415 research outputs found

    The two-dimensional frustrated Heisenberg model on the orthorhombic lattice

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    We discuss new high-field magnetization data recently obtained by Tsirlin et al. for layered vanadium phosphates in the framework of the square-lattice model. Our predictions for the saturation fields compare exceptionally well to the experimental findings, and the strong bending of the curves below saturation agrees very well with the experimental field dependence. Furthermore we discuss the remarkably good agreement of the frustrated Heisenberg model on the square lattice in spite of the fact that the compounds described with this model actually have a lower crystallographic symmetry. We present results from our calculations on the thermodynamics of the model on the orthorhombic (i.e., rectangular) lattice, in particular the temperature dependence of the magnetic susceptibility. This analysis also sheds light on the discussion of magnetic frustration and anisotropy of a class of iron pnictide parent compounds, where several alternative suggestions for the magnetic exchange models were proposed.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in Journal of Physics: Conference Serie

    Average Relaxations of Extremal Problems

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    In this paper extremal problems that include averaging operation in constraints and objective are considered. The relaxation caused by a replacement of a problem without averaging with a problem that includes averaging is formally defined and investigated. Canonical form for nolinear programming problem with averaging is constructed and its conditions for optimality are derived. It is shown how optimality conditions for optimal control problems with various types of objectives and constraints can be derived using its averaged relaxation.averaging; constraint relaxation; nonlinear programming; optimal control problem; optimality conditions

    Optimal Dispatch in Electricity Markets

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    The problem of calculating the optimal dispatch and prices in a single-period electricity auction in a wholesale electricity market is considered here. The novel necessary and sufficient conditions of optimality for this problem are derived and computational algorithms for solving these conditions are constructed.optimal dispatch; electricity market; nonlinear programming; non-convex problems; dynamic programming

    Mathematical Models and Equilibrium in Irreversible Microeconomics

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    A set of equilibrium states in a system consisting of economic agents, economic reservoirs, and firms is considered. Methods of irreversible microeconomics are used. We show that direct sale/purchase leads to an equilibrium state which depends upon the coefficients of supply/demand functions. To reach the unique equilibrium state it is necessary to add either monetary exchange or an intermediate firm.irreversible microeconomics, mathematical models, thermodynamics

    Large quantum fluctuations in the strongly coupled spin-1/2 chains of green dioptase: a hidden message from birds and trees

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    The green mineral dioptase Cu6Si6O18(H2O)6 has been known since centuries and plays an important role in esoteric doctrines. In particular, the green dioptase is supposed to grant the skill to speak with trees and to understand the language of birds. Armed with natural samples of dioptase, we were able to unravel the magnetic nature of the mineral (presumably with hidden support from birds and trees) and show that strong quantum fluctuations can be realized in an essentially framework-type spin lattice of coupled chains, thus neither frustration nor low-dimensionality are prerequisites. We present a microscopic magnetic model for the green dioptase. Based on full-potential DFT calculations, we find two relevant couplings in this system: an antiferromagnetic coupling J_c, forming spiral chains along the hexagonal c axis, and an inter-chain ferromagnetic coupling J_d within structural Cu2O6 dimers. To refine the J_c and J_d values and to confirm the proposed spin model, we perform quantum Monte-Carlo simulations for the dioptase spin lattice. The derived magnetic susceptibility, the magnetic ground state, and the sublattice magnetization are in remarkably good agreement with the experimental data. The refined model parameters are J_c = 78 K and J_d = -37 K with J_d/J_c ~ -0.5. Despite the apparent three-dimensional features of the spin lattice and the lack of frustration, strong quantum fluctuations in the system are evidenced by a broad maximum in the magnetic susceptibility, a reduced value of the Neel temperature T_N ~ 15 K >> J_c, and a low value of the sublattice magnetization m = 0.55 Bohr magneton. All these features should be ascribed to the low coordination number of 3 that outbalances the three-dimensional nature of the spin lattice.Comment: Dedicated to Stefan-Ludwig Drechsler on the occasion of his 60th birthday (9 pages, 6 figures

    A Minimal Dissipation Type-Based Classification in Irreversible Thermodynamics and Microeconomics

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    We formulate the problem of finding classes of kinetic dependencies in irreversible thermodynamic and microeconomic systems for which minimal dissipation processes belong to the same type. We show that this problem is an inverse optimal control problem and solve it. The commonality of this problem in irreversible thermodynamics and microeconomics is emphasized.

    Magnetism of CuX2 frustrated chains (X = F, Cl, Br): the role of covalency

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    Periodic and cluster density-functional theory (DFT) calculations, including DFT+U and hybrid functionals, are applied to study magnetostructural correlations in spin-1/2 frustrated chain compounds CuX2: CuCl2, CuBr2, and a fictitious chain structure of CuF2. The nearest-neighbor and second-neighbor exchange integrals, J1 and J2, are evaluated as a function of the Cu-X-Cu bridging angle, theta, in the physically relevant range 80-110deg. In the ionic CuF2, J1 is ferromagnetic for theta smaller 100deg. For larger angles, the antiferromagnetic superexchange contribution becomes dominant, in accord with the Goodenough-Kanamori-Anderson rules. However, both CuCl2 and CuBr2 feature ferromagnetic J1 in the whole angular range studied. This surprising behavior is ascribed to the increased covalency in the Cl and Br compounds, which amplifies the contribution from Hund's exchange on the ligand atoms and renders J1 ferromagnetic. At the same time, the larger spatial extent of X orbitals enhances the antiferromagnetic J2, which is realized via the long-range Cu-X-X-Cu paths. Both, periodic and cluster approaches supply a consistent description of the magnetic behavior which is in good agreement with the experimental data for CuCl2 and CuBr2. Thus, owing to their simplicity, cluster calculations have excellent potential to study magnetic correlations in more involved spin lattices and facilitate application of quantum-chemical methods
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