49 research outputs found

    Effects of Clarification and Storage on Anthocyanins and Color of Pomegranate Juice Concentrates

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    Whole pomegranates with rinds were processed into juice and then concentrate. Effects of cold clarification and storage temperatures (-23C, 5C, 12C and 20C) on anthocyanins (ACNs), ACN composition and color were determined. Major ACNs in pomegranate juice concentrate (PJC) were identified as cyanidin-3,5-diglucoside (47.9%), delphinidin-3,5-diglucoside (23.2%) and cyanidin-3-glucoside (18.5%). Diglucosides were more stable than monoglucosides during storage. ACN degradation and polymeric color formation were fitted to first-order reaction models. Higher storage temperatures increased the rate of ACN degradation and polymeric color formation in PJCs. Good correlation (r=-0.988) was found between ACN degradation and polymeric color formation during storage. Rate of ACN degradation and polymeric color formation were slower in the PJC obtained from unclarified juice than PJC obtained from clarified juice during storage. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc

    A review on development and application of plant-based bioflocculants and grafted bioflocculants

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    Flocculation is extensively employed for clarification through sedimentation. Application of eco-friendly plant-based bioflocculants in wastewater treatment has attracted significant attention lately with high removal capability in terms of solids, turbidity, color, and dye. However, moderate flocculating property and short shelf life restrict their development. To enhance the flocculating ability, natural polysaccharides derived from plants are chemically modified by inclusion of synthetic, nonbiodegradable monomers (e.g., acrylamide) onto their backbone to produce grafted bioflocculants. This review is aimed to provide an overview of the development and flocculating efficiencies of plant-based bioflocculants and grafted bioflocculants for the first time. Furthermore, the processing methods, flocculation mechanism, and the current challenges are discussed. All the reported studies about plant-derived bioflocculants are conducted under lab-scale conditions in wastewater treatment. Hence, the possibility to apply natural bioflocculants in food and beverage, mineral, paper and pulp, and oleo-chemical and biodiesel industries is discussed and evaluated

    Realization and Properties of Biochemical-Computing Biocatalytic XOR Gate Based on Enzyme Inhibition by a Substrate

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    We consider a realization of the XOR logic gate in a process biocatalyzed by an enzyme (here horseradish peroxidase: HRP), the function of which can be inhibited by a substrate (hydrogen peroxide for HRP), when the latter is inputted at large enough concentrations. A model is developed for describing such systems in an approach suitable for evaluation of the analog noise amplification properties of the gate. The obtained data are fitted for gate quality evaluation within the developed model, and we discuss aspects of devising XOR gates for functioning in "biocomputing" systems utilizing biomolecules for information processing

    Effect of tree age on chemical compounds of ancient Anatolian black pine (Pinus nigra subsp. pallasiana) needles in Northwest Turkey

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    Plant primary and secondary metabolites are chemical compounds synthesized for essential functions, such as growth and development (primary metabolites), and specific functions, such as pollinator attraction or defense against herbivory (secondary metabolites). Their concentrations in plants are genetically determined, but are also affected by environmental factors. Among these factors, plant age has been reported to influence plant chemical compounds under similar environmental conditions. We aimed to investigate the chemical compounds of ancient Anatolian black pine (Pinus nigra subsp. pallasiana) needles from trees of different ages. Needles of over 500-, 200-, 100-, 50-, and 25-year-old black pine trees growing under similar environmental conditions were sampled and analyzed for photosynthetic pigments (chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b and carotenoids), proline, total soluble protein, glucose, sucrose, total soluble sugar, peroxidation level (MDA-malondialdehyde), hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and antioxidants such as ascorbate peroxidase (APX), catalase (CAT) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activities. Significant differences for chemical composition associated with age were found. In general, results showed that over 500-year-old Anatolian black pine had the highest proline, total soluble protein, H2O2, sucrose, total soluble carbohydrates, APX, CAT and SOD concentrations, whereas they had the lowest chlorophyll a, total chlorophyll, total carotenoid and glucose concentrations. However, 200-year-old trees had the highest glucose, but the lowest chlorophyll b, proline, H2O2 and total soluble carbohydrates. 50- and 25-year-old trees together showed the highest chlorophyll a and b, total chlorophyll, total carotenoid and MDA, but lowest total soluble protein and sucrose. In conclusion, these results provide valuable insight into the chemical composition of Anatolian black pine needles in relation to their age, and can be used for complementing studies on tree growth-defence relationships

    Anthocyanin and colour changes during processing of pomegranate (Punica granatum L.; Cv. Hicaznar) juice from sacs and whole fruit

