a graph that encapsulates combinatorial relations between each of these bases, prove that there is a unique way (up to scaling) to map the Specht basis into the web representation, and use this to recover a result of Garsia-McLarnan that the transition matrix between the Specht and web bases is upper-triangular with ones along the diagonal. We then strengthen their result to prove vanishing of certain additional entries unless a nesting condition on webs is satisfied. In fact we conjecture that the entries of the transition matrix are nonnegative and are nonzero precisely when certain directed paths exist in the web graph

    The Robinson-Schensted Correspondence and A2-Web Bases

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    We study natural bases for two constructions of the irreducible representation of the symmetric group corresponding to [n; n; n]: the reduced web basis associated to Kuperberg\u27s combinatorial description of the spider category; and the left cell basis for the left cell construction of Kazhdan and Lusztig. In the case of [n; n], the spider category is the Temperley-Lieb category; reduced webs correspond to planar matchings, which are equivalent to left cell bases. This paper compares the image of these bases under classical maps: the Robinson-Schensted algorithm between permutations and Young tableaux and Khovanov-Kuperberg\u27s bijection between Young tableaux and reduced webs. One main result uses Vogan\u27s generalized T-invariant to uncover a close structural relationship between the web basis and the left cell basis. Intuitively, generalized T-invariants refine the data of the inversion set of a permutation. We define generalized T-invariants intrinsically for Kazhdan-Lusztig left cell basis elements and for webs. We then show that the generalized T-invariant is preserved by these classical maps. Thus, our result allows one to interpret Khovanov-Kuperberg\u27s bijection as an analogue of the Robinson-Schensted correspondence. Despite all of this, our second main result proves that the reduced web and left cell bases are inequivalent; that is, these bijections are not S3n-equivariant maps

    The Robinson-Schensted Correspondence and A\u3csub\u3e2\u3c/sub\u3e-web Bases

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    We study natural bases for two constructions of the irreducible representation of the symmetric group corresponding to [n, n, n]: the reduced web basis associated to Kuperberg’s combinatorial description of the spider category; and the left cell basis for the left cell construction of Kazhdan and Lusztig. In the case of [n, n], the spider category is the Temperley-Lieb category; reduced webs correspond to planar matchings, which are equivalent to left cell bases. This paper compares the image of these bases under classical maps: the Robinson–Schensted algorithm between permutations and Young tableaux and Khovanov–Kuperberg’s bijection between Young tableaux and reduced webs. One main result uses Vogan’s generalized τ-invariant to uncover a close structural relationship between the web basis and the left cell basis. Intuitively, generalized τ-invariants refine the data of the inversion set of a permutation. We define generalized τ-invariants intrinsically for Kazhdan–Lusztig left cell basis elements and for webs. We then show that the generalized τ-invariant is preserved by these classical maps. Thus, our result allows one to interpret Khovanov–Kuperberg’s bijection as an analogue of the Robinson–Schensted correspondence. Despite all of this, our second main result proves that the reduced web and left cell bases are inequivalent; that is, these bijections are not S3n-equivariant maps

    The Robinson―Schensted Correspondence and A2A_2-webs

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    The A2A_2-spider category encodes the representation theory of the sl3sl_3 quantum group. Kuperberg (1996) introduced a combinatorial version of this category, wherein morphisms are represented by planar graphs called webs\textit{webs} and the subset of reduced webs\textit{reduced webs} forms bases for morphism spaces. A great deal of recent interest has focused on the combinatorics of invariant webs for tensors powers of V+V^+, the standard representation of the quantum group. In particular, the invariant webs for the 3nnth tensor power of V+V^+ correspond bijectively to [n,n,n][n,n,n] standard Young tableaux. Kuperberg originally defined this map in terms of a graphical algorithm, and subsequent papers of Khovanov–Kuperberg (1999) and Tymoczko (2012) introduce algorithms for computing the inverse. The main result of this paper is a redefinition of Kuperberg's map through the representation theory of the symmetric group. In the classical limit, the space of invariant webs carries a symmetric group action. We use this structure in conjunction with Vogan's generalized tau-invariant and Kazhdan–Lusztig theory to show that Kuperberg's map is a direct analogue of the Robinson–Schensted correspondence

    A Tonnetz Model for pentachords

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    This article deals with the construction of surfaces that are suitable for representing pentachords or 5-pitch segments that are in the same T/IT/I class. It is a generalization of the well known \"Ottingen-Riemann torus for triads of neo-Riemannian theories. Two pentachords are near if they differ by a particular set of contextual inversions and the whole contextual group of inversions produces a Tiling (Tessellation) by pentagons on the surfaces. A description of the surfaces as coverings of a particular Tiling is given in the twelve-tone enharmonic scale case.Comment: 27 pages, 12 figure

    Generalizing Tanisaki's ideal via ideals of truncated symmetric functions

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    We define a family of ideals IhI_h in the polynomial ring Z[x1,...,xn]\mathbb{Z}[x_1,...,x_n] that are parametrized by Hessenberg functions hh (equivalently Dyck paths or ample partitions). The ideals IhI_h generalize algebraically a family of ideals called the Tanisaki ideal, which is used in a geometric construction of permutation representations called Springer theory. To define IhI_h, we use polynomials in a proper subset of the variables x1,...,xn{x_1,...,x_n} that are symmetric under the corresponding permutation subgroup. We call these polynomials {\em truncated symmetric functions} and show combinatorial identities relating different kinds of truncated symmetric polynomials. We then prove several key properties of IhI_h, including that if h>hh>h' in the natural partial order on Dyck paths then IhIhI_{h} \subset I_{h'}, and explicitly construct a Gr\"{o}bner basis for IhI_h. We use a second family of ideals JhJ_h for which some of the claims are easier to see, and prove that Ih=JhI_h = J_h. The ideals JhJ_h arise in work of Ding, Develin-Martin-Reiner, and Gasharov-Reiner on a family of Schubert varieties called partition varieties. Using earlier work of the first author, the current manuscript proves that the ideals Ih=JhI_h = J_h generalize the Tanisaki ideals both algebraically and geometrically, from Springer varieties to a family of nilpotent Hessenberg varieties.Comment: v1 had 27 pages. v2 is 29 pages and adds Appendix B, where we include a recent proof by Federico Galetto of a conjecture given in the previous version. We also add some connections between our work and earlier results of Ding, Gasharov-Reiner, and Develin-Martin-Reiner. v3 corrects a typo in Valibouze's citation in the bibliography. To appear in Journal of Algebraic Combinatoric