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    The effects of clarification and pasteurisation on anthocyanins (ACNs) and the colour of pomegranate juice (PJ) produced from sacs and whole fruits were investigated. Clarification caused a loss of 4% of ACNs in juice from sacs (JFS) and a loss of 19% in juice from whole fruit (JFWF). After pasteurisation, there was an 8-14% and 13-9% loss of ACNs from unclarified and clarified JFS and JFWF samples, respectively. Polymeric colour was very high even in unclarified samples (25-29%). Compared to JFS, higher polymeric colour was formed in JFWF. HPLC analyses of PJ revealed that cyanidin-3,5-diglucoside was the major ACN, followed by cyanidin-3-glucoside and delphinidin-3-glucoside. Cyanidin-3,5-diglucoside showed higher stability to clarification and pasteurisation than cyanidin-3-glucoside in both PJ samples. Cold clarification with only gelatin is recommended for PJ. To prevent excessive ACN loss and the formation of brown colouring, PJ should be subjected to minimal heating. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved


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    There are many lakes, sinkholes, aquifers and springs with some complex interrelation among them in the karstic-lakes region of southern Turkey. Groundwater resources and lakes in the region are being used for municipal, industrial, and irrigation purposes at an increasing rate. The stable isotopes of hydrogen and oxygen were used to study the interrelation among lakes, groundwater aquifers, and coastal springs. The isotopic composition of precipitation throughout Turkey fell along the global meteoric line. Lake water composition deviated from precipitation and fell along an evaporation line. Isotopic composition of groundwater fell between that of the precipitation at Konya and in the lakes region. The isotopic composition of springs indicated that their origin was dominated by freshwater lakes having mixed with some groundwater. The groundwater was derived from meltwater infiltration and local precipitation deposited above 1000 a.m.s.l

    A Case Study on Unreported First Probable Human Rabies Following Honey Badger in Somalia

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    Ubah Mumin Ali Osman,1 Selim Turfan,1 Mohamed Farah Yusuf Mohamud1– 3 1Emergency Department, Mogadishu Somali Turkey Training and Research Hospital, Mogadishu, Somalia; 2Faculty of Medicine, Mogadishu University, Mogadishu, Somalia; 3Tayo Institute for Health and Development, Mogadishu, SomaliaCorrespondence: Mohamed Farah Yusuf Mohamud, Emergency Department, Mogadishu Somali Turkey Training and Research Hospital, Digfer Street, Hodan District, Mogadishu, Somalia, Tel +252615591689, Email [email protected]: Rabies is a neglected zoonotic disease caused by a virus. It is an acute progressive neurological disease that affects people in many parts of the world, especially in low income countries including Somalia and it is always lethal once symptoms appear without immediate post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP). Nearly half of rabies cases occur in children. This case report presents a tragic and unique clinical scenario involving a 14-year-old boy from a rural area in Somalia who presented to our tertiary hospital after a bite from a honey badger. The patient’s younger sister, who was also bitten by the same honey badger, sadly succumbed to the disease two weeks prior. This report aims to contribute to the medical literature by highlighting the challenges faced in diagnosing and managing rabies in resource-constrained settings.Keywords: rabies, honey badger, post-exposure prophylaxis, zoonotic disease, Somali

    Sexual functions in pregnancy: different situations in near geography:a case study on Turkey, Iran and Greece

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    Purpose: This descriptive and cross-sectional study aims to determine the sexual function status of primipar and multipar pregnant women who admitted to birth clinics in Iran, Turkey and Greece and to investigate the relationship between pregnancy processes and some variables. Methodology: This descriptive and cross-sectional study population consisted of primipar/multipar pregnant women who met the research inclusion criteria, agreed to participate in the research and admitted to the Tabriz Pars Clinic in Iran, Izmir Aegean Maternity Hospital in Turkey and Thessaloniki University Hospital in Greece. Results: When the sexual problems of women are compared according to their countries,it was determined that 40% of Iranian women “can’t easily share their sexuality issues with their spouses”, whereas this rate was 8% in Turkey and 6.7% in Greece.Considering the prevalence of orgasmic and arousal disorder in the pre-pregnancy period,it was reported that this rate was 53% in Iran, 47% in Greece and 5.6% in Turkey.In the study, the mean “Female Sexual Function Index(FSFI)” score of Turkish women was found to be (59.83 ± 21.75), whereas the FSFI score of Iranian women was (62.86 ± 22.71) and mean FSFI score of the Greek women was (54.33 ± 21.15). Discussion: In the study, it was shown that there is a difference in the sexual problems of the women, depending on the religious and socio-cultural structure of the country they live in. For an effective case and training on sexuality,the norms and values of the society have to be understood in order to raise quality of lives and problem-free sexuality of pregnant women. © 2018, © 2018 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group